Art History For Dummies. Jesse Bryant Wilder

Art History For Dummies - Jesse Bryant Wilder

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David between 1501 and 1504. FIGURE 11-11: Notice that in The Creation of Adam, man is physically almost on ...FIGURE 11-12: Notice how Raphael divided The School of Athens into two balanced...

      9 Chapter 12FIGURE 12-1: The Feast of the Gods, painted by Bellini, was enhanced after the ...FIGURE 12-2: The Adoration of the Shepherds is an early work by Andrea Mantegna...FIGURE 12-3: Albrecht Dürer’s Self-Portrait at Age 26 shows the young artist as...FIGURE 12-4: Venus of Urbino is Titian’s most sensual masterpiece. FIGURE 12-5: In The Feast in the House of Levi, Paolo Veronese turned a Last Su...FIGURE 12-6: Jan van Eyck’s The Arnolfini Wedding (or Portrait of Giovanni Arno...FIGURE 12-7: The center of Mérode Altarpiece depicts the announcement of t...FIGURE 12-8: Rogier van der Weyden moves the action to the front in his early L...FIGURE 12-9: Hieronymus Bosch’s The Garden of Earthly Delights contrasts a Gard...

      10 Chapter 13FIGURE 13-1: The soft pinks and blues and flowing lines of Pontormo’s Descent f...FIGURE 13-2: Agnolo Bronzino’s Allegory of the Triumph of Venus is one of the m...FIGURE 13-3: Madonna with the Long Neck (c. 1535) is Parmigianino’s most celebr...FIGURE 13-4: Arcimboldo’s portrait of Summer, along with his other seasonal bus...FIGURE 13-5: Giovanni Battista Caselli, Poet from Cremona by Sofonisba Anguisso...FIGURE 13-6: In El Greco’s Holy Family with Mary Magdalen, while Joseph respond...FIGURE 13-7: Lavinia Fontana gives us a very human Jesus, one capable of fatigu...FIGURE 13-8: “Room of the Giants” in Giulio Romano’s Mannerist masterpiece Pala...

      11 Chapter 14FIGURE 14-1: In Caravaggio’s Calling of Saint Matthew, Christ enlists the reluc...FIGURE 14-2: Danaë by Orazio Gentileschi, c. 1623 (on left); Danaë by...FIGURE 14-3: Sirani’s rapid-fire drawing approach can be seen in her Rest on th...FIGURE 14-4: In Elisabetta Sirani’s Portia Wounding Her Thigh, Portia stabs her...FIGURE 14-5: Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s David looks wound up for action. FIGURE 14-6: Bernini’s Ecstasy of Saint Theresa is in the Cornaro chapel of the...FIGURE 14-7: St. Charles, or Karlskirche, designed by Johann Bernhard Fisher vo...FIGURE 14-8: Portrait of Marchesa Brigida Spinola Doria was painted by the 29-y...FIGURE 14-9: Peter Paul Rubens’s The Raising of the Cross (1610) brims with Bar...FIGURE 14-10: In Rembrandt’s Philosopher in Meditation (1632), the old thinker ...FIGURE 14-11: Frans Hals … oops, I mean Judith Leyster, a bouquet of paint brus...FIGURE 14-12: In The Proposition, Leyster contrasts a man and woman with very d...FIGURE 14-13: Girl with a Pearl Earring has become Vermeer’s most beloved portr...FIGURE 14-14: Geometrical precision and serene beauty characterize Nicolas Pous...FIGURE 14-15: Las Meninas (The Maids of Honor) is Velázquez’s most intriguing w...

      12 Chapter 15FIGURE 15-1: Watteau’s Gilles and Four Other Characters from the Commedia dell’...FIGURE 15-2: Fragonard’s The Swing entices with subtle sexuality behind a guise...FIGURE 15-3 In this scene from William Hogarth’s popular The Rake’s Progress...FIGURE 15-4: Thomas Gainsborough’s Mr. and Mrs. Andrews dominate the well-tamed...FIGURE 15-5 Joshua Reynolds’s Lady Sarah Bunbury Sacrificing to the Graces.

      13 Chapter 16FIGURE 16-1: In Telemachus and the Nymphs of Calypso, by Angelica Kauffman, the...FIGURE 16-2: Angelica Kauffman’s The Sorrow of Telemachus shows a man expressin...FIGURE 16-3: The Oath of the Horatii by Jacques-Louis David was painted to insp...FIGURE 16-4: David’s The Death of Marat, painted in 1793, is both a memorial to...FIGURE 16-5: Ingres’ s La Grande Odalisque has Mannerist proportions and Neocla...FIGURE 16-6: Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun’s Marie Antoinette in a Muslin DressFIGURE 16-7: Self-Portrait with Two Pupils, Marie-Gabrielle Capet and Marguerit...FIGURE 16-8: In Canova’s Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss, the god of love ...FIGURE 16-9: Jean-Antoine Houdon’s bust of George Washington.

      14 Chapter 17FIGURE 17-1: Blake painted Sir Isaac Newton with pen, ink, and watercolor in 17...FIGURE 17-2: Caspar David Friedrich confronts God or death in The Wanderer abov...FIGURE 17-3: Raft of the Medusa, one of the most imposing masterpieces of Frenc...FIGURE 17-4: Delacroix’s Liberty Leading the People is an icon of the French sp...FIGURE 17-5: Goya’s Third of May 1808 confronts viewers with the brutal horrors...

