Smith's Elements of Soil Mechanics. Ian Smith
Drainage path length 13.6 Determination of the coefficient of consolidation, cv, from the consolidation test 13.7 Determination of the permeability coefficient from the consolidation test 13.8 Determination of the consolidation coefficient from the triaxial test 13.9 The model law of consolidation 13.10 Consolidation during construction 13.11 Consolidation by drainage in two and three dimensions 13.12 Numerical determination of consolidation rates 13.13 Construction pore pressures in an earth dam 13.14 Numerical solutions for two‐ and three‐ dimensional consolidation 13.15 Wick, or prefabricated vertical, drains 13.16 Preconsolidation by surface loading Chapter 14: Stability of Slopes 14.1 Planar failures 14.2 Rotational failures 14.3 Slope stability design charts 14.4 Wedge failure 14.5 Slope stability assessment to Eurocode 7 Chapter 15: Soil Compaction, Highway Foundation Design and Ground Improvement 15.1 Field compaction of soils 15.2 Laboratory compaction of soils 15.3 Specification of the field compacted density 15.4 Field measurement tests 15.5 Highway design 15.6 Subgrade improvement through soil stabilisation 15.7 The moisture condition value, MCV 15.8 Ground improvement techniques 15.9 Environmental geotechnics Chapter 16: An Introduction to Constitutive Modelling in Geomechanics 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Stress‐strain behaviour 16.3 Selecting the most appropriate constitutive model 16.4 Linear elasticity theory 16.5 Rigid plasticity theory 16.6 Elastoplasticity theory
11 References
12 Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Particle size limits for different soil fractions.Table 1.2 Shape of grading curve.Table 1.3 Principles of soil classification.
2 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Compression of saturated soils.Table 4.2 Undrained shear strength of clays.Table 4.3 Sensitivity classification.
3 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Partial factor sets for EQU, GEO and STR limit states.Table 6.2 Definition of consequence classes.Table 6.3 Applicability of design cases in geotechnical design.Table 6.4 Geotechnical complexity class.Table 6.5 Relationships between geotechnical categories, consequences classes...Table 6.6 Partial factors on actions and effects for persistent and transient...Table 6.7 Partial factors on ground properties for persistent and transient d...Table 6.8 Consequence factors KM for materials in geotechnical structures.Table 6.9 Partial factors for the verification of ground resistance of spread...Table 6.10 Execution standards referred to in EN 1997‐3:202x.
4 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Guidance values for spacing and pattern of investigation points.Table 7.2 Maximum spacing, Xmax and minimum number, Nmin of ground investigat...Table 7.3 Guidance values for minimum depth (za) of investigation points.Table 7.4 Guidance values for minimum depths of investigation points.Table 7.5 Quality classes of soil samples for laboratory testing and sampling...Table 7.6 Sampling by drilling – sampling categories for different soil types...Table 7.7 Sampling using samplers – sampling categories for different soil ty...Table 7.8 Correction factors for overburden effective vertical stress,
5 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Values of Ka and Kac for a cohesive soil for β = 0, ψ = 9...Table 8.2 Values of Kp for cohesionless soils.Table 8.3 Values of Kp and Kpc for a cohesive soil for β = 0; ψ = 9...Table 8.4 Values of Kp and Kpc.
6 Chapter 9Table 9.1 Partial factors for the verification of ground resistance for persi...Table 9.2 Acceptable Fp values for ranges of ϕ′.Table 9.3 Values ofγG; fav and γRe for each design approach.Table 9.4 Values ofγG; fav, γG; unfav, and γRe for each design...Table 9.5 Partial factors for the verification of passive resistance against ...
7 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Bearing capacity factors in common use.Table 10.2 Presumed safe bearing capacity, qs, values.
8 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Typical values forδ and Ks.Table 11.2A Correlation factors – static load tests results (from EN 1997‐1:2...Table 11.2B Correlation factors – static load tests results (from NA to BS EN...Table 11.3A Piles in compression: partial factor sets R1, R2, R3, and R4 (fro...Table 11.3B Piles in compression: partial factor sets R1, R2, R3, and R4 (fro...Table 11.4A Correlation factors – ground tests results (from EN 1997‐1:2004 T...Table 11.4B Correlation factors – ground tests results (from NA to BS EN 1997...Table 11.5A Model factor values for the verification of Rcd by calculation (C...Table 11.5B Model factor values for the verification of Rcd by calculation (C...Table 11.6 Correlation factors for pile design by calculation (Method B).Table 11.7 Correlation factors for pile design based on results of static loa...Table 11.8 Partial factors for