Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов. С. Ю. Дмитриева

Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов - С. Ю. Дмитриева

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the rector. The types of activities are:

      1) teaching;

      2) research;

      3) close cooperation with different farms of Penza region in agricultural production.

      There are four faculties in the academy: the faculty of agronomy, the faculty of engineering, the technological faculty and the faculty of economics. About 4000 students study at the full-time and extra-mural departments. More than 200 lecturers work at the academy, among them are doctors of sciences and professors.

      The course of studies at the academy lasts five years. The academic year starts in September and ends in June. Classes start at eight o’clock in the morning. Every day the students have three or four double-periods. They take their examinations twice a year. The curriculum includes theoretical studies of special subjects and social sciences and practical training. During the semesters students attend lectures, tutorials, carry out laboratory tests, do practical work.

      The students actively participate in the scientific, sport and public life of the academy: they take part in conferences, sport contests, foreign language competitions, concerts. Many students receive grants.

      Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

      Exercise 2. Make up a plan to the text.

      Exercise 3. Answer the questions.

      1) When was Penza agricultural academy founded?

      2) Who is the head of the academy?

      3) What are the types of activities?

      4) What faculties are there in the academy?

      5) What specialists does the teaching staff include?

      6) Is there an extra-mural department in the academy?

      7) How long does the course of studies last?

      8) How many double-periods do the students have every day?

      9) What do the students do during the semesters?

      10) How do students participate in the scientific, public and sport life?

       Exercise 4. In pairs, act out a conversation between students of the two academies (see Texts 1, 2).

       Exercise 5. Make a report about your institute.


      1) I study at …

      2) My institute ( academy, university) was founded in …

      3) It trains specialists in the sphere of …

      4) There are … faculties in … They are…

      5) It is headed by …

      6) … students study at …

      7) The course of studies lasts …

      8) The academic year starts … and ends …

      9) Every day we have …

      10) My favorite subject(s) is (are) …

      11) The students are to …

      12) The students take part in …

The Curriculum

      Task 1. Match the English words with their Russian equivalents.

      Task 2. Make up your timetable.

What can you say about your English?

      1. For how many years have you been studying English?

      2. Are you a success?

      3. What are you good at: reading, listening or speaking?

      4. Is English grammar difficult for you?

      Task 1. Make up sentences to express your thoughts.

      Task 2. Match proverbs and sayings with their Russian equivalents.

      Task 3. What is the language situation in your country? Write two paragraphs and make sure you answer the questions:

      a) Is there more than one official language?

      b) How many different languages do people speak?

      c) Are there dialects?

      d) Is the language of radio and TV the same as the language in the street?

      e) What does English mean to you?

What time is it now?

      – Excuse me, please.

      – Yes.

      – What time is it now?

      – Let me see … It’s ten to eight.

      – Thank you.

      Task 1. In pairs, practise using the following:

      a) 5.30 – it is half past five

      9.45 – it is a quarter to ten

      4.15 – it is a quarter past four

      10.00 – it is ten o’clock

      b) What time is it now?

      Task 2. Continue the sentences.

      1) I get up at … 2) I have breakfast at … 3) Classes start at … 4) I come home at … 5) My friend comes for me at … 6) In the evening I … 7) I go to bed at …

Text 3 The Higher School and the Ways to Science

      Students’ participation in research is one of the most effective methods for training highly-qualified specialists capable of taking part in the rapidly developing scientific and technological revolution.

      Students are encouraged to participate widely in research while still at college. The program of studies is designed in such a way as to draw students ever deeper into scientific research.

      Research enables the students to improve their knowledge and put to practical use the things which have been learnt at lectures, seminars and laboratories. Thanks to the research the practical value of knowledge is being realized, the basic experimental techniques are being mastered, handling modern equipment is being learnt and the results of the experiments are being analyzed during the whole period of study.

      Such students graduate as highly-skilled specialists. And this is one of the most important tasks facing the college.

      There are students research societies at every university and institute. Contests, competitions and exhibitions are based on students’ research. They have become an established tradition.

      Every year a country-wide student contest is held for the best research project. The winners are awarded special medals and diplomas.

      Students are engaged in research under guidance of professors, instructors, engineers and post-graduates. As a rule, term papers and graduation thesis are written on the problems of the students’ research work. Experimental and industrial installations are performed, theoretical investigations are conducted, and scientific literature on the specialty is studied.

      Quite a number of term papers and graduation theses include elements of research which have been done at some higher school department on contact with farm or industrial enterprises. Term papers, research work, graduation theses of practical importance are regarded as the stages of turning students into skilled specialists.


      participation – участие

      to encourage

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