Библия Времени. Найди свое. Лим Ворд

Библия Времени. Найди свое - Лим Ворд

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characteristics of the Mosin rifle due to the bent trigger, allowing to shoot, without reducing the barrel from the line of sight. At the same time, the aiming range of the last shot, due to the higher velocity of the bullet (870 ms), is two kilometers above.

      From 1935 to 1945, 14 million copies were produced. Some rifles are still in use, like hunting rifled weapons.

      9. Lydia Vladimirovna Litvyak, fighter pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union. Birth – August 18 (Aviation Day), 1921, Moscow. From the age of 14 – classes in the flying club, getting a trip to one of the few aviation schools, taking girls – Kherson, returning to the capital, work at the Kalinin aeroclub (in place of the current microdistrict «Yuzhny»), training 45 pilots. Lydia’s father, a railroad worker, V. Litvyak, was shot in 1937 (when his daughter commits the first independent flight). This can be hidden for the time being. In 1942, the girl sought enrollment in 586 «female», created on the initiative, already very famous Marina Raskova fighter regiment. First, it is remembered by a fashionista who changes fur from the umb to the collar (and is serving for that day’s arrest), a lover of long scarves made of parachute silk, but since August 1942 – a very effective fighter pilot. In the sky of Stalingrad, Lydia shoots down two Yu-88s, two Me-109s and one D0—217, becoming the world’s first female pilot to personally shoot down the enemy’s plane. The nickname or, originally, the self-name of Lydia, who probably does not like the somewhat firm «D» in her name – «Lily». The image of the flower appears on the fuselage Yak-1. Sometimes a lily painted by a regimental artist is considered a rose, because the flying girl is alternately called the «White Rose (and, or Lily) of Stalingrad.»

      After a while, the female fighter regiment is disbanded, and the pilots are assigned to the «regular» air regiments.

      There will be an acquaintance, a wedding with Alexei Salomatin, by that time already a Hero of the Soviet Union, who has on his account 18 planes destroyed. His «Yak» comes back from the battle riddled, and, already at the airport (in front of Lydia) explodes.

      Liliya shoots down 12 planes personally, 4 in group, becoming the most productive pilot-ace in history. August 1, 1943 at the turn of the river Miuss (Donbass), when returning from a combat mission, its «Yak-1» is pummeled by a German fighter emerging from the cloud.

      There are rumors that Lydia was taken prisoner, she was seen in a car with German officers, and so forth, because the appropriation of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union is postponed indefinitely. The remains of Lydia were identified only in 1969. Unfortunately, the «Yak» found in the beam is cut into scrap metal a few days before the arrival of the search group.

      This photo (5) is not in the search base as having a «license for use and modification», if you have a complaint, please contact the author.

      In total, the USSR Air Force has three women’s aviation regiments (on the average, the air regiment is 36 cars, 3 squadrons): 586th fighter, Yak-1, 587th bomber, with Pe-2 dives, and, most notoriously, until the end of the war female, 588th light-bomber, on Po-2 planes («night witches»).

      It is appropriate to give a list of the most effective aces of World War II:

      Ivan Kozhedub – personally, La-5 and La-7 – 64 aircraft, plus two unreported American «Mustang», for unknown reasons attacked him in the zone of operation of Soviet aviation. There is information about the shooting down of several American planes on MiG-15, during the Korean War.

      Alexander Pokryshkin (on the MiG-3 and Aerocobre) – 59 in person, 6 in the group. Another (first) aircraft, alas, a Soviet light-engine bomber, shot down by mistake. Soviet pilots have a custom to stimulate the slaves (covering the attack), giving them their victories. So does A. Pokryshkin, whose personal account is, obviously, 90 aircraft Luftwaffe.

      Pokryshkin’s special merit consists in bringing to the superior command the advantages of German tactics of conducting air combat in pairs, not in troikas, in the so-called «free hunting» – «he saw from a height, attacked, disappeared». Such behavior is worth a lot of nerves to the pilot, temporary removal from office during the trial of the case in the tribunal, expulsion from the party…

      Grigory Rechkalov («I-153», «Yak») – at least 56 (according to the specified data 61) personally, 6 in the group.

      Thomas Pettl (born in South Africa, the British Air Force) – on the Gladiator, Hurricane, from 1940 to 1941, before his death in battle – 51 personally (primarily Italian aircraft), 6 in the group («separated»).

      Richard Ira Bong (USA) – 40 shot down on the «Lightning» Japanese fighters «Zero» definitely, seven – probably.

      Klosterman Pierre (France). On Spitfire and Hawker, during the service in the French and British Air Force – 19 independent, 14 divided victories.

      Erich Harmann (Germany) – 352 wins, with the loss of 14 of his Messershmitt-109, as a result of fuel shortages, damage to debris from downed planes, and possibly from enemy fighter aircraft (which was concealed in order not to spoil the reputation). August 43 – getting into Russian captivity, imitating wound and incontinence, in order to cause pity for the soldiers, also to prevent a search, escape, return to service. At some point, the extraordinary effectiveness of Hartmann raises doubts even in the Supreme Staff of the Luftwaffe, accustomed to stamp heroes for the Reich, however, rewarding Oak Leaves and Swords to the Knight’s Cross at Hitler’s rate frees the pilot from unnecessary suspicion. So, fighting already on the Western Front, he declares the shooting down of 11 American Mustangs in just one day, on August 24, 1944.

      In 1945, the Americans hand over the accused in war crimes, who surrendered to Hartmann (as he had fought before against the USSR), to the Soviet troops. In the camps, he rebels against coercing German officers into hard physical labor (which is a violation of the International Law on prisoners of war), requires special treatment, is generally sought, released under an amnesty in 1955. Hartmann then enters the Air Force Germany, commander of the squadron «Richthofen», repeatedly visits the United States, retired as a flight instructor, and leaves this world in 1993.

      Hirooshi Nisizawa, Japan. On the Zero fighter, 87, or perhaps 147 downed American aircraft. From a certain point in the Japanese aviation they simply stop to conduct individual statistics. During the flight for new fighters, in October 1944 Nisidzawa died as a passenger of the transport «Makadzhima.»

      Eino Juutilainen. Finland. During the Winter War, the Fokker FR-106 – I-16 and DB-3. Further, at Messerschmid-109, 92 Soviet aircraft were part of the forces of the Axis countries.

      Occupation of Vichy France. According to Reich’s agreements with the collaborative (from French «cooperation») government of Henri Petain, part of France south of the established borders, about half of all territories, is managed quite autonomously. The capital of this part of Gaul is the city of Vichy (hence the name of the regime). The main point is that it is difficult for the Germans to manage the vast colonies of France in Africa, Indochina… even in far-flung Latin America, etc., local administrations, all ties are tied to the French. Parity is respected: we allow keeping the colonies to ourselves, leaving part of the country to the French, in return you keep subordinate state entities from actively assisting the Anglo-American allies.

      Be that as it may, on November 8, 1942, the British and Americans quite successfully landed in Morocco and Algeria. The Nazi command now believes that with the game in «Free France» it is definitely time to finish. And, on November 11 (that is, a week before the beginning of the series of actions on the encirclement of the troops of the Axis countries near Stalingrad), an operation under the code name «Anton» is being developed. Parts of the two German and Italian armies, without special problems, occupy the French Riviera, as well as Corsica. Almost the only of the French generals, Latr de Tassigny, who gave the order for armed

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