Your Personal Horoscope 2017. Joseph Polansky

Your Personal Horoscope 2017 - Joseph  Polansky

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things and not trends for the year. When the challenging transits pass, normal health and energy return.

      Good though your health is, it can be made even better. Pay attention to the following:


       The neck and throat. These are always important for a Taurus. Regular neck massages will be a potent ‘pick me up’ and a preventive for future problems. Craniosacral therapy is also good for the neck.

       The kidneys and hips. These are also always important for a Taurus. Venus, the ruler of these areas, is your health planet. Regular hip massage (and the buttocks too) should be incorporated into the health regime. A herbal kidney cleanse might be a good idea if you feel under the weather.

       The liver and thighs. These only became important since September 2016, but they remain so for most of the year ahead – until October 10. Regular thigh massage will be good. A herbal liver cleanse would also help.

      Since these are the most vulnerable health areas in your chart this year, problems, if they happened (God forbid) would most likely begin here. Thus keeping them healthy and fit is sound preventive medicine.

      As Venus is such a fast-moving planet – she will move through every area of your chart in a given year – there are many short-term health trends that depend on where Venus is at any given time and the aspects she receives. This is best covered in the monthly reports.

      Since Venus is both the ruler of your Horoscope and your health planet – she serves double duty in your chart – there is a strong connection between health and personal appearance. Your state of health instantly reflects itself in your personal appearance. Good health will do more for your looks than hosts of cosmetics, perfumes and powders.

      Jupiter is the ruler of your 8th house of transformation. Thus his position in your house of health gives a tendency towards surgery. This is often seen as the ‘quick fix’ to a problem. Sometimes it is, sometimes not. Detox regimes should be explored first – you can get good results with these.

      Home and Family

      Your 4th house of home and family wasn’t strong last year and is not strong in the year ahead either. This can be seen as a kind of contentment with things as they are. It tends to the status quo. You have no pressing need to make dramatic changes here.

      Of course, there are going to be periods of excitement and family drama. Every year there are at least two Solar Eclipses and this year is no different. There is a Solar Eclipse on February 26 and on August 21. Since the Sun is your family planet, these eclipses produce important changes. Perhaps there is some hidden problem in the home, perhaps a family member has some hidden problem or grievance. The eclipse will force these things to the surface so that you can deal with them. This year, you’re also affected by a Lunar Eclipse (February 11) that occurs in your 4th house. This will bring more of what we mentioned above. But these are temporary things that soon pass. And when they do, it’s back to the status quo. We will cover the effect of the eclipses in more detail in the monthly reports.

      Siblings and sibling figures in your life are likely to move this year. The move seems happy (it could be job related). A parent or parent figure is also likely to move – after October 11. Children or children figures are not advised to move, however, though they might want to. They seem more depressed this year. Counselling therapies or meditation will be a big help to them, but a move will not do much for their psychological state. Grandchildren (if you have them) have been moving around a lot in recent years, and could do so this year too. They seem emotionally restless. Even if they don’t actually move they will renovate their existing home or spend much time in other places. It will be ‘as if’ they have moved.

      If you’re planning to redecorate or beautify the home in cosmetic kinds of ways – i.e. to repaint, or change the curtains, or buy objets d’art for the home – July 22 to September 20 is a good time. If you’re planning major repairs – construction projects – July 20 to September 5 is a good time.

      The health of a parent or parent figure is much improved over previous years. He or she could benefit from detox regimes. He or she has a tendency to surgery. Children and children figures will benefit from vigorous exercise, head, face and scalp massage. Siblings and sibling figures need a disciplined daily regime – more attention to the liver, thighs, spine, knees, teeth and bones will be very helpful.

      Finance and Career

      Your money house hasn’t been prominent for many years now. You are always focused on money, but of late, less so than usual, Taurus. This too I read as a good thing. It shows contentment with things as they are. There are no pressing needs to make dramatic changes. You sort of take prosperity for granted – which is as it should be. However, if financial problems arise, lack of attention (taking your eyes off the ball) is a likely cause. You’ll have to force yourself to focus more.

      In spite of the empty money house I expect your year to be prosperous. There are no major financial impediments. You have a lot of financial freedom. Taurus is free to be Taurus – prosperous. We mentioned earlier that there are lucrative job opportunities this year. Also, those of you running a business will be hiring more people. This is not a message of poverty.

      After October 11, when Jupiter enters your 7th house, there is prosperity for the current love, spouse or partner. He or she will have substantial financial windfalls and many happy opportunities. You will socialize more with ‘money people’ – rich people. If you have good ideas, it seems easy to attract investors.

      Mercury, your financial planet, is a very fast-moving planet, as our regular readers know. Only the Moon moves faster than him. In a given year he will move through every sector of your horoscope. This shows that earnings and earnings opportunities can come to you in many ways and through many different kinds of people – depending on where Mercury is at any given time. These short-term trends are best dealt with in the monthly reports.

      Mercury will be retrograde four times this year (as he was last year too). This is unusual. Normally he travels backwards only three times a year. So, this year more homework, more reviews of your financial goals, strategy and investments are necessary. More so than usual. When Mercury is in retrograde motion the financial thinking is not what it should be, thus the most important thing is to gain mental clarity and resolve your doubts. When this happens, you’ll be able to make good moves when Mercury starts to move forward again. This year Mercury’s retrograde periods are January 1–8; April 9 to May 3; August 11 to September 5 and December 3–23. We will discuss this further in the monthly reports.

      Your 10th house of career is also empty this year, indicating that career is not a major focus. Again this should be read in a good way. You seem content with things as they are and have no pressing need for change. Changes will definitely happen – Uranus, your career planet, is the planet of change – but they are likely to be happy. As has been the case for many years now, it is good to enhance your career by being involved in charitable and altruistic causes. These are good for their own sakes, but will also cement your professional image. Important career contacts will also be made. Your technological skills and online activities in general will enhance the career too.

      Siblings and sibling figures will have a stable financial year, although the eclipses (as mentioned above) will force changes in their financial thinking and strategy. The spouse, partner or current love interest will prosper, as we have mentioned. He or she has excellent financial intuition until October 11. Parents and parent figures also have a stable financial year. Children and children figures are prospering. Grandchildren (if you have them) seem content with things.

      Love and Social Life

      Both 2015 (the latter part) and 2016 were good love years. Many of you have married or entered into serious kinds of relationships. Socially things have been quiet since last September, with no major developments one way or another. This too is a good signal. There is basic contentment

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