Building Your Custom Home For Dummies. Peter Economy
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Where to Go from Here
The process of building a custom home isn’t linear. Not everyone starts with the purchase of a piece of land, for instance. Some people go to an architect first to help them create a floor plan. Others may jump right in with both feet and be halfway through construction before they realize they need to borrow money in order to finish.
So, to reflect the nonlinear process of building a custom home, this book is decidedly nonlinear as well. We organize it so that you can dip in wherever you want and still find all the information you need. If you’ve already bought land and met with an architect, but you don’t know how you’re going to pay for the project, for instance, go to Chapter 8 to read up on financing. Not clear who does what on the job site? Flip to Chapter 7 for information on general contractors and subcontractors.
If you’re not sure where to go first, you may want to start with Part 1. It gives you all the basic information you need to understand the process of building a custom home. From there, you can skip to the chapters that cover the subjects that seem most fuzzy to you now. Rest assured that when you’ve read those chapters, you’ll have a better grip on the home-building reality.
Part 1
Getting Started with Custom-Home Building
Find a general overview of the custom-home-building process.
Get and stay organized.
Acquire the right piece of land and pay for it.
Decide on the type and style of home you want.
Chapter 1
The Custom-Home Process in a Nutshell
Many people, at some time in their lives, want to own a custom home. Some people are attracted to the thought of designing and creating something big from scratch. Others want to live in a new home that meets their specific needs instead of a house that looks like every other home on the block. Some people begin the custom-home process by accident when they find a piece of land that inspires them.
According to the National Association of Home Builders, more than 20 percent of new homes in the United States are custom homes. That means more than 175,000 custom homes are built every year. For each person building a custom home, several people are in the process of designing one. So, you’re in excellent company with many people dreaming about moving into a home designed and built just for them. Custom homes are popular, so tons of resources are available to help you through the process.
But, like Rome, your new home won’t be built in a day. The custom-home process is lengthy, emotional, and expensive, without much consistency to it. Face it: Custom homes require custom work, and plenty of it! This work makes building a custom home challenging, and yet that extra work is what makes your project unique to you. You may feel overwhelmed at times, but by trusting in the experience of the professionals you engage in your project and keeping this invaluable book by your side, you can have a manageable project that delivers the custom home you’ve been dreaming of.
Where Do You Start? Preparing to Build Your Home
Believe it or not, the custom-home process really has no standard starting place. There are some logical entry points, such as finding land, but most often people start with a designed house they’ve had in mind for a long time. Where you start isn’t important; what is important is for you to make sure that you’ve taken all the necessary steps to give yourself the best chance for success. The following list includes some questions you need to consider before committing time and money to this project:
Where do I want to live?
How long do I want to live in this house?
How will I find land? (See Chapter 3.)
How much money do I have to spend on this project? (See Chapters 8, 9, and 10.)
How much extra time do I have to put into this project? (See Chapter 2.)
How do I find the right resources to design my house? (See Chapter 4.)
How do I find the right resources to build my house? (See Chapters 2 and 7.)
Is my relationship strong enough to survive this process? (See your therapist.)
Don’t make the assumption that any one person can give you all the information you need to prepare for this process. Contractors have one perspective on the process, and architects may have a completely different one. Do your homework and interview as many people as you can who have been involved in the process. By talking to professionals and consumers and asking them to share their experiences, you can begin to get a clearer picture of the process ahead.