The Venusian Trilogy / From Venus I Came. Omnec Onec

The Venusian Trilogy / From Venus I Came - Omnec Onec

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was born in the imagination. Imagination is the most powerful faculty in man and the key to the creation of reality. With his imagination, man is as much a creator as is God Itself.

      Chapter Two

      Laws of The Supreme Deity

      Venus is one of the older, more advanced planets in our solar system. So ancient are our people, that my ancestors were able to watch Earth in its development and to explore the green planet when it first became livable. Since then, we have grown spiritually, culturally and technically as a civilization, and as individuals, to a point inconceivable to the people of Earth. So radically different is life on Venus that it would be useless for me to jump right into the story of my life there or mention such simple things as my birth or my home, without these chapters about our culture and history.

      When we say that the basic difference between Tythanians and the people of Earth lies in each individual’s self-awareness, that is still a world of difference. The growth of a planet over millions of years depends on how spiritually awake and aware the people become.

      Whenever the people of Venus speak of their culture, their technology, or any facet of their lives, credit always goes to our planetary science or teaching called the Laws of the Supreme Deity. Only through this advanced form of science, where spirituality and science are two faces of the same thing, have we grown in so many ways.

      Only through an awareness of this science can people on Earth begin to understand the Venusian life, and my own life. Without the Laws of the Supreme Deity, Venus would be as Earth is today.

      As a child I was well grounded in the fundamentals of the Laws, as is every child and every adult on Venus, because the teaching had long ago been discovered to be the true way, the true understanding for the entire planet. Only later in life, on Earth, would I realize how very precious the Laws of the Supreme Deity had been, and how fortunate I was to have received a thorough grounding in this teaching.

      Knowing of Karma and the purpose of life in the physical world, and being aware of worlds beyond the physical universe, I found it much easier to survive the nightmares of my life on Earth. During my life on Venus I had gained the emotional strength necessary for me to cope with the hardships ahead. I was able to understand and accept life and my own difficulties more maturely.

      Yet anyone on Earth who is open to this teaching can rise above the problems of the physical world. I was told about the future of this teaching shortly before I left Venus. One day, the Laws of the Supreme Deity will be recognized on Earth for what they really are. The seeds have already been planted. Our people plan to become more and more involved in making this a reality.

      An understanding that becomes a living experience for the individual studying the Laws of the Supreme Deity, is exactly what it means by I. Many different ideas can fill your mind when you ask yourself, “Who am I?” On Earth, there will be as many different conceptions as there are people. It is this self-conception that makes such a world of difference in anyone’s life, whether he lives on Venus or Earth, or on any other planet in any galaxy. To grow into the full realization as to what and who you really are, turns out to be the purpose of life in this physical universe and several other universes. All the experience that an individual can have through countless lifetimes culminates in a full awakening and a total awareness as to who you really are. The Laws of the Supreme Deity is a spiritual teaching, though under many different names, that has always existed, whether secretly or openly, on every planet, for those who are ready to achieve the goal of their many lifetimes of trial and experience.

      Soul is so real that no one should have to wait until death to learn about its reality. It can be experienced now. In the physical world, Soul is usually considered to be located at a point just between and behind the eyes of the physical body. However, you as Soul can also learn to detach yourself from the physical body while it is still alive, so that you may be several feet from the body, miles away, or in one of the worlds which the religions call Heaven.

      Soul is a unit of awareness. It can know, be and see. Much more cannot be said about its basic nature, except that in quality, Soul is a duplicate of the Being called God. If you were to close your eyes and sit very still, away from noises and distractions, you will find one point in the body where you are most awake. Usually it’s a spot in the center of the head behind and between the eyes which can be separate from and aware of physical sensations, sounds, sights, thoughts, and feelings. We have an indescribable something which can observe all the things a person may falsely believe he is. This detached observer is Soul, the real You.

      If you close your eyes and create the face of a friend on the screen of your mind, it would be Soul that is looking at the picture. The mind is not looking, because it is only the tool used to form and hold the image.

      Another way to experience the reality of Soul goes like this. As I speak to a friend, are the words coming from my mouth myself? Of course not! But if I were to watch carefully as I speak, being fully aware of each word as it comes out, I will begin to notice that something is listening to those words.

      It is not a thought but a unit of awareness. Why is it not a thought, or the mind? Because I can think a certain clear thought as “I wonder if there is a difference between the mind and Soul”, and be aware of it as the thought passes through my mind. The still, silent something which watches thoughts being produced by the mind, and knows they are thoughts, is the unit of awareness we call Soul. Very often we confuse thoughts with the unit of awareness that can watch them. We can have a thought such as, “I am fully aware of my thoughts”, accept it as true, and forget that it too is only a thought. It too can be consciously watched as Soul. The awareness and the mental world of man are two different things.

      By far the best way of finding out that you are Soul is to leave the body in Soul form while you are still living. This is called an out-of-body experience and it proves that you are something beyond the physical body.

      It is useless to become involved in how old you are as Soul, because Soul Itself exists beyond time and space. Counting the many lifetimes before this one, you are easily many millions of years old. Through all those lifetimes you have remained the individual, and you will continue to be an individual after the last physical incarnation. The physical bodies, personalities, surroundings, and experiences may have changed, but always there was the real awareness, the real you, learning lessons and unfolding spiritually. To learn, grow, and awaken was the reason that Soul came into the physical world in the first place, eons ago.

      Soul’s journey to the physical world involved many other worlds beyond ours. These are the so-called parallel universes I spoke of, which the Venusians and many other peoples discovered and explored. To the people of Venus, these planes of existence are the ultimate frontier, containing within them the answers to all of the mysteries of life.

      On Earth books have been written about

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