The Leader Lab. Tania Luna

The Leader Lab - Tania Luna

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Schematic illustration of two people facing each other, or a crab, or lungs.

      Source: Rorschach Inkblot Test, Pearson Scott Foresman. (Public Domain).

      Schematic illustration of Deblur icon. Great managers are always on the lookout for blur words. They notice when people use them. They notice when they themselves use them. Then they apply the BU we've called Deblur. They turn ambiguous words into information that is clear enough for everyone to understand. Here are some sample Deblurring questions they ask.

       What does _____ mean to you?

       Can you share an example?

       What's your definition of _____?

       What do you see as the impact of ____?

       How would we measure that?

       How would we know we've succeeded?

Schematic illustration of practice stations icon.

      Practice Station

      Mia has decided to hire a new person, but getting input from her team members is harder than she expected. Take a look at the comment below about one of the candidates, and mentally (or physically) underline the blur words you spot:

      I don't recommend hiring this candidate. She was closed-off and standoffish the entire time. The other candidates we interviewed were much warmer. I wouldn't even suggest inviting her to the next interview round. The other candidates were also much more qualified.

      Which words in this example are blurry? Here are the biggest blur words:

      I don't recommend hiring this candidate. She was closed-off and standoffish the entire time. The other candidates we interviewed were warmer. I wouldn't even suggest inviting her to the next interview round. The other candidates were also more qualified.

      Schematic illustration of Deblur icon. Notice how easy it could have been for Mia to leave the comment blurry and move onto the next candidate? Our brains are wired to fill gaps with snap interpretations. When we hear words like “standoffish,” “warm,” and “qualified,” our brains make instant assumptions about what these words mean. We take for granted that we are talking about the same behaviors when, in reality, we might have vastly different meanings. For example, when we asked three people to Deblur a term as simple as “warm,” we heard:

Deblurring “Warm”: Three Distinct Definitions
They smile often and say complimentary things. They listen closely and ask you questions. They acknowledge people who helped them.

      How does Deblurring help managers become better faster?

      1. Deblurring Prevents Miscommunication Faster

      Schematic illustration of Deblur icon. The email came in at around 4 p.m. Sara knew the report would take hours to compile, and she had dinner plans with her cousin who was in town for just one night. Sara had been looking forward to dinner, but she was eager to make a good impression on Sam. So, she sighed, called her cousin to cancel, and spent the next four hours preparing the report. By the time she was finished, she was exhausted and hungry but proud. That is until she got fired the next morning. It turned out that neither Sam nor Sara Deblurred those three dangerous letters: EOD. To Sara, EOD meant End of her workday. To Sam and the client, EOD meant the end of the business day (5 p.m.). To this day, Sara shudders whenever someone uses that acronym.

      2. Deblurring Improves Feedback Faster

      One of the most frustrating and damaging types of feedback is blurry feedback. Blurry praise like “Great job!” misses out on a learning opportunity. (What was it that made the job great?) Worse yet, blurry critical feedback like “You didn't try hard enough” is pretty much guaranteed to trigger defensiveness. Great feedback is blur-word-free. We'll dig much deeper into feedback skills in Chapter 9, but for now, if you want to rapidly improve the quality of your feedback, start by Deblurring it.

      3. Deblurring Improves Decision-Making Faster

      So how do you rapidly bulk up your Deblurring muscles? First and foremost, start mentally underlining the blur words you hear, read, and say. Recognition is the first step. When you notice other people's blur words, ask Deblurring questions. When you catch yourself

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