Fundamentals of Solar Cell Design. Rajender Boddula

Fundamentals of Solar Cell Design - Rajender Boddula

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with thiophene moiety. Acceptor and donor exhibited complementarity in their light absorption spectra. The donor-acceptor blend absorption starts at ~350 nm and ends at ~780 nm. Inverted solar cells were fabricated with configuration of: ITO/Zno/Blend of DFDT(DPP)2 + IDIC or DFDT(DPP)2 + IDC-4F/MoO3/Ag, to generate PV parameters. DFDT(DPP)2 + IDIC-4F Blend displayed PCE of 9.43% with Voc = 0.86 V; Jsc = 16.83 mA/cm2; FF = 65%. Authors inform that donor acceptor interaction in the blend leads to good crystallinity as well as improved morphology, and these are also the factors responsible for the improvement of efficiency.

Chemical structures of the Fused NDTSR with rhodanine end group. Chemical structures of the Linear BDTT linked trithiophene with rhodanine end group.

      This chapter was authored purely out of academic interest to familiarize scholars about organic solar cell materials, particularly related to organic molecules. The examples covered in this review are chosen from recent literature appearing in different journals. The authors of this review are highly appreciative of the research articles published for their contributions in the area of organic solar cells. This chapter is only representative in nature and not intended to be exhaustive. Scholars are advised to go through original research publications for detailed information. The structures are also drawn briefly to give an idea about the products. The authors of this review further acknowledge the original contributors and publishers of the research articles cited here for their potential and interesting scientific work, with a larger interest in academic excellence and advancement.

      VJR thanks Dr. B. Parthasaradhy Reddy, Chairman Hetero Drugs, Pvt. Ltd., and Dr. K. Ratnakar Reddy, Director HR Foundation for their encouragement. VJR also thanks CSIR, New Delhi, for Emeritus Scientist Honor.

      1. Dongxue Liu, Ting Wang, XinKe, Nan Zheng, Zhitao Chang, ZengqiXie and Yongsheng

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