Bioethics. Группа авторов
On Liberty 82 From Schloendorff v. NewYork Hospital 83 Informed Consent The Historical Foundations of Informed Consent The Concept of Informed Consent Current Challenges to Informed Consent Conclusion 84 The Doctor–Patient Relationship in Different Cultures “Physicians Treat Patients Badly” Similarities and Differences Conceptions of Autonomy: East and West Truth‐Telling 85 Transgender Children and the Right to Transition 1 Introduction 2 Gender Dysphoria and Treatment for Transgender Youth 3 Psychological Harm and Epistemic Barriers 4 The Physical Risks 5 Justifying Intervention 6 Spreading the Word and the Role of Schools 7 Objections and How to Answer Them 8 Review and Concluding Remarks References 86 Amputees by Choice 87 Rational Desires and the Limitation of Life‐Sustaining Treatment The President’s Commission Report Part I.What is Autonomy? Part III. Limitations of Treatment of Incompetent Patients Limitation of Treatment of Competent Patients Two Objections Conclusion
40 Introduction 88 Valuing Disability, Causing Disability I The Bad‐Difference/Mere‐Difference Distinction II A Problem for the Mere‐Difference View? III Causing a Nondisabled Person to Become Disabled IV Causing a Nondisabled Person to Become Disabled Without Transition Costs V Causing a Disabled Person to Exist Instead of a Nondisabled Person VI Causing and “Curing” VII Conclusion 89 Is Disability Mere Difference? Introduction Disability and Quality of Life Disability and Society The Indirect Strategy Conclusion References 90 Prenatal Diagnosis and Selective Abortion Contrasting Medical and Social Paradigms of Disability Implications for People with Disabilities Implications for Family Life Implications for Professional Practice References 91 Down Syndrome Screening Isn’t about Public Health 92 I Would’ve Aborted a Fetus with Down Syndrome
93 Neuroethics
The Ethics of Neuroscience
Memory Modification and Enhancement
94 Engineering Love
95 Unrequited Love Hurts
Unrequited Love Hurts
Two Arguments Against the Medicalization of Unrequited Love
96 Stimulating Brains, Altering Minds
Empirical Evidence: Benefits and Risks
A Case Study
Autonomy and Identity
97 Authenticity or Autonomy? When Deep Brain Stimulation Causes a Dilemma
Introduction: Feelings of Authenticity and Alienation under Deep Brain Stimulation