Your Personal Horoscope 2017. Joseph Polansky

Your Personal Horoscope 2017 - Joseph  Polansky

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original, unconventional and inventive. Taurus people like their bosses to be creative and original – since they themselves are content to perfect their superiors’ brainwaves. They admire people who have a wider social or political consciousness and they feel that someday (when they have all the comfort and security they need) they too would like to be involved in these big issues.

      In business affairs Taurus can be very shrewd – and that makes them valuable to their employers. They are never lazy; they enjoy working and getting good results. Taurus does not like taking unnecessary risks and they do well in positions of authority, which makes them good managers and supervisors. Their managerial skills are reinforced by their natural talents for organization and handling details, their patience and thoroughness. As mentioned, through their connection with the earth, Taurus people also do well in farming and agriculture.

      In general a Taurus will choose money and earning power over public esteem and prestige. A position that pays more – though it has less prestige – is preferred to a position with a lot of prestige but lower earnings. Many other signs do not feel this way, but a Taurus does, especially if there is nothing in his or her personal birth chart that modifies this. Taurus will pursue glory and prestige only if it can be shown that these things have a direct and immediate impact on their wallet.

      Love and Relationships

      In love, the Taurus-born likes to have and to hold. They are the marrying kind. They like commitment and they like the terms of a relationship to be clearly defined. More importantly, Taurus likes to be faithful to one lover, and they expect that lover to reciprocate this fidelity. When this doesn’t happen, their whole world comes crashing down. When they are in love Taurus people are loyal, but they are also very possessive. They are capable of great fits of jealousy if they are hurt in love.

      Taurus is satisfied with the simple things in a relationship. If you are involved romantically with a Taurus there is no need for lavish entertainments and constant courtship. Give them enough love, food and comfortable shelter and they will be quite content to stay home and enjoy your company. They will be loyal to you for life. Make a Taurus feel comfortable and – above all – secure in the relationship, and you will rarely have a problem.

      In love, Taurus can sometimes make the mistake of trying to control their partners, which can cause great pain on both sides. The reasoning behind their actions is basically simple: Taurus people feel a sense of ownership over their partners and will want to make changes that will increase their own general comfort and security. This attitude is OK when it comes to inanimate, material things – but is dangerous when applied to people. Taurus needs to be careful and attentive to this possible trait within themselves.

      Home and Domestic Life

      Home and family are vitally important to Taurus. They like children. They also like a comfortable and perhaps glamorous home – something they can show off. They tend to buy heavy, ponderous furniture – usually of the best quality. This is because Taurus likes a feeling of substance in their environment. Their house is not only their home but their place of creativity and entertainment. The Taurus’ home tends to be truly their castle. If they could choose, Taurus people would prefer living in the countryside to being city-dwellers. If they cannot do so during their working lives, many Taurus individuals like to holiday in or even retire to the country, away from the city and closer to the land.

      At home a Taurus is like a country squire – lord (or lady) of the manor. They love to entertain lavishly, to make others feel secure in their home and to encourage others to derive the same sense of satisfaction as they do from it. If you are invited for dinner at the home of a Taurus you can expect the best food and best entertainment. Be prepared for a tour of the house and expect to see your Taurus friend exhibit a lot of pride and satisfaction in his or her possessions.

      Taurus people like children but they are usually strict with them. The reason for this is they tend to treat their children – as they do most things in life – as their possessions. The positive side to this is that their children will be well cared for and well supervised. They will get every material thing they need to grow up properly. On the down side, Taurus can get too repressive with their children. If a child dares to upset the daily routine – which Taurus loves to follow – he or she will have a problem with a Taurus parent.

      Major Trends

      Uranus has been in your spiritual 12th house for many years now. This is creating change – and much experimenting – in your spiritual life and practice. Many of you have changed teachers, teachings and practices over the years and the trend is continuing.

      Since Uranus is also your career planet, this transit indicates a growing idealism about your career and life work. Just being successful and prominent in your profession is not enough for you. It leaves you vaguely dissatisfied. You need to be involved in things that really matter, that truly benefit others and the whole planet.

      In a year or two Uranus will enter your sign and will stay there for many years, bringing dramatic and sudden change into your life. Taurus folk are not very comfortable with change. They love the status quo and routine – it’s predictable and stable. But very soon now you’ll have to learn to be comfortable with change. We’ll discuss this further in 2018.

      Jupiter has been in your 6th house of health and work since September last year and will be here for most of the year ahead – until October 10. This is a good health message. If there have been any pre-existing conditions you should hear good news about them. This also indicates that dream job opportunities are coming to you. If you hire others you’re expanding the workforce. Children and children figures in your life are prospering.

      Jupiter will enter your 7th house of love on October 11. For singles this indicates love and serious relationships – perhaps even marriage. For those already attached it brings new friends and an expanded – more active – social life.

      Your religious beliefs have had a real testing over the past two years, and this continues in the year ahead. This is usually not pleasant, but it is good. It forces you to rethink and re-evaluate these beliefs; in many cases they get modified or even discarded. This will be complete by the end of the year.

      Saturn’s move into your 9th house at the end of the year (on December 21) affects mostly college-level students. They have to work harder at their studies. They need more discipline. They have to succeed in school by sheer merit, without any ‘gamesmanship’.

      Your areas of greatest interest this year are health and work (until October 10); love and romance (from October 11 onwards); personal transformation, personal reinvention, sex and occult studies (until December 21); religion, higher education, foreign travel; groups, group activities, the online world; and spirituality.

      Your paths of greatest fulfilment this year are children, fun and creativity (until April 29), home, family and emotional wellness (from April 29 onwards); health and work (until October 10); love and romance (from October 11 onwards).


       (Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days of yore there was no difference, both of these perspectives were identical. Now there could be quite a difference. For a medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.)

      Health looks excellent this year. Until October 10 there are no long-term planets in stressful aspect to you. And even after October 11, only Jupiter will be in stressful alignment, and he is not a maleficent kind of planet. In addition, your health house is very strong until October 10. So your attention is focused here. You’re on the case. In fact, if anything, you might be too much on the case – more than is necessary. Often this leads to a tendency to magnify trifling problems into big ones.

      As we mentioned earlier, pre-existing conditions should be much improved this year. Your health is basically good, but there will be periods in the year when your health and energy

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