Buffon's Natural History. Volume X (of 10). Comte de Buffon Georges Louis Leclerc

Buffon's Natural History. Volume X (of 10) - Comte de Buffon Georges Louis Leclerc

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animated; this being extinguished the motion ceases, and the elastic and fugitive particles become fixed, and take a concrete form. Thus matters, whose weight is increased by fire, as tin, lead, &c. are substances which, by their affinity with fire, attract and incorporate. All matters, on the contrary, which, like iron, copper, &c. become lighter in proportion as they are calcined, are substances whose attractive forces, relative to the igneous particles, is less than the expansive force of fire; and hence the fire, instead of fixing in these matters, carries off and drives away the least adherent parts which cannot resist its impulsion. Those which, like gold, platina, silver, &c. neither lose nor acquire by the application of fire, are substances which, having no affinity with fire, and not being able to unite, cannot, consequently, either retain or accompany it when it is carried off. It is evident that the matters of the two first classes have a certain degree of affinity with fire, since those of the second class are loaded with fire, which they retain; and the fire loads itself with those of the first class, which it carries off; whereas the matters of the third class, to which it neither lends nor borrows, have not any affinity or attraction with it, but are indifferent to its action, which can neither unnaturalize nor even change them.

      This division of every matter into three classes, relative to the action of fire, does not exclude the more particular and less absolute division of all matters into two other classes, hitherto regarded as relative to their own nature, which is said to be always vitrifiable, or calcareous. Our new division is only a more elevated point of view, under which we must consider them, to endeavour to deduce therefrom even the agent that is used by the relations fire can have with every substance to which it is applied.

      We might say, with naturalists, that all is vitrifiable in Nature, excepting that which is calcareous: that quartz, chrystals, precious stones, flints, granites, porphyries, agates, gypsums, clays, lava, pumice stone, with all metals and other minerals, are vitrifiable either by the fire of our furnaces, or that of mirrors; whereas marble, alabaster, stones, chalk, marl, and other substances which proceed from the residue of shells and madrepores, cannot be reduced into fusion by these means. Nevertheless I am persuaded, that if the power of our furnaces and mirrors were further increased, we should be enabled to put these calcareous matters in fusion; since there are a multiplicity of reasons to conclude, that at the bottom their substance is the same, and that glass is the common basis of all terrestrial matter.

      By my own experiments I have found, that the most powerful glass furnaces is only a weak fire, compared with that of bellows furnaces; and that fire produced in the focus of a good mirror, is stronger than that of the most glowing fire of a furnace. I have kept iron ore for thirty-six hours in the hottest part of the glass furnace of Rouelle, in Burgundy, without its being melted, agglutinated, or even in any manner changed; whereas, in less than twelve hours this ore runs in a forge furnace. I have also melted, or volatilized, by a mirror many matters which neither the fire, nor reverberatory furnace, nor the most powerful bellows furnace could cause to run.

      It is commonly supposed, that flame is the hottest part of fire, yet nothing is more erroneous than this opinion; the contrary may be demonstrated by the most simple and familiar experiments. Offer to a straw fire, or even to the flame of a lighted faggot, a cloth to dry or heat, and treble the time will be required to what would be necessary if presented to a brasier without flame. Newton very accurately defines flame to be a burning smoke, and this smoke, or vapour, has never the same quantity or intensity of heat as the combustible body from which it escapes. By being carried upwards and extending, it has the property of communicating fire, and carrying it further than the heat of the brasier, which alone might not be sufficient to communicate it when even very near.

      The communication of fire merits a particular attention. I found, after repeated reflections that besides the assistance of facts which appear to have a relation to it, that experiments were necessary to understand the manner in which this operation of Nature is made. Let us receive two or three thousand weight of iron in a mould at its issuing from the furnace; this metal in a short time loses its incandescence, and ceases from its redness, according to the thickness of the ingot. If at the moment its redness leaves it, it is drawn from the mold, the under parts will be still red, but this colour will fly off. Now so long as the redness subsists, we can light combustible matters by applying them to the ingot; but as soon as it has lost its incandescent state, there are numbers of matters which it will not set fire to, although the heat which it diffuses is, perhaps a hundred times stronger than that of a straw fire, which would inflame them. This made me think that flame being necessary to the communication of fire, there is therefore a flame in all incandescence. The red colour seems, in fact, to indicate it; and indeed I am convinced, that combustible, and even the most fixed matters, such as gold and silver, when in an incandescent state, are surrounded with a dense flame which extends only to a very short distance, and which is attached to their surface; and I can easily conceive, that when flame becomes dense to a certain degree, it ceases from obeying the fluctuation of the air. This white or red body, which issues from all bodies in incandescence, and which strikes our eyes, is the evaporation of this dense flame which surrounds the body by renewing itself incessantly on its surface; and even the light of the sun, which emits such an amazing brightness, I presume to be only an evaporation of the dense state that constantly plays on its surface; and which we must regard as a true flame, more pure and dense than any proceeding from our combustible matters.

      It is, therefore, by light that fire communicates, and heat alone cannot produce the same effect as when it becomes very strong to be luminous. Even water, that destructive element to fire, by which alone we can prevent its progress, nevertheless communicates when in a well-closed vessel, such as Papin’s digester, where it is penetrated with a sufficient quantity of fire to render it luminous, and capable of melting lead and tin, whereas when it is only boiling, far from communicating fire, it extinguishes it immediately. It is true, that heat alone is sufficient to prepare and dispose combustible bodies for inflammation, by driving off the humid parts from bodies; and what is very remarkable, this heat, which dilates all bodies, does not desist from hardening them by drying. I have an hundred times discovered, by examining the stones of my great furnaces, especially the calcareous, they increased in hardness in proportion to the time they had undergone the heat, and they also at the same time became specifically heavier. From this circumstance, I think an induction may be drawn, which would prove, and fully confirm, that heat, although in appearance always fugitive and never stable in the bodies which it penetrates, nevertheless deposits in a positive manner many parts which fixes there even in greater quantities than the aqueous and other parts which it has driven off. But what appears very difficult to be reconciled, this same calcareous stone, which becomes specifically heavier by the action of a moderate heat a long time continued, becomes near a half lighter, when submitted to a fire sufficient for its calcination, and, at the same time, not only loses all the hardness it had acquired by the action of heat, but even the natural adherence of its constituting parts.

      Calcination generally received, is, with respect to fixed and incombustible bodies, what combustion is to volatile and inflammable. Calcination, like combustion, needs the assistance of air; it operates so much the quicker, as it is furnished with a greater quantity of that element, without which the fiercest fire cannot calcine nor inflame any thing, except such matters as contain in themselves all the air necessary for those purposes. This necessity for the concurrence of air in calcination, as in combustion, indicates, that there are more things common between them than has been suspected. The application of fire is the principle of both; that of air is the second cause, and almost as necessary as the first; but these two causes are equally combined, according as they act in more or less time, and with more or less power on different substances.

      Combustion operates almost instantaneously; calcination is sometimes so long, as to be thought impossible; for in proportion as matters are more incombustible, the calcination is there more slowly made; and when the constituent parts of a substance, such as gold, are not only incombustible, but appear so fixed as not to be volatilized, calcination produces no effect. They must both, therefore, be considered as effects of the same cause, whose two extremes are delineated to us by phosphorus, which is the most inflammable of all bodies, and by gold, which is the most fixed and least combustible. All substances comprized between these two extremes, will be more or less subjected to the effects of combustion and calcination, according as they approach either of them; insomuch, that in the middle points there

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