      15 Chapter 18FIGURE 18-1: Courbet’s The Stone Breakers captures on canvas the gritty side of...FIGURE 18-2: Millet’s The Gleaners documents a rural way of life that was begin...FIGURE 18-3: The silvery mistiness of Corot’s Pond at Ville-d’Avray is a ...FIGURE 18-4: Rosa Bonheur’s The Horse Fair dazzled visitors of the 1853 Salon i...FIGURE 18-5: Thomas Cole’s View from Mount Holyoke, Northampton, Massachusetts ...FIGURE 18-6: The Rocky Mountains, Lander’s Peak by Albert Bierstadt helpe...FIGURE 18-7: George Catlin’s Osceola, the Black Drink, A Warrior of Great Disti...FIGURE 18-8: Edmonia Lewis carved Indian Combat in 1868. FIGURE 18-9: Winslow Homer’s The Brierwood Pipe illustrates how some Civil War ...FIGURE 18-10: Love’s Messenger by Marie Spartali Stillman, 1885; Samuel a...FIGURE 18-11: In the Garden by Thomas Dewing, 1892-94; Smithsonian American Art...FIGURE 18-12: The rough life of a miner is etched on the face of George Luks’s

      16 Chapter 19FIGURE 19-1: Manet’s Olympia is a mid-19th-century example of shock art. FIGURE 19-2: In Springtime (also known as The Reader), Monet captures a poetic ...FIGURE 19-3: In Renoir’s Dance at the Moulin de la Galette, sunlight dapples th...FIGURE 19-4: Degas’s Blue Dancers is visual music. The colors and forms harmoni...FIGURE 19-5: After the Bath by Mary Cassatt, 1901. FIGURE 19-6: At the Ball paints a poignant picture of womanhood in the 19th cen...FIGURE 19-7: Nanny and Child was one of Eva Gonzalès’s four entries in the 1878...FIGURE 19-8: At the Seaside by William Merritt Chase, Long Island, New York, c....FIGURE 19-9: Frederick Carl Frieseke painted On the Bank in Giverny, c. 1915.

      17 Chapter 20FIGURE 20-1: The Circus is an example of Seurat’s scientific approach to painti...FIGURE 20-2: Quadrille at the Moulin Rouge, created in 1892, is a typical quirk...FIGURE 20-3: Marcelle Lender Dancing the Bolero in “Chilpéric,” by H...FIGURE 20-4: In The Vision after the Sermon (Jacob Wrestling with the Angel), G...FIGURE 20-5: Van Gogh’s Two Poplars in the Alpilles near Saint-Rémy exhibi...FIGURE 20-6: Rodin’s The Thinker is probably the most celebrated statue since M...FIGURE 20-7: James Ensor, Christ’s Entry into Brussels in 1889. FIGURE 20-8: Cézanne’s favorite model was a mountain called Mont Sainte-Victoir...FIGURE 20-9: Wilhelm Beetz designed the Jugendstil underground toilet in Vienna...FIGURE 20-10: Gaudí’s Casa Batlló is a five-story architectural wonderland.

      18 Chapter 21FIGURE 21-1: In Street, Berlin, Kirchner depicts a slice of stylized urban deca...FIGURE 21-2: Sleeping Woman and Child is one of Kollwitz’s many poignant woodcu...FIGURE 21-3: In Composition Number VI, Kandinsky treats colors and shapes like ...FIGURE 21-4: Fate of the Animals, 1913, by Franz Marc. FIGURE 21-5: Watersnakes, by Gustav Klimt. FIGURE 21-6: Death and the Maiden by Egon Schiele. Belvedere, Vienna, Austria.

      19 Chapter 22FIGURE 22-1: La Vie is one of Pablo Picasso’s most enigmatic Blue Period painti...FIGURE 22-2: Les Demoiselles d’Avignon is Picasso’s crossing-the-Rubicon ...FIGURE 22-3: Boccioni’s Unique Forms of Continuity in Space illustrates the Fut...FIGURE 22-4: Gino Severini’s The Blue Dancer, painted in 1912, captures the vig...FIGURE 22-5: In Church Street El, 1920, Charles Sheeler transforms a cluster of...FIGURE 22-6: Aspects of Negro Life: From Slavery to Reconstruction, by Aaron Do...FIGURE 22-7: Aspects of Negro Life: An Idyll of the Deep South, by Aaron Dougla...

      20 Chapter 23FIGURE 23-1: Suprematist Painting, 1915 by Kazimir Malevich. FIGURE 23-2: Marcel Duchamp’s Nude Descending a Staircase No. 2 scandalized vie...FIGURE 23-3: Max Ernst’s The Robing of the Bride is a confrontation between unc...FIGURE 23-4: Persistence of Memory, by Salvador Dalí, depicts a nightmare visio...FIGURE 23-5: Inviting open windows and intrusive skies, as in Black Magic, are ...FIGURE 23-6: Frida Kahlo explores the dueling sides of her nature while gazing ...FIGURE 23-7: At Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright harmonizes the arc...FIGURE 23-8: Notre-Dame du Haut, by Le Corbusier, is one of the most innovative...FIGURE 23-9: Lee Krasner, Igor,

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