Fundamentals of Solar Cell Design. Rajender Boddula

Fundamentals of Solar Cell Design - Rajender Boddula

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14 [115] Jacak, 2018 Ag At top of surface 12.8 [115] Jacak, 2018 GaAs Ag At top of surface 22.15 [94] 2019 Ag At top surface 5.9 [51] 2008 CIGS Au At top surface 4 [61] Londhe, 2016 Ag At top surface 9.44 [115] Jacak, 2018 Au At top surface 10.34 [115] Jacak, 2018 CdTe Au At top surface 9 [62] Kim, 2015 CZTS Au At back surface 9 [64] Omar, 2018 DSSC Ag Embedded with TiO2 3.62 [85] 2017 Au (15 nm) Embedded with TiO2 4.46 [73] 2014 PEC Au@TiO2 Emdded with TiO2 for oxygen evolution 40 (H atom per electron) [88] 2012 Quantum dot Ag@PdS At top surface 6.03 [114] Kawawaki, 2015 Au@PbS At top surface 9.58 [81] Chen, 2018 CdS@GaAs At top surface 18.9 [82] Lin, 2012 Perovskites Ag At top surface 13.46 [107] Aliaksandr, 2018 Ag@TiO2 Embedded with TiO2 16.3 [113] Saliba, 2015 Au@coreshell Embedded with core-shell structure 19.42 [87] 2020 Hybrid plasmonic Au@AuQD:organic At top surface 13 [83] Phetsang, 2019 Ag@TiO2@Pa Embedded with core-shell structure 20.2 [86] 2019 Au@ZnO:OEC Embedded 10.5 [89] 2016

      2.4.2 Plasmonic-Enhanced Solar Cell

      They are considered as simple plasmonic solar cells. The crystalline or amorphous silicon and thin film solar cells can be developed using SPR of metal nanoparticles. The plasmonic nanostructure can act as light harvesting antennas to enhance optical path length of photon through scattering that resulting in enhanced absorption and generation of e-h pairs in semiconductors [50]. For example, deposition of Au, Ag, or Cu metal nanoparticle array in Si/SiO2 device increases 20 times more photocurrent in plasmonic solar cell. The various solar cell technologies such as conventional silicon, GaAs, CIGS, CdTe, and CZTS have been demonstrated using plasmonic nanostructures with improved efficiency. By making stacks of thin film PV cell, the multi-wavelength light can be absorbed in plasmonic solar cells through enhanced scattering [51–53].

      2.4.3 Plasmonic Thin Film Solar Cells

      Plasmonic thin film designs in solar cells improve the absorption using SPR. This enhancement is mainly because of the manipulation of light for getting desired circulation, absorption, and scattering. The very thin photo active layer upto 100 nm has been proved theoretically. They can use cheaper substrate than silicon such as plastic, steel, or glass [54].

      The arrays of metal nanostructures at top of GaAs solar cell have been demonstrated and achieved enhanced performance in near-IR region [55]. The silver metal nanoparticle based plasmonic GaAs solar cells have shown 8% increment in short circuit current and achieved 5.9% efficiency. The plasmonic nanoparticles have the potential to make thinner PV layers with enhanced performance.

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