Art History For Dummies. Jesse Bryant Wilder

Art History For Dummies - Jesse Bryant Wilder

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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_f26e7958-fd92-577c-a0cb-1eb2fbd06e6d">Photorealism Performance Art and Installations Chapter 25: Photography: From Science to Art The Birth of Photography Transitioning from Science to Art Alfred Stieglitz: Reliving the Moment Henri Cartier-Bresson’s uncanny eye Group f/64: Edward Weston, Imogen Cunningham, and Ansel Adams Dorothea Lange: Depression to Dust Bowl Margaret Bourke-White: From Industrial Beauty to Political Statements Fast-Forward: The Next Generation Chapter 26: The New World: Postmodern Art From Modern Pyramids to Titanium Twists: Postmodern Architecture Making It or Faking It? Postmodern Photography and Painting Installation Art and Earth Art Glow-in-the-Dark Bunnies and Living, Genetic Art

      10  Part 6: The Part of Tens Chapter 27: Ten Must-See Art Museums Chapter 28: Ten Great Books by Ten Great Artists

      11  Index

      12  About the Author

      13  Connect with Dummies

      14  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 1TABLE 1-1: Art Movements of the 20th Century

      2 Chapter 6TABLE 6-1 Ancient Egyptian Historical Periods

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 4FIGURE 4-1: The superbly rendered cave paintings of prehistoric animals in Alta...

      2 Chapter 5FIGURE 5-1: a) The statuette on the left, carved around 2700 BC, is one of twel...FIGURE 5-2: The design on the front of Puabi’s lyre illustrates four ancient fa...FIGURE 5-3: The Standard of Ur, measuring 8½ inches high by 19½ inches long, is...FIGURE 5-4: This is the peace side of the Standard of Ur. FIGURE 5-5: King Ashurnasirpal II Killing Lions captures the tense action of a ...

      3 Chapter 6FIGURE 6-1: The Palette of Narmer chronicles a victory of King Narmer over his ...FIGURE 6-2: Ka statues, like those of Prince Rahotep and his wife, had to be re...FIGURE 6-3: Akhenaten’s family portrait brings the royal family down to earth w...FIGURE 6-4: Queen Nefertiti’s bust denotes both the real and the ideal. FIGURE 6-5: The funerary mask of Tutankhamun is made of gold inlaid with semipr...FIGURE 6-6: Detail from Nefertari’s tomb, located in the Valley of the Queens. FIGURE 6-7: This narrative scene from the Book of the Dead illustrates the weig...

      4 Chapter 7FIGURE 7-1: The Minoans didn’t run with the bulls like they do in Pamplona; the...FIGURE 7-2: Marble Kouros statue from Attica (Athens and surrounding area). FIGURE 7-3: Although still at attention like a frozen soldier, this later kouro...FIGURE 7-4: Greek statues begin to get comfortable around 480 BC. Kritios Boy i...FIGURE 7-5: This is a marble Roman copy of Myron’s original bronze Discobolus. FIGURE 7-6: This Roman copy of Polykleitos’s Doryphoros is at ease and tense at...FIGURE 7-7: Praxiteles had a knack for giving statues a soft, sensual look, as ...FIGURE 7-8: The Dipylon krater, Terracotta illustrates funerary scenes and was ...FIGURE 7-9: The goddess Athena watches Hercules tangle with the Nemean Lion (th...FIGURE 7-10: The red-figure Medea krater illustrates the climax of Euripides’ t...FIGURE 7-11: The Greeks invented the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian orders.FIGURE 7-12: The Parthenon, a Doric temple, is the architectural high point of ...FIGURE 7-13: Nike of Samothrace and Laocoön and His Sons radiate the energ...FIGURE 7-14: Venus de Milo is one of the most celebrated Hellenistic statues.

      5 Chapter 8FIGURE 8-1: Augustus of Primaporta is the most copied statue of Augustus Caesar...FIGURE 8-2: Trajan’s Column recounts the two-part Dacian War fought at the begi...FIGURE 8-3: The Marriage of Venus and Mars illustrates Roman artists’ use of in...FIGURE 8-4: The Flora fresco, from ancient Stabiae, was buried for nearly 1,700...FIGURE 8-5: The Hylas mosaic illustrates the myth of Hylas, Hercules’s lover, w...FIGURE 8-6: The Maison Carrée — erected around 19 BC to 16 BC and dedicated to ...FIGURE 8-7: The Colosseum or Flavian Amphitheater (named after Vespasian, whose...FIGURE 8-8: The Pantheon, built between AD 125 and AD 128, is Rome’s supreme ar...

      6 Chapter 9FIGURE 9-1: Christ Enthroned and the Apostles in the Heavenly Jerusalem shows t...FIGURE 9-2: The interior of Hagia Sophia is celebrated for its mystical lightin...FIGURE 9-3: The San Vitale mosaic of Empress Theodora and her attendants (on th...FIGURE 9-4: Andrei Rublev’s The Old Testament Trinity (Three Angels Visiting Ab...FIGURE 9-5: The Icon Shroud of the Assumption/Dormition of St. Mary icon at the...FIGURE 9-6: The tunnels of arches in the Great Mosque of Córdoba pull visitors ...FIGURE 9-7: The magnificent mihrab dome of the Mosque of Córdoba was built in 9...FIGURE 9-8: The elegant, filigree-walled pavilion of the Alhambra’s Court of th...FIGURE 9-9: Shah Jahan’s Taj Mahal, built to honor his deceased wife Mumtaz Mah...

      7 Chapter 10FIGURE 10-1: The Chi-Rho-Iota page of the Book of Kells illustrates the interla...FIGURE 10-2: The scene from the Bayeux Tapestry depicts the feast before the ba...FIGURE 10-3: The cruciform, or cross-form, is the traditional shape of medieval...FIGURE 10-4: The nave or parishioner area of St. Sernin had to be large to acco...FIGURE 10-5: The tympanum over the entrance doors of the Basilica of Ste-Madele...FIGURE 10-6: Flying buttresses or external supports, together with ribbed vault...FIGURE 10-7: Notre Dame in Paris is the most famous Gothic cathedral in the wor...FIGURE 10-8: The jamb statues on the west portal (entrance doors) of the Cathed...FIGURE 10-9: The south portal statues have a much more realistic look than the ...FIGURE 10-10: Cimabue’s serene but damaged Madonna in Majesty adorns the Basili...FIGURE 10-11: In Madonna Enthroned, Duccio seems to have found a perfect balanc...FIGURE 10-12: In The Kiss of Judas (Arena Chapel), Giotto dramatizes Christ’s b...FIGURE 10-13: In the “Sight” tapestry of The Lady and the Unicorn, the Lady app...

      8 Chapter 11FIGURE 11-1: Four panels from Ghiberti’s magnificent “Gates of Paradise” (East ...FIGURE 11-2: In linear perspective an object’s location determines its size.FIGURE 11-3: The floating body parts in Fra Angelico’s The Mocking of Christ ma...FIGURE 11-4: The Madonna and Child with the Birth of the Virgin, by Fra Filippo...FIGURE 11-5: In Botticelli’s Primavera, notice the natural halo around Venus’s ...FIGURE 11-6: The highly polished bronze of Donatello’s David and its graceful l...FIGURE 11-7: Which baby is Jesus in the Louvre version of Leonardo’s The Virgin...FIGURE 11-8: Among other things, the Mona

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