Achieving Prosperity - Ultimate Collection. Thorstein Veblen
assistant. Every thought created by us, weak or strong, good or bad, healthy or unhealthy, sends out its vibratory waves, which affect, to a greater or lesser extent all with whom we come in contact, or who may come within the radius of our thought vibrations. Thought waves are like the ripples on a pond caused by the casting in of a pebble, they move in constantly widening circles, radiating from a central point. Of course, if an impulse projects the thought waves forcibly toward a certain object, its force will be felt more strongly at that point.
Besides affecting others, our thoughts affect us, not only temporarily, but also permanently. We are what we think ourselves into being. The biblical statement that "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he," is literally correct. We are all creatures of our own mental creating. You know how easy it is to think yourself into a "blue" state of mind, or the reverse, but you do not realized that repeated thought upon a certain line will manifest itself not only in character (which it certainly does), but also in the physical appearance of the thinker. This is a demonstrable fact, and you have but to look around you to realize it. You have noticed how a man's occupation shows itself in his appearance and general character. What do you suppose occasions this phenomenon? Nothing more or less than that thought. If you’ve have changed your occupation, your general character and appearance kept pace with your changed habits of thought. Your new occupation brought out a new train of thought, and "Thoughts take form in Action." You may have never taken this view of the matter, but it is true nevertheless, and you may find ample proof of its correctness by merely looking around you.
A man who thinks Energy manifests Energy. The man, who thinks Courage manifests courage. The man who thinks, "I can and I will," "gets there", while the "I can't" man "gets left." You know that to be true. Now, what causes the difference? Thought - just plain thought. But why? - Just because it cannot help itself. Action follows as the natural result of vigorous thinking. You think in earnest, and action does the rest. Thought is the greatest thing in the world. If you do not know it now, you will before you are through with this course of lessons. You may say that this is no new thing to you - that you know all about "making up your mind," and all that sort of thing, long ago. Then why did you not put it into practice and make something of yourself? I will tell you the trouble. You thought "I Can't" instead of "I Can." Now, I am going to change that "I Can't" into a big "I Can" and a bigger "I Will." That is what I am here for, and I intend to "make you over," before I am through with you. I suppose that you thought I would give you an elaborate, transcendental discourse on things away up in the clouds, and hoped that I would tell you how to charge yourself up with a lot of magnetism, so that you would be able to light the gas with the tips of your fingers, or draw everybody to you like a piece of steel to a magnet, now, didn't you? Well, I am not. But I intend to tell you how you can generate in yourself a force, compared with which magnetism is weak; a force that will make a man of you; a force that will make you realize the I AM within you; a power that will enable you to be a man of strong personal qualities; a man of influence; a successful man. I will tell you how you can acquire that which you have been calling Personal Magnetism, providing you will start at it in earnest. It is worth working for, and when you feel your new strength developing within you, you would not exchange your newfound knowledge for a fortune.
Why you feel a little stronger already, I don't you? Of course you do. I never have talked five minutes to a class of students as you do. I never have talked five minutes to a class of students about "I Can and I Will" and about the I AM within them without their throwing back their shoulders, raising their heads, taking a long breath, and looking me square in the eyes as a man or woman should. It was "thought manifesting itself in action." Do you see the point? I had planted the little seed of self-knowledge, and it had begun to sprout.
Before I conclude this lesson, I wish to direct your attention to one other very important thing about thought, and that is the Adductive Power of Thought. Pay attention to this; please as it is of the highest importance. Avoiding all attempts at a scientific explanation, and keeping away from technical terms, I will state the matter concisely thus: Thoughts attract like thoughts; the good thought attracts other good thoughts; the bad thought, the bad; thought of strength, likewise; thoughts of discouragement and doubt follow the rule, and so on through the entire gamut of thoughts.
Your thought attracts to it the corresponding thought of others and increases your stock of that particular kind of thought. Do you see the point? Think Fear thoughts, and you draw to yourself all the Fear thought in that neighborhood. The harder you think it, the greater supply of undesirable thought flocks to you. Think "I am Fearless," and all the courageous thought force within your radius will move towards you, and will aid you. Try it. That is, try the latter. Don't think Fear thought.
Fear and Hate are the parents of all the vile thoughts. I will go into this matter with you at greater length in subsequent lessons, but let me urge upon you now, with all the earnestness of which I am capable, to tear out those wile seeds - Fear and Hate. Tear them out by the roots. They spoil the whole garden and breed a host of other weeds, such as Worry, Doubt, Timidity, Lack of Self Respect, Jealousy, Spite, Malice, Envy, Slander and Morbid Ideas. I am not trying to preach you a sermon, but I know that these vile thoughts are hindering your progress, and you will realize it, too, if you will stop to thinking for a moment. Open the blinds, and let the pure sunshine of Bright, Cheerful and Happy thoughts pour in, and the microbes of Doubt and Despair and Failure will leave, and seek more congenial quarters.
If you were my dearest friend, and I knew that this message would be my last on earth, I would shout to you, as loud as my vocal organs would permit: "Let Go of Fear and Hate Thoughts."
How the Thought Force Can Aid You
Success dependent upon Personal Influence - "Strong men arrive" - Apparent exceptions to the rule - When negative men produce; positive men reap the benefit - Money the material manifestation of success - Money a means, not an end - The Law of Mental Control - Influence through suggestion - Influence by thought vibrations - Influence by thoughts adductive power - Influence acquired by character building.
I am addressing you upon the supposition that you are desirous of developing the forces within you, for the purpose of attaining success. Success in life depends very materially upon the possession of the quality of attracting and influencing our fellow men. No matter what other qualities you may possess, you are handicapped by a lack of that subtle force which we are in the habit of calling Personal Magnetism. Look around you and you will see that nearly every man who has "arrived " is possessed of the ability to attract, persuade, influence or control his fellows. They are all what is known as "strong" men. There are a few exceptions to this great rule, and these exceptions only go to prove the rule itself. These exceptions are usually found among men who have demonstrated their success along the lines of art, scientific research, invention, literary work, etc., and it will readily be seen that their success, from the very nature of things, depends more upon a close, concentrated, plodding research or effort, rather than upon push, energy, force and knowledge of human nature, or ability to handle men. These men are successful in their own lines of endeavor, but, as a rule, the results of their labor are reaped by others of more worldly turn of mind. If these burners of midnight oil meet with financial success, it is because some more positive man has taken charge of the business end of their work and pushed it through, in which case the said positive man usually reaps the lion's share.
This being the true state of affairs, I am justified in regarding success as meaning the attaining of financial reward, and that must depend largely upon the Personal Magnetism of the seeker of success. The inventor, student, writer, and scientist can be greatly benefited by an understanding of the intelligent use of the powers of Mental Control, but to the "man among men" remains the privilege of securing the best results of that wonderful power, for it brings him not only Success, but also its material manifestations -Money.
Money, regarded as mere money, is not a high ideal, but regarded, as the means of surrounding ourselves with the best things of like, it becomes no unworthy goal for human endeavor. I, therefore, feel, justified in treating it as the end to be sought after.
To repeat, success in life depends largely