Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year. Neil Somerville

Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year - Neil  Somerville

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(and smartly) to its developments.

      Work prospects are good and many Oxen will be able to put their skills to effective use and concentrate on areas they favour. For many, these can be fulfilling times. Some Oxen will take on projects and roles they have been working towards for some time. However, while Oxen like to absorb themselves in what they do, they should not work in isolation. By being visible, networking and involving themselves in what is happening around them, they can contribute all the more, as well as help their standing and prospects. Similarly, when problems and pressures arise, their skills and fortitude will often impress. With effort, Oxen are set to do well this year.

      For those who feel their prospects can be improved by a move elsewhere, or who are seeking work, the Horse year can also open up exciting possibilities. To benefit, though, these Oxen will need to keep alert and act quickly when opportunities arise. ‘The early bird catches the worm’ and speed and initiative will count in this fast-moving year.

      Headway made at work will increase the income of many Oxen over the year. However, while this will be welcome, Oxen do need to manage their outgoings carefully as well as check the terms and implications if entering into any new commitment. This is no year to be lax or take unnecessary risks.

      Oxen should also give some consideration to their own well-being this year. They are naturally hard-working, but they should allow themselves the occasional respite. Without care, tiredness and tension could take their toll and leave some Oxen lacking their usual energy or finding themselves susceptible to minor ailments. To help counter this, they should ensure their diet is healthy and nutritious and, rather than continually drive themselves on, set time aside for relaxation and pursuits they enjoy. If sedentary for long periods of the day, appropriate exercise may help, too. Good lifestyle balance can make a difference.

      Although Oxen tend to be selective in their socializing, they should also take up any invitations they receive as well as go to events that appeal to them, rather than isolate themselves or be too independent. Social occasions can do Oxen good this year and regular contact with friends can be helpful. In addition, if troubled by a particular matter or finding themselves in an uncharacteristic quandary, they would do well to talk to those they trust. This can bring clarity to certain issues. In addition, their social life can help their lifestyle balance, which is important in this busy year.

      Where matters of the heart are concerned, extra care is advised, however. With time and attention, many a romance can flourish, but should commitment be lacking, the relationship may falter. Oxen need to proceed carefully and be mindful of others.

      In their home life, with busy schedules and many commitments likely, there needs to be good communication between everyone involved. Flexibility is advised, especially where practical undertakings are involved. Ideally, these should be scheduled for less busy times. However, with family members pooling together and encouraging each other, some pleasing times can be had and some noteworthy successes or milestones marked. Time set aside for shared interests and a possible holiday can also do everyone good. This is a year encouraging togetherness and a collective approach.

      Overall, the Horse year will be a full and busy one for Oxen, and one that can reward them well. At work, their experience and commitment will result in many making impressive headway. However, all Oxen need to be visible and involved rather than isolated and independent. They also need to balance their commitments and set aside time for themselves and those close to them. With care, though, this can be a fulfilling year and an enjoyable one too.

      Tips for the Year

      Keep alert and respond quickly and positively to developments. There are good opportunities to be had. Also, watch your independent tendencies. Liaise well with others and give time to them. Extra attention in this area can make the year all the more rewarding.

      Ox Fortunes in the Year of the Goat

      A mixed year. The disciplined Ox will often be uneasy with the volatility and change that are features of Goat years. This is a time for Oxen to keep expectations modest. However, while progress may not be easy, the year will give them the chance to take stock of their situation, decide on future directions and spend time with those close to them.

      Home life can bring especial pleasure, with the practical nature of Oxen often coming to the fore. Over the year several home improvement ideas will present themselves and Oxen will tackle them with relish. When one project is completed, another will often suggest itself, and Oxen will take considerable satisfaction in what they do and the benefits that follow on. With Goat years favouring artistic expression, quite a few Oxen will also enjoy refreshing décor and adding embellishments to their home.

      As well as practical improvements, Oxen will do much to support family members, especially as some will be facing pressured situations or contending with change. Those close to Oxen will have good reason to value their stalwart natures and honest opinions over the year. It can also be marked by some memorable domestic occasions, including shared interests, trips out and celebrating personal successes. In addition, many busy Oxen will be encouraged to spend more time with those close to them, and this can be a beneficial feature of the Goat year.

      Socially, Oxen should take advantage of the many events and activities that tend to happen in Goat years, including in their locality. In addition, by regularly meeting up with their friends, they will not only appreciate the support and camaraderie, but also the ways in which some of them can help and advise.

      For some unattached Oxen, a chance encounter also has the potential to become significant. Goat years favour affairs of the heart, and indeed relations with others.

      They also encourage the exploring and furthering of talents. Oxen should devote time to their personal interests this year and if a new activity tempts them, find out more. They will frequently be enthused by what the year opens up for them.

      However, while the Goat year will have many pleasurable aspects, it will also bring pressures. In many workplaces, Oxen will find their duties affected by change. New procedures and the burden of additional bureaucracy may make progress difficult. Although frustrating, for many the best policy will be to concentrate on their own role and adjust as required. Situations will settle, but patience, and some forbearance, will be required. And when progress does come, it will be well deserved.

      For Oxen seeking a position, these can again be challenging times, with openings sometimes limited. However, with tenacity and widening the scope of their search, many could secure a position in a different type of work and have the chance to prove themselves in a new way. Flexibility, together with a willingness to adapt and learn, will be key this year.

      In money matters, again this is a year for care and close control of the budget. Risk, haste and speculation should be avoided and, especially when considering new purchases or replacing equipment, time should be allowed to assess options and terms and what best meets requirements.

      In general, Goat years can be volatile and Oxen can find the changes frustrating and progress difficult, particularly at work. However, by rising to the year’s challenges and adjusting as necessary, they can learn from it, and what they accomplish now can often be important in the longer term. Care is needed in money matters, but more positively, time spent developing personal interests and on practical activities can be satisfying, and relations with others, and romantic prospects, are favourably aspected. Not always an easy year, but with some important personal benefits mixed in.

      Tips for the Year

      Enjoy being with others and look to make more of your personal interests. Both areas can bring you great pleasure this year as well as help your lifestyle balance. While some developments may concern you, particularly at work, make the most of what happens. Experience gained now can be successfully built upon in the future.

      Ox Fortunes in the Year of the Monkey

      Interesting times ahead. Monkey years offer considerable scope and although Oxen may not always welcome the speed of developments, there will be some good opportunities.

      One of the strengths of Oxen is their willingness to learn and develop. As they realize, to achieve their ambitions and make the most of themselves, it is necessary to assimilate knowledge and

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