Non-Refundable Groom. Patty Salier

Non-Refundable Groom - Patty  Salier

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She felt his hand slip around her waist and draw her against his bare chest. His lips touched her earlobe, his warm breath on her neck. As his mouth closed over hers, she parted her lips, wanting to feel closer to him.

      Just then Tod’s voice bellowed outside the door. “Bennie, why did you lock in Aunt Elena and her friend? That was dumb!”

      “You’re dumb!” Bennie shot back.

      In the next instant the lock released. The door swung open, and the laundry room lights flashed on. She quickly broke free of Garrett’s arms. Her skin was burning hot. She could barely catch her breath.

      As her nephews chased after each other out of the kitchen, she pulled out Garrett’s shirt from the dryer, avoiding his eyes.

      “I can iron it, if you want,” she said in a shaky voice.

      He touched her hand. “Elena, I shouldn’t have—”

      “The stains are out,” she told him, aching to be in his arms again. “My sister should be home any minute. She can drive me back to work.”

      “I can wait and take you myself,” he said.

      “I’ll be okay,” she said. “Thanks for everything.” She wanted to tell him that she didn’t want him to leave. She wanted to be locked in the laundry room with him all over again.

      “Sure, anytime,” he said, slipping on his shirt as he headed out of the laundry room. “See you, Tod and Bennie!” Then she heard the front door close.

      Elena leaned against the dryer, feeling weak in the knees. Why had she allowed herself to fall into Garrett’s arms? She could easily give her heart and soul to Garrett, only to end up finding out that he had zero interest in making a commitment.

      Elena had already traveled on that painful highway with her ex-boyfriend, Ted. Her heart had been so caught up in Ted that she didn’t see the warning signs.

      She’d believed Ted when he said he couldn’t see her on weekends because, as the partner of a bi-coastal law firm, he had to travel back and forth from Los Angeles to New York on business.

      She had believed him when he said his Beverly Hills apartment wasn’t warmly furnished like a home because he had no time to put into domestic matters.

      She’d believed him when he whispered that he loved her and wanted to be with her forever.

      Then, after dating him for eight months, he’d invited her to go on a weekend business conference in New York. She secretly believed he was planning to ask her to marry him.

      However, in the hotel room, while Ted was in the shower, she answered the ringing telephone. She was devastated when she heard a woman’s voice saying that she was Ted’s wife and asking to speak to her husband.

      Feeling used and deceived by the man she loved, she left the New York hotel room before Ted got out of the shower, and never saw him again.

      Elena had convinced herself that she had no interest in getting seriously involved with a man again—until she met Garrett Sims.

      He had made an impact on her the moment she met him in Stanley’s office. Alone in the laundry room, she’d gotten so turned on by him that she’d momentarily forgotten he was competing with her for the job she wanted.

      As she was about to walk out of the laundry room, she spotted Garrett’s stained tie lying on the shelf. She held the silk in her hand, as though she was touching a part of him, knowing she had to forget her intimate moments with him and see him as her business competitor.

      She heard Jan burst through the front door. “El, where’s your car?” her sister called out.

      In the kitchen she found her sister going through the mail. Bennie and Tod ran in, gave their mother hugs and hurried back into the living room to play.

      “I ran out of gas,” Elena replied.

      “How’d you get here?”

      “I caught a ride with Garrett Sims,” she quickly replied. “He works at Stanley’s branch in Sherman Oaks.”

      “By any chance, is Garrett the owner of that tie?” Jan asked with great interest, still sorting through her mail.

      She impulsively put the tie behind her back. “Bennie accidentally squirted juice on Garrett’s shirt,” she explained. “I washed out the stains and—” Her face heated up as the intimate memories rose in her mind.

      “And what?” Jan pursued with a mischievous smile.

      “We got locked in the laundry room together for a few seconds.”

      Her sister’s eyes widened. “What happened next?”

      “Okay, we kissed!”

      “When are you going out with him?” Jan went on. “Is he sexy? How tall is he?”

      “Jan, I can’t have a relationship with Garrett,” she said, frustrated. “He’s off-limits for me.”


      “I’m competing with him for the vice presidency!”

      “Oh, no.”

      “He’s got tons more experience than I do,” she rushed on, needing to share her upset. “And now, because of my insane idea, Stanley’s going to choose one of us based on how many new accounts we can get for the company.”

      “El, what’re you going to do?” Jan asked worriedly as she opened a large manila envelope.

      “I need to stay as far away from Garrett Sims as I can,” she replied, knowing how difficult that would be. “Stanley will completely eliminate me if he thinks I’m having an office romance with Garrett.”

      “You like him a lot, don’t you?”

      “He’s different, Jan,” she admitted. “I’ve never met a man like him before.”

      “And if the job wasn’t in your way?”

      All of her doubts about being in a serious relationship re-surfaced. “I wouldn’t date him,” she forced out.

      “El, I know how worried you are about falling in love with a man who doesn’t want to get married,” Jan said. “But all of your worries are over.”

      “What do you mean?”

      “I was a first-caller winner in a radio contest,” she said, glancing at the document in her hand. “I just received my prize! Free enrollment in a dating service called the Marriage Connection!”

      “The service is going to send you on dates?”

      “Not me, silly,” her sister said. “You!”


      “El, you’re always doing stuff for me and the kids,” she hurried on. “Now I get to pay you back. I gave your name to the dating service.”

      “You didn’t!”

      “This is the ideal way for you to connect with the right man for you,” she explained. “Eighty percent of couples that have been matched by the Marriage Connection have ended up getting married!”

      “Jan, I don’t want to meet a man through a dating service,” she protested, thinking about Garrett, wishing he could be that man for her.

      “Just think—you don’t have to worry anymore about being hurt by a guy who doesn’t want to make a commitment,” Jan went on. “The Marriage Connection only matches couples who sincerely want to get married.” She showed her the document. “All you need to do is sign this two-page form agreeing to specific conditions.”

      Elena reluctantly read the first page of the form indicating that no real names, home or office addresses, or phone numbers are given until both parties have met.

      Then her eyes landed on one particular

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