Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year. Neil Somerville

Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year - Neil  Somerville

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work there will be challenges and some disappointments. New developments are likely to have an impact and may leave Oxen feeling they are not given the credit they are due. Some may find new objectives or ways of working difficult and situations may not be made any easier by office politics. However, the Ox philosophy is one of fortitude and patience and in time situations will settle. Oxen will have gained new experience in the process and often fresh insights into their own capabilities. Some of the year can be illuminating and suggest possible options (and career paths) for the future.

      While many Oxen will remain with their present employer, for those seeking change or looking for work, the Dragon year can open up some interesting possibilities. Although their quest will not be easy, Oxen may find themselves being offered a position that develops their skills in new ways. Chance may well play a part in this and the speed of developments may take Oxen by surprise.

      They will need to keep paperwork in good order, however, as they may find themselves troubled by bureaucracy over the year. A lost policy or document could cause problems and financial forms need to be attended to carefully.

      Oxen should also remain disciplined in money matters. They could face some repair costs this year or find some activities more expensive than anticipated. This is very much a time for discipline and control.

      However, while the Dragon year has its awkward aspects, Oxen can benefit from the very good and loyal friends they have. If ever they are uncertain or grappling with an issue, talking matters over with someone they trust could be helpful in many important ways. This year many Oxen will find that a problem shared is a problem considerably eased.

      With Dragon years invariably being active ones, Oxen should also follow up the social invitations they receive as well as go to events that appeal to them. Contact with others can be good for Oxen, as can making new friends and participating in some of what the Dragon year offers.

      Home life will also see much activity and there will need to be good cooperation and flexibility as schedules change. Oxen are good organizers, however, and their talents will be appreciated, although when under pressure or annoyed, they should exercise patience and watch what is said. But amid the activity there will be individual successes and occasions that Oxen and their loved ones will especially appreciate, particularly in view of the effort involved.

      With the demands of the year, Oxen should also give some consideration to their own well-being, as well as allow themselves a respite from all the activity. Time set aside to enjoy personal interests can be of especial benefit. In some cases, new equipment or input from others could encourage them to do more or try something different. It is important that they embrace the spirit of the year and are open to possibilities.

      If possible, they should also take a holiday during the year. Many of them will appreciate the new places they visit.

      The Chinese proverb, ‘Slow and steady wins the race’ is often apt for Oxen and is very true in the Dragon year. Progress will not be easy and some situations will be exasperating, but through tenacity and application, Oxen can add to their experience as well as gain important insights into themselves, and what they learn now can be built on in the following Snake year. In the Dragon year the support of others will be of particular value and Oxen will be helped by being forthcoming, as well as by participating in what is going on around them. This is a time for them to adapt, learn and, in the process, prepare themselves for the opportunities that await. A challenging year but an illuminating one.

      Tips for the Year

      Tread carefully. Times may not be easy, but they can be instructive. Watch developments closely and value your relations with others. Their support can help and shared activities can be of benefit. In addition, when pressures are great or situations concerning, proceed carefully. An outburst or words said in haste could be regretted later.

      Ox Fortunes in the Year of the Snake

      Deep thinking, quiet and methodical, Oxen have a lot in common with Snakes and can do well in the Snake year. Rather than feel buffeted by events, they can now proceed in their own way and with much in their favour. Encouragingly, they will be able to build on recent experience and see their patience and fortitude paying off. The successes so many will enjoy this year will be well deserved.

      At work, the accent is on progress and Oxen will be well prepared to take advantage of opportunities. Oxen are quietly ambitious and tend to know in themselves when the time is right to advance. Now will be such a time. Accordingly, many Oxen will keep alert for openings and quite a few will take on a greater and often more specialist role with their present employer. Oxen like to concentrate on a chosen area in their working life and this is what many will successfully do this year.

      Those who may feel unfulfilled in their present situation or are seeking a position will also find that their resolve can deliver. If they show initiative when making an application, their extra effort can often make a difference. This is a year when Oxen can make their strengths count.

      However, while good progress is indicated, new positions will often involve a steep learning curve. With Snake years favouring development, Oxen who feel an additional skill or qualification could help their prospects would do well to consider setting time aside to acquire this. What many learn this year can be an investment in themselves and their future.

      Personal interests too can bring considerable pleasure, with Oxen again inspired by new ideas or projects. Creative activities are particularly favourably aspected.

      Financial prospects too are good. Many Oxen will enjoy an increase in income and some will also find ways to supplement their earnings through an interest they have. This upturn will persuade many to update equipment and spend money on their home. Also, if they are able to add to a savings or pension policy or set funds aside for something they want, this could be helpful. With good management of resources, they can make this a financially rewarding year.

      Although Oxen tend to be private individuals, they can also benefit from the social opportunities of the year. Some of the people they meet through their work or interests will, in time, become part of their trusted social circle. For the unattached, romantic prospects can also make the year special and someone met in often fortuitous circumstances can become significant. Here again Snake years favour Oxen, although to benefit they do need to be active and reach out rather than keep themselves to themselves (a tendency of some). Oxen, take note, and join in with what is happening around you. That way, you can make the rewards and pleasures of the year that much greater.

      Domestically, there will be busy times ahead and Oxen again need to be forthcoming. By talking over their ideas and thoughts, they will see a lot more happen. Important changes and improvements (especially equipment-wise) will be seen in many an Ox home this year. In addition, personal successes and family news can give rise to a possible celebration.

      Oxen should also aim to take a holiday or enjoy some short breaks with their loved ones over the year. If these are considered early on, some exciting plans – including visits to attractive destinations – can take shape. This is an excellent year for joining with others and enjoying shared activities.

      Overall, the Snake year is a good one for Oxen, but they do need to be careful not to immerse themselves so much in their own activities that it has a detrimental effect on other aspects of their life. Over the year they should aim to keep their lifestyle balanced and enjoy spending time with others as well as appreciate the pleasures they work so hard for. They have much in their favour this year, however, and their personal qualities will help make this an often special time.

      Tips for the Year

      Follow up your ideas and make your strengths and special qualities count. Once action is taken, results can soon follow on. Also, enjoy your relations with others and appreciate the opportunities and good times this year offers.

      Ox Fortunes in the Year of the Horse

      With its emphasis on commitment and hard work, the Horse year is one in which Oxen can do well. There will be good opportunities and pleasing results, although there will also be times when Oxen will be discomfited by its volatility and the ‘winds of change’. During the year they will need to keep their wits about them and respond

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