Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов. С. Ю. Дмитриева

Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов - С. Ю. Дмитриева

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with the phrases:

      Exercise 3. Answer the questions.

      1) What is one of the most effective methods for training highly qualified specialists?

      2) When are students encouraged to participate in research?

      3) What does research enable the students to improve?

      4) Under whose guidance are students engaged in research?

      5) How are graduation theses of practical importance regarded?

      Exercise 4. Express your thoughts to develop the idea: “University work is a process of self-education”.

Text 4

      State higher education in the Russian Federation comprises 522 higher education institutions, not including military institutions.

      The non-state sector with more than 330 higher education institutions has evolved over recent years. There are also 24 preparatory departments available to foreign students.

      The levels of studies are:

      Level 1 lasts 2 years. Students study for a Bachelor’s or specialist intermediate diploma.

      Level 2 marks the continuation of studies for an additional two years leading to a Bachelor’s degree.

      Level 3 represents an educational level common to both the Master’s Diploma and the Specialist diploma.

      The academic year lasts from September to June. There are two semesters.

      The number of students who study free of charge (those who don’t pay for their education) is limited by the number of scholarships. All applicants are to present a school leaving certificate and a medical cerificate confirming their good state of health.

      Every institute selects its students mainly on the results of entrance examinations.

      preparatory departments – подготовительные отделения

      school leaving certificate – аттестат зрелости

      medical certificate confirming their good state of health – справка о состоянии их здоровья

      Exercise 1. Scan the text and suggest a title for it.

      Exercise 2. Find sentences about:

      a) the number of institutions of higher education in Russia;

      b) the preparatory department for foreign students;

      c) the levels of studies;

      d) the main documents for presentation before entrance examinations

Classroom expressions

      What date is it today? – Какое сегодня число?

      What day is it today? – Какой день недели?

      Today is … – Сегодня …

      What was your home task for today? – Что вам задано на сегодня?

      We were to (read, translate, retell …) – Нам нужно было ( прочитать…)

      What is your opinion of the text? – Ваше мнение о тексте?

      To my mind it is (difficult, interesting, boring) – По-моему, текст трудный, (интересный, скучный)

      How much time did it take you to read and translate it? – Сколько времени у Вас ушло на его перевод?

      It took me (about) … – у меня ушло …

      Your mark is … – Ваша оценка …


      Четвертый тип слога (гласн. + r + e или другой гласн.)

      !!! Remember [εə] where, there; [a: ] are; [ə:] were; [uə] sure Exercise 1. Read the words correctly.

      a) aware, rare, rarely, spare, declare, fare, stare, dare, prepare, compare, bare, parent, share, care, square, hare, Mary, vary, glare.

      b) shore, store, adore, more, sore, before, score, ignore, story, core, explore, restore, forest, pore, wore.

      c) during, pure, obscure, secure, endure, furious, curiosity, purify, purification, mature, injury.

      d) tired, retired, wire, admire, sire, fire, fire-place, desire, iron, dire, tyre, require, requirement.

      Чтение буквосочетаний “eigh”, “igh”, “ough”

      !!! Remember [ai] height

      Exercise 2. Read the words correctly.

      Weight, might, fight, thought, eight, weigh, high, night, knight, flight, bought, fought, brought, light, delightful, sight, mighty, bright, slight, slightest.

Чтение буквосочетания

      th” Звуки, данного буквосочетания не типичны для русской речи. Чтобы произнести их правильно, нужно поместить кончик языка между зубами. При этом губы растянуты. Буквосочетание произносится, как звук [ð] (звонкий), в служебных словах ( артикли, союзы и т. д. ), местоимениях и между двумя гласными. E.g. this, the, that, weather. В остальных случаях это сочетание даёт глухой звук [θ] E.g. third, think, breath.

      Exercise 3. Read the words correctly.

      With, without, then, than, this, these, thus, they, that, those, there, their, them, bathe, lathe, other, another, mother, further, father, gather, together, weather, whether, leather, feather, though, brother, bother, path, south, breath.


      Слово it многофункционально. От его функций зависит перевод.

      Exercise 1. Translate the sentences.

      1) It is my bag. It is new. I like it. It is red. 2) It is winter now. It is cold and frosty. 3) It is Mike who knows English well. 4) It is me who is to do the experiment. 5) It is your mistake. 6) It is late. 7) It is 7 o’clock now. 8) It’s no use arguing with him.

THE NOUN Имя существительное

      Существительное-это часть речи, отвечающая на вопросы: кто? что? и обозначающая лицо, предмет или явление. Существительные

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