Your Chinese Horoscope 2016: What the Year of the Monkey holds in store for you. Neil Somerville

Your Chinese Horoscope 2016: What the Year of the Monkey holds in store for you - Neil  Somerville

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can give rise to some interesting opportunities, especially for those Metal Oxen who feel they have not been making the most of their potential recently. With the expertise the Metal Ox has built up, not only can he be influential in his workplace but, as specific situations arise or positions fall vacant, he will often have the skills needed to advance his career and reap the rewards of his loyalty and commitment. April to early June, September and November could see significant developments, although whenever the Metal Ox sees an opening, he should be quick to show interest.

      For Metal Oxen who feel there is a lack of suitable opportunities where they are, as well as those seeking work, again the Monkey year can hold encouraging – and surprising – developments. By keeping alert for openings and talking to friends and contacts, these Metal Oxen could be alerted to companies looking to recruit or advised of an opening worth considering. Resolve and persistence can yield significant results this year.

      Monkey years also favour enterprise and some Metal Oxen may decide to become self-employed or find ways to put an interest or skill to profitable use. The Monkey year is rich in possibility.

      Progress at work can help financially and many Metal Oxen will enjoy a rise in income over the year. Some will also benefit from the receipt of an additional sum. However, the Metal Ox does need to budget well, ideally setting funds aside for specific requirements. With good planning, not only will he be pleased with his decisions but he could also benefit from some favourable purchasing opportunities. On quite a few occasions this year, he will delight in some luck.

      The Monkey year will also bring encouraging developments in his personal interests. Some Metal Oxen will have ideas or projects that will particularly enthuse them, and by setting time aside for these, they will not only enjoy what they do but also the way their activities develop. With this being a year of opportunity, some may be tempted by a new pursuit or decide to join an activity group or support a cause. This is a time to be receptive to what is available and to develop ideas and skills.

      Some of the Metal Ox’s activities can have a good social element and over the year he will have the chance to spend time with those who are like-minded. However, there are also quite a few Metal Oxen who like to keep themselves to themselves. These Metal Oxen should be careful not to become too insular. Going out and participating in what is going on around them can do them a lot of good and the Monkey year will offer a variety of attractions. Reserved Metal Ox, do take note and look to embrace the spirit of this interesting year. For socializing, April, June, August and December could be active months.

      Many Metal Oxen do enjoy the close and enduring friendship of those they have known for a great many years and over the year one of these close friends could seek advice on a delicate matter. Not only will they welcome the support and suggestions the Metal Ox may offer, but his words may be of more value than he may realize. Once again this year, there will be quite a few who value the Metal Ox’s level-headed approach.

      The Metal Ox’s home life will see much activity. Not only will the Metal Ox himself have plans he is keen to carry out, but both he and his loved ones could face work choices which impact on established routines. At such times it is important that the Metal Ox is forthcoming and discusses his views. With good dialogue, better decisions can be made and some plans (including of a practical nature) more easily advanced. This is a year favouring joint effort.

      With the Metal Ox and other family members likely to be leading busy lifestyles, it is also important that time is set aside for shared interests and taking advantage of what is available locally. In addition, many a Metal Ox home will have a special occasion to celebrate, often occurring in the late summer. The Metal Ox will also delight in the travel opportunities the year brings.

      In general, the Year of the Monkey holds great promise for the Metal Ox but it is a time to be focused and involved. In both his work and personal interests, there will be the chance to further ideas and skills. The Metal Ox will be helped by the support of those close to him, although to fully benefit he needs to be forthcoming as well as watch his sometimes go-it-alone tendencies. He does, though, have much in his favour this year and his resolve, experience and initiative can deliver good results.

      Tip for the Year

      Decide on your objectives and work purposefully towards them. With firm intent and your skills and experience, you can accomplish a great deal. Also, preserve time for your loved ones and personal interests. If you keep your lifestyle in balance, you can make this a gratifying year.

      The Water Ox

      The Water Ox will have seen a great deal happen in recent years and in this one can look forward to reaping some perhaps overdue rewards. This can be a progressive year. However, to get the best from it, the Water Ox needs to set his plans in motion and believe in himself. With determination, he can make this a significant time.

      One area which will see considerable activity will be the Water Ox’s work situation. Water Oxen following a particular career will often have the opportunity to learn about other aspects of their work. By taking advantage of what is offered, including training, they will find their new knowledge not only helping their current role but often preparing them for promotion. This is a year favouring self-development and any Water Oxen who feel their career has stalled recently will be able to get it back on track, maybe in a new and more fulfilling position.

      For Water Oxen who are hoping for a more substantial career move or seeking employment, again the Monkey year can open up important possibilities. By widening the scope of what they are prepared to consider, many of these Water Oxen could secure a position which offers the challenge they have needed. April to early June, September and November could see encouraging developments, but such is the nature of the year that events could move surprisingly swiftly at any time.

      The Water Ox’s personal interests are also favourably aspected and he will be keen to take his knowledge and skills further. Whether he prefers creative, practical or sporting pursuits, by looking to extend what he does, he will derive increasing pleasure from what he is able to achieve. If he can join others, this can add to the fun. This can be an inspiring year and any Water Oxen who start the year dissatisfied could find a new interest the tonic they need.

      Many Water Oxen can look forward to a financial improvement this year, often from an increase in income, but perhaps also from a gift or other source. However, in view of his commitments and plans, the Water Ox will need to manage his finances with care, ideally setting aside funds for specific requirements. With discipline, though, he will be thrilled with what he is able to do.

      The Monkey year will tempt many Water Oxen to travel and they will delight in some of the places they visit, especially if these are related to their interests or exciting in themselves. In addition, there could be local events to attend. By taking advantage of the opportunities that come his way, the Water Ox will enjoy his travelling over the year.

      Many of his activities will also have a good social element, and while it can sometimes take the Water Ox some time to feel at ease with other people, he will enjoy a good rapport with some of those he meets during the year. For any Water Ox who is alone and perhaps nursing recent hurt, new friends and perhaps a new romance can restore the sparkle that has been missing from their life. April, June, August and December could see the most social opportunities.

      The Water Ox’s home life will see considerable activity over the year and some Water Ox homes will undergo quite a transformation. A few Water Oxen may take advantage of an opportunity to move to more suitable accommodation. With such a lot happening, good communication will be important. With flexibility and co-operation, though, this can be a domestically active but pleasing year.

      Overall, the Monkey year is filled with possibility, but to realize his ambitions, the Water Ox has to be the driving force. With initiative and determination, however, his accomplishments can be considerable. At work, new skills and duties will aid his progress, while time spent on personal interests can be rewarding, with new ideas and knowledge often developing in an encouraging manner. In so many areas of the Water Ox’s life, this is a year for moving forward. On a personal level, he will be supported by those around him, and

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