The Real Witches’ Book of Spells and Rituals. Kate West
of the Moon, the kind of magic which each is most beneficial for, and the different ways that each problem can be approached. To do this we need to understand the cycle of the Moon.
The Moon orbits the Earth once every 28 and a bit days, and the Sun orbits the Earth once every 365 and a bit days. The orbits of the Earth and Moon mean that differing amounts of sunlight reflect off the Moon, making the illuminated part change shape from our perspective. It is that illuminated part which reflects the aspects of the Goddess and which we use in timing our magic. These phases remain constant whether the sky is overcast or not.
From the perspective of the Witch the phases of the Moon are thus:
* New Moon, when a thin sliver of Moon (a reverse C) appears in the sky. The New Moon is considered to last for three days, the first day being its first appearance in the sky. This is the time for magic which involves new things, fresh starts, new beginnings. The Rites of Naming, and Wiccaning, are often held at the New Moon.
* Waxing Moon, when the Moon is increasing. This is the period from the end of the New Moon to the start of the Full Moon. It is the time of growth, and for magic which involves growth and increase.
* Full Moon, when the Moon appears as a sphere in the sky. The Full Moon is a traditional time for Witches to meet to work magic and these meetings are called Esbats. The period of the Full Moon is generally considered to be three days, being the day before, the day of, and the day after, the actual Full Moon. This is the traditional time for magic and a particularly good time for magic and spells connected with healing, protection and fertility. The Full Moon is also associated with all kinds of divination. Handfasting and Rites of coming of age are often held at the Full Moon.
* Waning Moon, when the Moon is decreasing in size. A time for sending things away; old habits, unwanted feelings. The late Waning Moon, a day or so prior to the Dark Moon, is often a time for holding the Rite of Withdrawal, not to banish our feelings but to say goodbye. Rites of Croning are also sometimes held at this phase.
* Dark of Moon, the three days when there is no Moon visible in the sky. It is better not to work Magic or spells at the time when the Moon is hiding her face, as the energies at this time can be confusing and it is easier for things to misfire. Many High Priestesses actually forbid their Covenors from working Magic at this time.
The New Moon represents the Goddess in her Maiden aspect, the Full represents the Mother, and the Dark Moon represents the Crone, or Wise One. The Maiden continues through the waxing period until she can be seen to be becoming the Mother, much as a pregnancy develops. The Mother aspect continues into the waning period until she can be seen to be becoming the Crone. It is important to remember that the phases are not isolated, that the energies grow and blend with each other to form a smooth changeover from one phase to the next.
Looking at the above, many Witches feel that new relationships or work should be worked for at the New Moon, healing should be performed at the Full, and giving up bad habits at the Waning Moon. Where the magic can wait, this is fine. But there are often alternative ways of looking at things. For example, if your friend is sick you can work to banish illness at the Waning Moon, work for new strength at the New. If you are seeking a new job you can work for opportunity at the New, confidence at the Full and driving away negative thoughts at the Waning, and so on. In the chapter on spells and magics I shall try to suggest a Moon phase for each working, but, if matters are urgent, do try to look at an alternative. Having said that, do also try to be honest about the urgency. You may feel that you cannot wait two weeks before meeting the person of your dreams, but I doubt that anything bad will happen if you wait! On the other hand a sick child or a job interview could well be urgent. Cleansing your new house should be done as soon as it becomes yours. Also remember that, where possible, you should plan and work in advance, after all, it’s no use remembering your exams the night before, for revision or for magic!
But let us move on to some example Rituals timed to the phases of the Moon. Remember that many of the steps and Rites which go into the Ritual can be found in Chapter 3 – these are marked *. Alternative spells and magics can be found in Chapter 5.
The purpose of this Ritual is to bring the ‘right’ person into the life of John, who finished an unhappy relationship several months ago and who seeks a partner. When John approached us, he described the character attributes he was seeking and wrote them all down. He agreed that a good relationship was more important than how someone looks and so refrained from adding anything about physical appearance.
In addition to the usual tools you will need:
Prepare the working space.*
Communicate the purpose of the Ritual.*
Set the Altar.*
Create the Sacred Space.*
Rite of Banishing Unwanted Influences.* Everyone in Circle should be reminded that, in addition to any ‘personal baggage’, they are also to banish any preconceptions about the ‘right’ kind of person for John.
The High Priestess reminds them of the purpose of the Ritual and reads the attributes from John’s paper.
The group raises energy by dance and chant.* Whilst they do this they visualize John and the type of person he is interested in. The most effective chant for this would be one where the attributes on John’s paper are repeated over and over again. When the High Priestess considers that enough energy has been raised she signals for the dancing to stop.
The chanting continues gently whilst the High Priestess takes the candle and inscribes the sigil of John’s sun sign onto it near the top. Beneath that she inscribes the sigil of Venus and a heart. She then anoints the candle with oil, starting from the middle of its length and moving out towards the ends. As she does so she visualizes John meeting the right person. She passes the candle to the person on her left and they too massage the oil into the candle. It passes all the way around the Circle until it returns to the High Priestess. The chanting stops.
The High Priestess now consecrates* the candle, asking that it may bring a suitable person to John. When she presents it to the Goddess and the God she calls upon the Maiden and the Hunter and will ask for friendship, love and happiness for John. She places the candle in its holder in the centre of the Altar and lights it from the Altar candle saying,
‘As this burns, so it sends a beacon of light that John may find the person he is seeking. Blessed Be.’
The High Priestess takes John’s paper and likewise consecrates it.* Once it has been passed through the elements she folds it carefully and ties it with the pink thread. Holding it up to the Goddess and the God she says,
‘I call upon the Maiden and the Hunter to bless this token, that it might draw friendship, love and happiness to John. Blessed Be.’
She places the token on the floor in the centre of the Circle.