The Intelligent REIT Investor Guide. Brad Thomas

The Intelligent REIT Investor Guide - Brad Thomas

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book provides a valuable resource, giving students the definitions and descriptions they need as we build from there.”

      J. Morris Professor at Georgetown University, founder of REIT Academy

      “Brad Thomas has taken the mystery out of investing in REITs. The Intelligent REIT Investor Guide is a timely and useful guide to navigating this often overlooked asset class.”

      Greg Morillo Managing Partner at Lionbridge Capital, L.P.

      Brian Nelson CFA, President of Valuentum Securities, Inc.

      “Brad’s skillful guide to the world of REIT investing is a must‐read for anyone considering sustainable liquid real estate investments. His deep knowledge of commercial real estate combined with the constant study of REITs is a combination producing rich takeaways.”

      Michael Bull CEO of Bull Realty

      “I worked with Brad as a development partner in my firm and have always been awestruck by his creativity and grasp of capital and markets.”

      Ed Kobel President of DeBartolo

      “Brad Thomas is one of the most trusted voices in real estate investing. REIT investors who follow Brad’s research and analysis have benefitted from consistent dividends and long‐term value creation.”

      Brad Watt President and managing partner at Petra Capital Properties

      “There is a reason that Brad Thomas is among the most followed REIT analysts and writers. He harnesses his broad knowledge of the players and familiarity with various real estate businesses to make REIT investing accessible and simple. Brad has long believed that REIT investing is foundational to creating a solid personal long‐term stock portfolio. This book shows you why.”

      Christopher VolkCofounder and Executive Chairman of STORE Capital

      “I believe in and follow Brad Thomas, my go‐to for REIT investing knowledge.”

      Prince Dykes Veteran, host of The Investor Show, and author of the Wesley Learns book series

      Paul E. Adornato CFA and veteran REIT analyst


       Brad Thomas

      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

      Published simultaneously in Canada.

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       Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data

      Names: Thomas, R. Brad, 1966‐ author.

      Title: The intelligent REIT investor guide : how to sleep well at night with safe and reliable dividend income / Brad Thomas.

      Description: Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, [2021] | Includes index.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2021020641 (print) | LCCN 2021020642 (ebook) | ISBN 9781119750307 (cloth) | ISBN 9781119750352 (adobe pdf) | ISBN 9781119750376 (epub)

      Subjects: LCSH: Real estate investment trusts. | Dividends.

      Classification: LCC HG5095 .T46 2021 (print) | LCC HG5095 (ebook) | DDC 332.63/247—dc23

      LC record available at

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      Cover images: Front: © LRuthven/Getty Images; Back: © Domin_Domin/Getty Images

      Cover design: Tony Merola

       In many ways, my love of REITs can be correlated to my love for my five kids. That's why I dedicate this book to Lauren, Lexy, Nicholas, Riley, and A.J. They're always worth investing in.

       “The true investor will do better if he forgets about the stock market and pays attention to his dividend returns and to the operation results of his companies.”

      – Benjamin Graham

      Anyone who's written a book recognizes the time, energy, and effort it takes to turn an idea into a finished product. In bringing The Intelligent REIT Investor Guide to fruition, it took an army of individuals; and I'm honored and blessed to have collaborated with all of them.

      Most importantly, I want to acknowledge my family for being patient and understanding in support of this project. It took me over eight months to complete the book, and that means spending almost every weekend away from home.

      A very special thank you is in order for my editor, Jeannette DiLouie. She is an amazing and gifted professional, and I'm honored to have her on the Wide Moat Research team. I also want to thank other WMR teammates, such as Noah Blacker, Tony Merola, Stephen Hester, and Frances Popp, who were all helpful in the creation of

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