Your Chinese Horoscope 2016: What the Year of the Monkey holds in store for you. Neil Somerville

Your Chinese Horoscope 2016: What the Year of the Monkey holds in store for you - Neil  Somerville

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coursework and projects to complete and new subjects to learn. The demands will be considerable and these Fire Oxen need to remain organized. By working consistently and focusing on what needs to be done, many can make good headway and gain qualifications they can build on in the future. New study possibilities can also open up and some of the more unexpected developments of the year may benefit the Fire Ox in important ways.

      For Fire Oxen in work, there are also encouraging developments in store. For those already established in a position, there could be the chance to take on different duties or transfer to another role. Although these Fire Oxen may feel daunted by what is expected of them, if they apply themselves, they can gain experience in another area and widen their prospects for the future. This is very much a year to embrace opportunities.

      Fire Oxen seeking work will find that by actively pursuing vacancies and showing initiative, they can gain that all-important foothold. While some positions they are offered may not be the most inspiring, once these Fire Oxen have proved their reliability, greater responsibilities can (often quickly) follow on. April to early June, September and November could be months of possibility.

      Personal interests can also develop in an encouraging manner and in many cases give rise to other possibilities. New interests could also have future value. In so many respects, the developments of this year will have longer-term benefits for the Fire Ox.

      With a lively social life and many interests, he will, however, need to manage his finances carefully. His disciplined nature will help, however, and if he is able to keep control over his spending, he will be able to do a surprising amount. Any Fire Oxen who enter into sizeable agreements this year should also check the details carefully and seek professional advice if necessary. The more thorough they are, the better.

      Overall, the Year of the Monkey can be a fine and interesting one for the Fire Ox. It will require effort, but what he learns now can be significant in terms of his onward development. And although the Fire Ox values his independence, liaising with others can help him get more from the year as well as enrich his life. This can be a good year for him, but it requires commitment and involvement.

      Tip for the Year

      Make the most of the opportunities that arise this year, whether in your studies, work or personal interests. Even if these are different from what you anticipated, unexpected benefits can often follow on. The year is rich in possibility.

      The Earth Ox

      The Earth Ox has a careful and diligent nature and when he starts something, he likes to see it through. During the Monkey year he can look forward to accomplishing a good deal.

      To get the most from the year, as it starts he should consider what he would like to do over the next 12 months. Dialogue with others can be especially helpful, and in some instances, plans can quickly take shape.

      One area that will be particularly satisfying is the Earth Ox’s interests. As well as continuing with activities he enjoys, he could set himself some new challenges, possibly learning or improving a skill, putting an interest to particular use or starting something completely different. Some Earth Oxen may be tempted to write about their interests, either online or for possible publication. Over the year, many will delight in the way they can use their talents. Also, if there are special exhibitions or interest-related events that the Earth Ox would like to attend, he should consider going. The Monkey year can open up a world of opportunities.

      For Earth Oxen who are alone and who desire more contact with others, including those who have experienced some personal upset in recent times, it would be worth investigating what local activities are available. Whether joining a local group, enrolling on a course or participating more in their community, they can find their involvement making a real difference to their lives.

      In many of the Earth Ox’s activities, he will be grateful for the support of others, and his social life is favourably aspected. Shared activities can be particularly enjoyable and there will also be the chance to meet new people. Although some Earth Oxen can be reserved individuals, they can gain a lot this year by opening up more and engaging with others. April, June, late July to early September and December could see the most social activity.

      The Monkey year can also bring good travel opportunities. Not only should the Earth Ox keep alert for attractive offers, but if there is a particular place he is keen to visit, he should make enquiries and see what is possible. As with so much this year, once he starts to follow up his ideas, chance can play a helpful part. The Monkey year can also bring surprises in the form of some quickly arranged visits, unexpected invitations to stay with others or surprise weekends away. Monkey years are rich in possibility.

      With the active nature of the year, the Earth Ox’s outgoings will be considerable, however, and he would do well to keep a close watch on spending and budget ahead for plans and requirements. Here his discipline will be a great asset. He will also need to be thorough when dealing with paperwork and check anything that is unclear or unsatisfactory, otherwise he could find himself embroiled in protracted bureaucracy. With all forms of finance and paperwork, close attention is advised this year.

      The Earth Ox’s home life, however, can be a source of considerable pleasure. Once more he will very much enjoy the way he is able to turn his thoughts into reality, and over the course of the year notable improvements will be made and new purchases add to the comfort and energy-efficiency of many an Earth Ox home.

      There will also be family occasions for the Earth Ox to enjoy. He may particularly appreciate spending time with people who live some distance away. In addition, he will follow the activities of family members with fond interest. Younger relations may often be grateful for his advice and support and may reciprocate by offering technical or other expertise. In this interesting year, the support, goodwill and affection of family members will mean a lot to the Earth Ox, as well as enable many of his plans to proceed smoothly.

      The Monkey year is one of possibility for the Earth Ox and by following through his ideas (and sharing these with others), he can achieve a great deal. There will also be an element of luck to the year. Problems can, however, still arise. If affected, it is important the Earth Ox talks to others, especially those qualified to advise. This is no time to keep his concerns to himself. Overall, though, this can be a constructive year for him. His domestic and social life and personal interests can all prove rewarding. Travel, too, can be delightful – and there could be some pleasant surprises in store as well.

      Tip for the Year

      Spend time enjoying and developing your interests. What you do now can not only be satisfying but often lead to other possibilities. Also, value your relations with others and be sure to share your thoughts and ideas. With the support of others, you can achieve a great deal.

      Famous Oxen

      Lily Allen, Hans Christian Andersen, Gemma Arterton, Johann Sebastian Bach, David Blaine, Napoleon Bonaparte, Albert Camus, Jim Carrey, Charlie Chaplin, George Clooney, Harlan Coben, Bill Cosby, Diana, Princess of Wales, Marlene Dietrich, Walt Disney, Patrick Duffy, Jessica Ennis-Hill, Jane Fonda, Edward Fox, Michael J. Fox, Peter Gabriel, Gal Gadot, Elizabeth George, Richard Gere, Ricky Gervais, William Hague, Handel, King Harald V of Norway, Adolf Hitler, Dustin Hoffman, Anthony Hopkins, Billy Joel, former King Juan Carlos of Spain, Tony Keith, Anna Kendrick, John Key, B. B. King, Keira Knightley, Mark Knopfler, Burt Lancaster, Bruno Mars, Queen Mathilde of Belgium, Chloë Moretz, Kate Moss, Carey Mulligan, Eddie Murphy, Jack Nicholson, Leslie Nielsen, Bill Nighy, Barack Obama, Gwyneth Paltrow, Oscar Peterson, Lionel Richie, Wayne Rooney, Nico Rosberg, Tim Roth, Rubens, Meg Ryan, Amanda Seyfried, Jean Sibelius, Bruce Springsteen, Meryl Streep, Lady Thatcher, Scott F. Turow, Vincent van Gogh, Sigourney Weaver, the Duke of Wellington, Arsène Wenger, Pharrell Williams, W. B. Yeats.

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