A Companion to the Achaemenid Persian Empire, 2 Volume Set. Группа авторов
in which to assess their super‐regional control, they did not interfere, at least not exceptionally, in internal Cypriot affairs, leaving Cypriot civilization to develop along its own patterns. But, largely independent from its political predominance, Achaemenid civilization, especially through luxury and status symbol artifacts, spread throughout the eastern Mediterranean basin, becoming a reference for aristocracies and elites of a wide and diversified area, including Asia Minor, the Levant, and Cyprus. Achaemenid influences entered Cyprus through a variety of paths, some of them direct (occasional presence of Persian agents; diplomatic exchanges; Cypriot participation in Persian military enterprises), others indirect (Ionian sculpture; Syrian and Phoenician art).
The complex, hybridized results of the elaboration of all these elements bear the signs of the quest for a pan‐Cypriot identity, having its focal points in a common model of kingship and the relation with the divinity. More detailed, differentiated regional identities, apparent in the archeological evidence during the Archaic period (Fourrier 2007), are difficult to study in relation to the Persian Empire, the data being so limited; but it is already quite evident that the kingdom of Salamis, at least since the reign of Evagoras, played an important role in the appropriation of some Achaemenid symbolisms for local needs. The western part of the island (Palaepaphos, Soloi, Marion) seems to have been strategically relevant to Achaemenid interests, but the evidence available is ambiguous, and new, detailed studies can radically change our perspective. Even less is known about the relations between Persia and the southern kingdoms of Amathus and Kition, where the great gap in our documentation is still to be filled.
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