Gender and Social Movements. Jo Reger

Gender and Social Movements - Jo Reger

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      1  Cover

      2  Series Page

      3  Title Page

      4  Copyright

      5  Acknowledgements

      6  Introduction: Integrating Gender and Social Movements How Gender “Sorts” Society How Social Movements Change Society How More Than Gender Matters How Gender and Social Movements Intertwine and Influence Each Other Organization of the Book Sources to Explore Questions to Consider Reflection

      7  1 People in Movements: When Movements Focus on Single-Gender Concerns U.S. Women’s Movements Women’s Movements – Thinking Globally U.S. and British Men’s Movements Men’s Movements – Thinking Globally and Intersectionally Conclusion Sources to Explore Questions to Consider Reflection Notes

      8  2 Gender in Movements: What Happens in Multi-Gender Movements Womanhood, Femininity, and Movements Manhood, Masculinity, and Movements Societal Concerns and Shifting Gender Norms Conclusion Sources to Explore Questions to Consider Reflection Notes

      9  3 Coming to the Movement: How Gender Influences Pathways to Activism Recruitment Frames and Mobilization Movement Identities Emotions and Movements Conclusion Sources to Explore Questions to Consider Reflection Notes

      10  4 Guiding Social Change: When Gender Shapes Movement Trajectories Gender and Leadership Gendered Strategies Gendered Tactics “Hidden” Gendered Strategies and Tactics Conclusion Sources to Explore Questions to Consider Reflection

      11  5 Legacies of Rise and Resistance: How Gender Sparks Change and Backlash Breaking Down the Binary Rise of the trans social justice movement Societal Backlash and the Rise of Countermovements Conclusion Sources to Explore Questions to Consider Reflection Notes

      12  Conclusion: Where Do We Go from Here? Is Gender Still Relevant in Social Movements? How Does Gender Organize Social Movements? How are Key Aspects of Social Movements Influenced? How Do People Respond to the Binary? What Does the Study of Gender Bring to Social Movements (and Vice Versa)? Notes

      13  References

      14  Index

      15  End User

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