Библия Времени. Найди свое. Лим Ворд

Библия Времени. Найди свое - Лим Ворд

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      4. Forced relocation of USSR citizens to work in Germany

      1. General for all occupied territories occupying 20 marks.

      2. Money for the «Reichskommissariat» Ukraine. It was allowed to use also small Soviet bills (even with the image of the Red Army man).

      3. In the occupation of settlements in Russia, Germans and their allies (except, sometimes, Italians), as a rule, expel local residents from homes. Leaving the occupied territories, Wehrmacht soldiers blow up or burn residential buildings, and other valuable buildings.

      4. Since the beginning of 1942 (the «blitzkrieg» failure), 5 million people have been hijacked for forced labor in Germany. Of them 2, 4 million from Ukraine, 0, 4 million – Byelorussia, 2, 2 million – Central Russia. 2, 2 million died in captivity. 0.4 million, fearing reprisals, prefer to stay in the West. Remaining by order of Stalin are struck in the rights (inability to admit to higher educational institutions, to leadership positions, decent work, etc.). Also, the Stalinist Soviet Union renounces any reparations in favor of the repatriates (unlike the Jews of the Western countries, who quite easily received from Germany 108 billion full-weight dojchmarok).

      On the ground, German troops practice, first of all, physical extermination of draft and pre-conscription youth from 14 years of age.

      The battle for Dieppe. Anglo-American allies are trained to conduct real hostilities on land. August 19, 1942, at 5 o’clock in the morning there will be a sea landing in the occupied French port. The general meaning of the operation is rather vague; the destruction of coastal fortifications, the capture of prisoners, the collection of information and «evaluation of the reaction» of the enemy. A small fleet encounters an enemy convoy. The battle begins. The element of surprise is gone. About 6,800 marines, mostly Canadians, are attacked by already well-trained 1,500 Germans, bogged down in city battles, and lose their offensive impulse. In just 4 hours, under the strongest fire of the enemy begins disorderly evacuation. Result: 3,600 paratroopers are killed or taken prisoner. Allies lose 108 aircraft, 50 tanks «Churchill», mostly on the coastal strip, 33 barges and destroyer. Wehrmacht losses on land – 311 people (according to other sources – 4), 48 aircraft.

      According to some reports, the disruption of the operation is also due to the inconsistency of the actions of the secret services of Great Britain. One of the parties in MI6, and the government itself, could directly oppose the too early, from its point of view, the opening of the Second Front (before the exhaustion of the USSR).

      The Battle of El Alamein (Libya). The African corps of General Rommel, deprived of any steady supply of reinforcements, with the fourfold superiority of the English (commander B. Montgomery) in manpower and technology, who have no problems in supply, after some of his initial successes, is pushed back to Tunisia. There, on May 12, 1943, a grouping of German-Italian troops, numbering 250,000 people, is forced to capitulate. North Africa becomes a springboard for an invasion of Europe. Irreversible losses: Wehrmacht – 12,000 people (Italians and Germans), 232 tanks, 84 aircraft, Great Britain 8,000 people, 332 tanks, 97 aircraft.

      In May 1943, the British Air Force was attacking the Ruhr dams using «jumping bombs.» This is about the survival of the UK itself, so the target is selected by the large military factories in Essen and Ruhr, still being «private property» of American and British corporations. After the war, the governments of these countries will pay off with the owners of the companies for the damage caused to their enterprises. Despite the relative success of individual point strikes, the idea of carpet bombing of large German cities ripens, for a plus or minus seven and a half kilometers of deflection of aerial bombs is already considered an accurate hit on the target. A decision is made on the strategic bombing of Germany, which will be fully deployed in July. Since 1940, luck is considered, if one of ten aircraft just reaches the target; In the future, thanks to an increase in bombing altitude and improved navigation instruments, the situation is straightened out. The basis of the Anglo-American air forces is the «Flying Fortress» B-17, the weight of the equipped bomber 24 tons, the crew of 10 people, 9—12 machine guns caliber of 12, 7 mm., The combat radius is 3,200 km., With a bomb load of 2.5 tons. Loss of 25% in unsuccessful «trial» flights, 3% according to statistics at the end of the war. Contribution to the destruction of German cities also makes the British high-rise «Mosquito», which has a fighter speed (and even higher) – 668 km. h, thanks to the extensive use of plywood in the design – little noticeable for radar, used generally without any small arms. Two person crew, 900 kg. bombs, 2,500 km. the combat radius of flight, 1.6% of the average statistical losses. During the years of the war, 2,7 million tons of bombs were dropped into Europe under the Axis powers, approximately 50 times more than Germany «delivered» to the UK.







      1. Speed unarmed Mosquito.

      2. B-17 (Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress), «Flying Fortress», American four-engine bomber. Total production of 12 726 units, in battle lost a third, while a rather high performance is shown. The maximum speed is 516 km. h., the ceiling is 10 km., the combat radius (round-trip) is 3200 km., the practical bomb load is 2500 kg. In the photo, the bomber returns after a raid on the Focke-Wulf plant.

      3. Destroyed by the Anglo-American aircraft Cologne.

      4. Lend-Liz bomber «Boston» (Douglas A-20 Havoc / DB-7 Boston). A total of 3,066 units were supplied to the USSR. Own armament – 6 12, 7 mm. machine guns (part – controlled by servos), bomb load 1100 kg. In general, it corresponds to the Soviet Il-4, but has the highest level of comfort for the crew (airtight cabin, heating, a bathroom under the seat of one of the pilots), a reliable radio station and a set of navigational instruments. The plane won the trust and respect of Soviet pilots.

      5. Il-4, the Soviet long-range bomber, the speed of 430 km. h., a range of 3800 km., a crew of 4 people, a mass of 12 tons, a combat load of 1500 kg. Capricious takeoff, comparatively high non-combat casualties.

      6. Pe-8 (TB-7), a Soviet heavy (strategic) bomber. Crew of 10 people. Takeoff weight up to 35000 kg. The bomb load is 2000 kg. (maximum 4000 kg., or 50 people) range of flight from 3600 km. up to 5800 km., depending on the type of engines, the maximum speed is 440 km. h. Defensive weapons – two 20 mm. guns SHVAK, two 12.7 and two 7.62 mm. machine gun.

      Till now disputes are going on – whether there were raids of the Soviet bombers of long-range aviation to Helsinki in February, 1944 unsuccessful, or preventive, as they were called by Finns, «bombing for the sake of the world». A total of 2600 tons of bombs were spent on the capital of Finland, port facilities, ships, in three raids. In the center of the city were 5—7% of their number. In general, the Soviet Air Force, in order to avoid casualties among civilians, did not aspire to full-scale carpet bombing, limiting itself to the direct support of ground forces.

      April 19 begins an uprising in the Warsaw ghetto – fenced three-meter wall area of the city. Living here people learn that under the guise of «deportation to the east» they are taken to the death camps (Treblinka) for destruction.

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