Fundamentals of Solar Cell Design. Rajender Boddula

Fundamentals of Solar Cell Design - Rajender Boddula

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1.2 Typical solar cell.

      1.4.1 Open-Circuit Voltage Voc

      The voltage at which no current flows through a solar cell is called open circuit voltage Voc and it is the maximum voltage available from solar cell. Several studies have demonstrated a strong dependence of Voc on the energy difference ΔE between the HOMO (highest occupied molecular orbital) of donor material and LUMO of acceptor material of an organic solar cell.

      1.4.2 Short-Circuit Current Jsc

      For V = 0, only the short-circuit current (Jsc) flows through the solar cell. Jsc represents the maximum current that could be obtained in a solar cell. This current depends on the number of absorbed photons, surface area of the photo active layer, device thickness, and charge transport properties of active material, which play important role.

      1.4.3 Incident-Photon-to-Current Efficiency (IPCE)

      The incident-photon-to-current efficiency is defined as the ratio of the number of incident photons Nphoton and the number of photo induced charge carriers Ncharge which can be extracted out of the solar cell.

      1.4.4 Power Conversion Efficiency ηp (PCE)

      It is a measure of the quality of the cell which provides evidence of how much power the cell will generate per incident photon. The efficiency ηp is the maximum electrical power Pmax per light input PL.

      1.4.5 Fill Factor (FF)

      The FF, which determines the quality of solar cell can be obtained from the ratio of the maximum power output to the product of its Voc and Jsc and is always < 1.

      The donor and acceptor molecules to be employed in BHJOSCs must have light absorption property matching the solar region, with high molar absorption coefficients and excellent width at half height of absorption spectrum. It would be best if absorption ranges of donor and acceptor materials are complementary.

      The HOMO/LUMO energy levels of molecules should be well matched for the possible photochemical electron transfer between acceptor and donor molecules.

      To obtain high open-circuit voltage (VOC), a deep HOMO level is to be adjusted, since maximum value of the VOC is determined by the energy difference between the HOMO level of the donor and LUMO level of the acceptor.

      Balanced charge (negative and positive) mobility of the organic blend materials is required for controlled charge transport.

      Good solubility of blend organic materials is essential for good film forming property and well mixing with acceptor materials to form nanoscale phase separation and ideal blend morphology.

      Blend materials, higher thermal stability, and their phase transition temperature data are to be tuned properly.

      Research on BHJ organic solar cells resulting from fullerene as acceptor is dealt at length for the past several years. During the course of investigations by many researchers, it was found that fullerene has limitations in using it as acceptor in solar cell devices. The shortcomings or limitations with properties of fullerene are like negligible light absorption in NIR and visible region, shape of the molecule, solubility, controlling the film texture or film morphology, stability of fullerene, and very limited tunability of energy levels of fullerene. These limitations lead the researchers to explore novel materials to initiate work on non-fullerene derived acceptors for BHJ organic solar cells to replace fullerene and take the system to improve efficiency of organic solar cells. The following part describes BHJOSCs involving non-fullerene acceptors with polymer donors.

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