English Tuning. Irregular Verbs. Неправильные глаголы. Ключи к сборнику упражнений. Уровень: А1-В2. Я. А. Писарев
you; we understood; he bought; they became; you fell; he forgot; she sent; you threw; I paid; they came; Jack chose; Yuri said; we wore jeans; you broke; you did the work; China made a rocket; she wrote; you brought; I felt; Billy shot.
47. Past Simple
Ivan ran; you caught; he began; we sat; Jim woke; I drew; she forgave; a plane flew; we spent; you showed; you drank; I won; they fought; Olga sang; Veronika went; Ivan hid; he cut; it cost; we lost; the grandmother told.
48. Past Simple
Michael swam; they built; she taught; he stole; she thought; we took; you found; he got; I read; we put; they sold; I left; you ate; he beat; the sun rose; you knew; the moon shone; she shut; we spoke; you gave; he grew; they had; you hit; he froze.
49. Past Simple
I saw; she shook; they were; he drove; we heard; she slept; you stood; you let; we kept; they rode; you were; you set; we drank; you drew; he won; I met; she chose; we became; you kept; Dasha swam; mother taught.
50. Past Simple
He left; I knew; you caught; she bought; Tolstoy wrote; we let; he shut; you felt; she fell; we did the work; he slept; he set a parameter; you began; Tanya drove a bus; I forgot; you thought; we understood; he had; Tim heard; Tom went.
51. Past Simple
He wore shoes; I gave; she froze; we sat; you brought; he beat; she hit; I stood; it cost; he told; Bryan forgave; we made a movie; you hid; you paid; it grew; the police found; you sent; the sun shone; we saw; they spoke.
52. Past Simple
You lost; you read; you shook; they spent; we woke; you showed; the plane flew; you ate; we fought; he shot; she rode; we took; you put; I built; Bill broke; I came; he sold; I cut; you were; he ran; Anna sang; he got.
53. Past Simple
They stole; I said; we threw; he rose; the father began; we hid; she stole; the professor taught; the children understood; we came; you built; you became; he ran; we won; I thought; you caught; she met; they cost; it was; I chose; they drove a car.
54. Past Simple
We were; I drank; she slept; you wrote; I read; the engineer drew; we broke; the ball fell; the man went; I sat; Timur swam; you ate; she brought; Anna forgot; Pavel threw; I fought; he shone; you said; she told; we made a toy; I put.
55. Past Simple
You rose; she let; he was; they gave; you lost; we sold; Zhenya sang; you spoke; I took; we hit; they heard; I got; he sent; I woke; we did an exercise; he flew; we spent; she left the country; you showed; he wore a sweater.
56. Past Simple
You bought; I paid; she knew; we saw; they shook; you forgave; you froze; Jacob found; Jane felt; he grew; I kept; they shot; you shut; she cut; we had; they beat; the children rode; they stood; I set.
57. Present Perfect
He has brought; we have lost; they have thrown; you have met; Vasily has understood; Dasha has worn a T-shirt; Masha has brought; we have bought; it has cost; we have built; you have kept; she has felt; Tim has thought; Mike has won; I have been; she has let; we have paid; you have eaten; he has found; I have caught.
58. Present Perfect
The plane has flown away; we have shut; you have fought; they have shown; the cook has cut; you have chosen; Marina has swum; Natasha has frozen; Dima has broken; I have taken; you have taught; she has told; we have forgiven; he has drawn; Sergey has become; they have stolen; Katya has forgotten; he has hit; you have woken; I have gone.
59. Present Perfect
I have written; we have given; he has driven; an apple has fallen; they have known; you have read; they have ridden; we have sent; Irina has heard; Elena has made a pizza; Sasha has drunk; we have sung; we have grown up; they have sold; she has put; you have spoken; they have sat; it has risen.
60. Present Perfect
They have shaken; we have done our job; you have slept; the concert has begun; the policemen have shot; the lamp has shone; they have spent; I have said; we have had; he has see; Jessica has come; you have beaten; he has hidden; it has stood; the children have run; you have gone; it has got/gotten cold; he has set.
61. Present Perfect
I have been; we have thought; we have met; you have eaten; he has sold; she has fought; they have swum; Jim has become; the company has bought; Dina has woken; you have broken; you have come; I have written; it has risen; the country has built; the project has cost; you have made; he has thrown; Maria has taught.
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