Buffon's Natural History. Volume X (of 10). Comte de Buffon Georges Louis Leclerc

Buffon's Natural History. Volume X (of 10) - Comte de Buffon Georges Louis Leclerc

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the immense space of the whole universe. Fire cannot subsist without food, and is only found in some parts of this space where man preserves it, and in some parts of the profundity of the earth, where it is also supported by suitable food. Light when condensed and united by the art of man, may produce fire, but it is only as much as it lets fall on combustible matters. Light is therefore no more, and in this single instance, only the principle of fire and not the fire itself: even this principle is not immediate, for it supposes the intermediate one of heat, and which appears to appertain more than light to the essence of fire. Now heat exists as often without light as light exists without heat: these two principles might, therefore, appear not to bind them necessarily together; their effects are not contemporary, since in certain circumstances we feel heat long before light appears, and in others we see light long before we feel any heat. Hence is not heat a mode of being, a modification of matter, which, in fact, differs less than all the rest from that of light, but which can be considered apart, and still more easily conceived? It is, nevertheless, certain, that much fewer discoveries have been made on the nature of heat than on that of light; whether man better catches what he sees than what he feels; whether light, presenting itself generally as a distinct and different substance from all the rest, has appeared worthy of a particular consideration; whereas heat, the effect of which is the most obscure, and presents itself as a less detached and less simple object, has not been regarded as a distinct substance but as an attribute of light and fire.

      The first thing worthy of remark, is, that the seat of heat is quite different from that of light: the latter occupies and runs through the void space of the universe; heat, on the contrary, is diffused through all solid matter. The globe of the earth, and the whole matter of which it is composed, have a considerable degree of heat. Water has its degree of heat which it does not lose but by losing its fluidity. The air has also heat, which we call its temperature, and which varies much, but is never entirely lost, since its springs subsist even in the greatest cold. Fire has also its different degrees of heat, which appear to depend less on its own nature, than on that of the aliments which feed it. Thus all known matter possesses warmth; and, hence, heat is a much more general affection than that of light.

      Heat penetrates every body without exception which is exposed to it, while light passes through transparent bodies only, and is stopped and in part repelled, by every opaque one. Heat, therefore acts in a much more general and palpable manner than light, and although the molecules of heat are excessively minute, since they penetrate the most compact bodies, it seems, however, demonstrable, that they are much more gross than those of light; for we make heat with light, by collecting it in a great quantity. Besides, heat acting on the sense of feeling, it is nececssary that its action be proportionate to the grossness of this sense, the same as the delicacy of the organs of sight appears to be to the extreme fineness of the parts of light; these parts move with the greatest velocity, and act in the instant at immense distances, whereas those of heat have but a slow progressive motion, and only extend to small intervals from the bodies whence they emanate.

      The principle of all heat seems to be the attrition of bodies; all friction, that is, all contrary motion between solid matters produces heat; and if the same effect do not happen to fluids, it is because their parts do not touch close enough to rub one against the other; and that, having little adherence between them, their resistance to the shock of other bodies is too weak for the heat to be produced to a sensible degree; but we often see light produced by an attrition of a fluid, without feeling any heat. All bodies whether great or little become heated as soon as they meet in a contrary direction; heat is, therefore, produced by the motion of all palpable matter; while the production of light, which is also made by motion, but in a contrary direction, supposes also the division of matter into very minute parts: and as this operation of Nature is the same with respect to both, we must conclude, that the atoms of light are solid of themselves, and are hot at the moment of their birth. But we cannot be equally certain, that they preserve their heat in the same degree as their light, nor that they cease to be hot before they cease to be luminous.

      It is well known, that heat grows less, or cold becomes greater, the higher we ascend on the mountains. It is true that the heat which proceeds from the terrestrial globe, is of course sensibly less on those advanced points, than it is on the plains; but this cause is not proportionable to the effect; the action of heat, which emanates from the terrestrial globe, not being able to diminish but by the square of the distance, it does not appear that at the height of half a mile, which is only the three thousandth part of the semi-diameter of the globe, whose centre must be taken for the focus of heat, that this difference, which in this supposition is only a unit and nine millions, can produce a diminution of heat nearly so considerable; for the thermometer lowers at that height, at all times of the year, to the freezing point. It is not probable, that this great difference of heat simply proceeds from the difference of the earth; and of that we must be fully convinced, if we consider, that at the mouth of the volcanos, where the earth is hotter than in any other part on the surface of the globe, the air is nearly as cold as on other mountains of the same height.

      It may then be supposed that the atoms of light, though very hot at the moment of quitting the sun, are greatly cooled during the seven minutes and a half in which they pass from that body to the earth; and this in fact would be the case if they were detached; but, as they almost immediately succeed each other, and are the more confined as they are nearer the place of their origin, the heat lost by each atom falls on the neighbouring ones; and this reciprocal communication supports the general heat of light a longer time; and as their constant direction is in divergent rays, their distance from each other increases according to the space they run over; and as the heat which flies from each atom, as a centre, diminishes also in the same ratio, it follows, that the light of the solar rays, decreasing in an inverted ratio from the square of the distance, that of their heat decreases in an inverted ratio of the square of the same distance.

      Taking therefore the semi-diameter of the sun for a unit, and supposing the action of light to be as 1000 to the distance of a demi-diameter of the surface of this planet, it will not be more than as 1000/4 to the distance of two demi-diameters; as 1000/9 to that of three demi-diameters, as 1000/16 to the distance of four demi-diameters; and finally, when it arrives at us, who are distant from the sun thirty-six millions of leagues, that is about two hundred and twenty-four of its demi-diameters, the action of light will be no more than as 1000/50625, that is, more than 50,000 times weaker than at its issuing from the sun; and the heat of each atom of light being also supposed 1000 at its issuing from the sun, will not be more than as 1000/16 1000/81 1000/256 to the successive of 1, 2, 3, demi-diameters, and, when arrived at us, as 1000/2562890625 that is, more than two thousand five hundred millions of times weaker than at issuing from the sun.

      If even this diminution of the heat of light should not be admitted by reason of the squared square of the distance to the sun, it will still be evident that heat, in its propagation, diminishes more than light. If we excite a very strong heat, by kindling a large fire, we shall only feel it at a moderate distance but we shall see the light at a very great one. If we bring our hands by degrees nearer and nearer a body excessively hot, we shall perceive that the heat increases much more in proportion than as the space diminishes; for we may warm ourselves with pleasure at a distance which differs only by a few inches from that at which we should be burnt. Every thing, therefore, appears to indicate, that heat diminishes in a greater ratio than light, in proportion as both are removed from the focus whence they issued.

      This might lead us to imagine, that the atoms of light would be very cold when they came to the surface of our atmosphere; but that by traversing the great extent of this transparent mass, they receive a new heat by friction. The infinite velocity with which the particles of light rub against those of the air, must produce a heat so much the stronger as the friction is more multiplied: and it is, probably, for this reason, that the heat of the solar rays is found much stronger in the lower parts of the atmosphere, and that the coldness of the air appears to augment as we are elevated. Perhaps, likewise, as light receives heat only by uniting, a great number of atoms of light is required to constitute a single atom of heat, and this may be the cause why the feeble light of the moon, although in the atmosphere, like that of the sun, does not receive any sensible degree of heat. If, as M. Bouguer says, the intensity of the light of the sun to the surface of the earth is 300,000 times stronger than that of the moon, the latter must be almost insensible, even by uniting it in the focus of

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