Fail Fast, Learn Faster. Randy Bean

Fail Fast, Learn Faster - Randy Bean

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Mastercard, and others.

      Today's companies confront great opportunities as well as great challenges as they undertake their data transformation efforts. Becoming data-driven is both a process and a journey. Businesses are built to mitigate risks, but they must take risks to learn, grow, innovate, and disrupt traditional ways of doing business.

      1 1. Erik Brynjolfson and Andrew McAfee, “Big Data: The Management Revolution,” Harvard Business Review, October 2012.

      2 2. Kenn Cukier and Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think (Houghton Mifflin, 2013).

      3 3. Thomas Harrer, “Innovate or Die: Uncovering the Right Data to Fuel Business Advantage,” LinkedIn Pulse, December 20, 2019.

      4 4. Ian Kershaw, The Global Age: Europe 1950–2017 (Viking, 2019).

      5 5. Paul Saffo, “Failure Is the Best Medicine,” Newsweek, March 25, 2002.

      6 6. Randy Bean, “Big Data Innovation: Fail Faster. Execute Smarter.” Wall Street Journal, February 18, 2014.

      7 7. Saffo, “Failure Is the Best Medicine.”

      “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

      —George Santayana

      For the better part of a generation, even as data progressively entered the mainstream and became more prevalent, and as firms wrestled with how to wring insight and benefit out of the accumulating hoards of new data that was being captured and maintained electronically, data and analytics remained largely a backwater for all but a few leading-edge innovators. The technology community progressed through an evolution of terms used to describe fresh capabilities that would enable business executives to derive insight and value from their data assets – decision support systems (DSSs), executive information systems (EISs), and, ultimately, database marketing, which evolved into customer relationship management (CRM) and business intelligence (BI). Interest in data was on the rise.

      When the term “Big Data” first came into common usage around 2011, my initial reaction was, “Well, isn't this pretty much what I have been doing for the past few decades?” The truth of this was both yes and no. Yes, because organizations are still striving to learn, gain insights, and make better decisions based on data, as they had been for decades. No, because the volumes and varieties of data that could now be made readily available for analysis had proliferated, greater computing power had increased the velocity and timeliness by which information can be put into the hands of business decision-makers, and new technology approaches and modern data architectures had hastened these efforts in a way that was never previously possible. These advances represented the critical difference that would characterize and differentiate the Big Data Era from all that preceded it.

      The term Big Data can and does imply many things, depending upon the eye of the beholder – the term has been used to refer to “lots” of data, new types of data, and data of different varieties, sizes, and structures. I have often noted that it does not matter a whit that the term Big Data, and the term artificial intelligence (AI) as well, may be used or misused with great technical imprecision. What matters is that Big Data and AI have managed to capture the imaginations and attention of senior business decision-makers at the board and C-suite levels, and as a result, organizations have made significant commitments to elevating these activities and giving them business primacy – through centers of excellence, Big Data and AI labs, and moonshot initiatives.

      Love it or hate it, Big Data is a descriptive term that caught on. Why? I think that much of the reason has had to do with the word “Big” and everything that this term implies – Big Impact, Big Changes, Big Time, Big Deal. Big connotes size and greatness. People like big things and big events. Bigness is attractive. People like to say that something big is happening. Big Data is a grand concept that implies something vast, significant, potentially revolutionary, and is a compelling metaphor for an age of transformation, disruption, and change – the Age of Big Data and AI. Big Data is a term that managed to capture the zeitgeist.

      Common usage of the term “Big Data” can be traced to the McKinsey report and similar reports from IBM that were published around this time. The McKinsey report was prescient

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