The chance to start a new life. How to make a conscious choice. Ida Prem (Turkan Gasimova)
to us.
I would advise many to try to give up value statements and judgments. What does it mean to value judgments? In fact, there is nothing bad and nothing good in our dual world. The fact is that this is our egocentric perception system, which is accustomed to perceive only extremes and in no case combine them into a balance. Also, for example, when we start giving advice to another person, they often have the illusion that we know the correct answer better, although this is, of course, impossible. The correct answer and decision depends on so many subjective and unknown factors that we will never be able to correctly assess and understand the situation from the point of view of this particular person. On the other hand, it can activate a negative program in them that controls them through life. And many have it. It is shifting responsibility for your life and for your decisions. Look, if you are asked for advice, then just try to expand the list of possible visible options for such a person. Help to find the pros and cons of each option, and then their life experience, logic, experience, intuition and most importantly, the higher and deepest “Self” will lead them, perhaps even through mistakes, to the correct answer so that they realize all the lessons of life, go through that path of awareness and already choose the best option for resolving the issue from all possible ones, suitable for them. Value judgments are the same mistake. By giving an assessment, we program a person. In addition, evaluation is most often capable of destroying even good relationships. Therefore, instead of telling someone “you are bad”, you should first learn to talk about the feelings that we experience as a reaction to the actions of another person. Unfortunately, in our society it is generally not customary to talk about feelings, and even more so about negative ones. We are mostly accustomed to blame, rather than in communication to talk about the feelings that led to these reactions.
It is very useful to know that there are also things that you simply never need to think about and know about. It is better not to know too much and avoid opportunities to become a witness to the negative actions of other people. We forgive those who make mistakes, but we hate those who witnessed our serious mistakes, so it is better to avoid such situations ourselves. If we don’t manage our goals, then someone else manages them. Note, not no one, but someone else. Often we get money for going not to our goals, but to the goals of the one who pays us for giving up our own goal. We are holding on and fighting for our freedom. In general, freedom is not what you are given. This is something that cannot be taken away from you. There are three freedoms that should not be allowed to be restricted – freedom of movement, freedom of communication and freedom of information. And if we want to take an important step in life, it is important to understand whether it will limit one of these freedoms. And if any of these freedoms are limited, it is worth considering whether the price is not too high. People love those they care about, and the more effort, time, feelings they put into another person, the more they love them. So if you need something, don’t be afraid to ask for it, it’s very helpful to let other people take care of you. Understand, this will only make them love you more. It is very important to respect personal space, both your own and another person’s. Thanks to personal space, a kind of field for development, we develop, better form and maintain our individuality, and it is our uniqueness and individuality that is valuable to others. If we do not have this microcosm, the necessary set of conditions and resources, then it will be extremely difficult for us to develop. Therefore, it is important to protect personal space and try not to let anyone in there. It’s like a shrine to your deep “Self”, the paradise in which You and You are. And people who want to check your phone, read your mail, eavesdrop on a telephone conversation, get into a computer or bag, should simply be avoided. Following the same law, we show respect for the personal space of another person. Yes, of course, reasonable selfishness is necessary, and if we do not respect ourselves, fight for happiness, then no one will do it. It is necessary that this respect for yourself first of all come from yourself. Reasonable selfishness is a kind of unique balance, without which it is impossible to grow your freedom and self-respect. It’s very simple. The business that we like has a chance to become successful if we want it, and in order for us to like it ourselves, it just costs us to do it well once. If this is impossible, it should be done in a short time. So, for example, it is better to have an unpleasant conversation quickly and forget about it than to delay and accumulate negative emotions about it. Our unconscious and true Self will always choose the best option available. The more options we have for solving the situation, the more correct option the unconscious will choose, so our task is to expand the number of possible options for comparison and choice. Sometimes we want to get answers right away, so to speak, as if asked in a “search engine”. But this does not happen instantly. And I am absolutely sure that many of you have witnessed when the answers came at the most unexpected moment, or rather, at the moment when you let go of the situation. At the same time, it should be taken into account that if some option is artificially unavailable to us, the brain concentrates on it, presenting it to us as special, and clearly pushing towards it. In fact, we often seek not so much this option as our right to implement it. Therefore, having received something that was not available before, it is useful to once again completely reevaluate all available options for solving the problem.
There are a huge number of different energy currents or flows in the world, and if you get into them, you can achieve success much faster. Basically, such flows are formed around people with good energy, a positive outlook on the world, satisfied with their lives. These are people who have a lot of ideas, they are overwhelmed with creativity. You yourself have noticed more than once that, having got into this or that society, or a company, regardless of you, you begin to think like them, feel all the positive if it is a good company, or vice versa, having got into a negative and destructive society, you become like them. This is where the collective unconscious comes into play. Communicating with successful people, we begin to imitate them, and once in such a stream, we need to strive for its center. An indicator that you are moving in the right direction is the appearance around you of an increasing number of creative, positive and successful people. Our abilities are revealed when they are really needed, this is how the human brain works. Only those abilities are revealed that a person needs at a given moment of time to achieve his personal goals and survive in general. I would also like to add that our dreams do not come true until we are ready for it. To get what you want, you need to move to a new level of yourself. It’s like, until you grow out of old pants, new ones will be too big for you. This is how it works here as well. If we do not get what we dream about, then fate protects us from this, because we are not ready for this. Let’s say that life protects you from buying an expensive car that you really want, but are not yet ready to maintain and service. The question arises: “What to do then?” The answer is simple – to prepare and do what you can, and gradually achieve a state of affairs in which the outcome you want cannot fail to occur. In fact, it is about the fact that we will manage what we can manage. We will own what we can own, and be able to be in tune with the dream, with ourselves, our actions, will, and mind. And then we stop blaming the whole world for our failures and understand that the responsibility for what happens in our life lies only with ourselves. And in order to move to the so-called new level, life will pump you, so to speak, so that you become higher or are at the appropriate level with your desires. And what happens to us is precisely those events for which we are really ready. If we want to become someone, it is worth starting to behave as if it has already happened, it is useful to start preparing ourselves and our environment for this. This does not mean that you need, for example, to buy expensive clothes and interior items, it means that you need to behave and think in accordance with these feelings. They say that money comes when a person internally resigned themselves to what they have, when they have already learned to be happy without them. And indeed, I have been convinced of this many times. When we create in harmony with what we have in our hands at the moment, miracles begin to happen. I am sure that you have come across information more than once about how the feeling of gratitude balances our entire internal egocentric system. And this is absolutely true. When you are in this state, creativity rises, all the organs of the body and senses begin to function calmly and in a flow. I will mention the topic of gratitude more than once in my chapters. And with practice in your life, you will