Non-Refundable Groom. Patty Salier

Non-Refundable Groom - Patty  Salier

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fantasy aside.

      “What if the guy they pick out is totally wrong for me?” she asked.

      “Look at the second page of the agreement,” Jan encouraged.

      She caught the sentence on the second sheet. “You are only required to go on three prearranged, already-paid-for dates, one every two weeks.”

      “El, just three dates,” her sister pushed.

      “I don’t know.”

      “You can’t say no,” Jan told her. “I’ve already given your personality profile to the service, and you’ve been matched with a great guy, who you will be going on all three dates with.”

      “The dating service has already picked out a man for me?” She couldn’t imagine meeting a guy more perfect for her than Garrett.

      “The letter says that he has a successful career in real estate,” Jan excitedly went on. “He’s three years older than you, enjoys romantic dinners and walking on the beach under the moonlight. And he must sign the agreement stating that his goal is to get married. Perfect, right?”

      Sure, if it was Garrett! she wanted to say but didn’t. She couldn’t spoil her sister’s surprise gift to her.

      “I’ll think about it, okay, Jan?”

      “There’s no time,” she said. “Your first prearranged date is set for this Saturday night.”

      “Saturday?” she repeated incredulously.

      Before Jan could reply, Bennie ran into the kitchen looking upset. “Mom, the words in my reading book are fuzzy looking.”

      “We need to get your eyes checked, Ben,” her sister said, lovingly kissing him on his forehead. Then he went back to his activities.

      Elena could hear the frustration in her sister’s voice. She had no vision insurance to cover the cost and had been putting off making an appointment until she had the money.

      “Jan, we’re getting Bennie to an optometrist next week,” Elena said.

      “But I can’t.”

      “We’ll manage with the money,” she reassured her, knowing more than ever how much she needed that raise.

      “El, please let me pay you back with this dating service prize,” her sister pleaded. “Sign the Marriage Connection agreement so I can feel like I’m giving you something in return.”

      Knowing how much it meant to her sister, Elena reluctantly put her ink signature at the bottom of the second page of the form.

      After her sister dropped her off at the office parking structure to get her car, she realized that she still had Garrett’s tie. She pressed the silk against her face, drawing in the musky scent of him.

      Stop it! she scolded herself. You can’t think about him in a romantic way!

      As she got into her car, she started up the engine and saw the gas gauge arrow rise to mid-level. Garrett had taken care of her fuel problem, just as he promised. He was so incredible—considerate, kind, caring. Every quality he possessed was what she dreamed of in a man, except she needed to know one thing.

      Did Garrett want a committed relationship like she did? She could never get deeply involved with a man again until she was sure he wanted a future with her.

      As she zoomed out of the parking structure to a property management appointment in West Los Angeles, she kept reminding herself that getting the vice presidency was her priority, not Garrett Sims.

      Then why did she drape Garrett’s tie gently across her lap as if it was the most precious object in the world to her?


      Garrett tried to concentrate on the traffic as he drove to the singles-only apartment building he managed in Palms. He could still smell the vanilla scent of Elena and the feel of her soft lips against his.

      Everything about Elena captivated him. He admired how warm and gentle she was with her nephews. The nurturing way she took care of him made him feel so close to her, almost like he was part of her family.

      In the laundry room he had been so turned on.... If the door hadn’t burst open—

      His foot suddenly hit the brake pedal when he realized he was about to rear-end the car in front of him.

      What the heck am I thinking? he silently demanded. He couldn’t allow himself to desire her. She was caring and giving and loving. She was definitely a marrying kind of woman. But he wasn’t a marrying kind of man. He used to be. He used to dream of having a wife and children more than anything. After what happened in his past marriage, he had no intention of signing a marriage license again.

      He never should’ve kissed Elena. He never should’ve touched her soft skin. But being near her made him want to cuddle and hold her body close to his.

      As he drove and anxiously reached for his tie, he realized that he’d left it in the laundry room. He knew he should wait until tomorrow morning to call her about it. But the need to connect with her again was stronger than he wanted to admit.

      As his car neared the two-story building in Palms, he picked up his car phone, dialed the Santa Monica branch and learned from Grace that Elena was out of the office. He quickly told Grace that he had business to discuss with Elena and got her cellular number.

      He parked his car in front of the complex and dialed Elena’s number. When he heard her velvet voice answer the phone, he was hooked all over again.

      “Elena, I forgot my tie at your sister’s,” he began.

      “I’ve got it with me,” she said. “When I get back to the office, I’ll send a messenger over to the Sherman Oaks branch.”

      “How about if I drop by and pick it up?” he suggested, wanting to see her again, even though he knew he shouldn’t.

      “Stanley might be here,” she replied a bit nervously.

      “Yeah, that could be a problem,” he said, knowing he couldn’t jeopardize their chances to the promotion. He felt the urge to ask if he could drop by her apartment to get it, but he didn’t dare cross that boundary line.

      “I could stop by after the office closes at seven tonight.”

      “I might be gone by then.”

      “I’ll take the chance.”

      A few minutes later Garrett entered the lobby of the Palms apartment building.

      “Garrett, just the man I want to see,” said Sam McGrath, the middle-aged owner of the building.

      “Hi, Sam, are there any problems with the pipe replacement job?” he asked, referring to the plumber who was replacing some of the old, leaky pipes.

      “No further leaks yet,” the owner replied. “Have you worked with this plumber before?”

      “He’s not my regular vendor,” Garrett replied. “The plumber I usually deal with is ill. But I’ll make sure the work goes smoothly.”

      “Garrett, your new apartment may become available very soon,” Sam said.

      “My new apartment?” he asked, confused.

      “How could you forget?” Sam asked, surprised. “You signed the lease months ago and paid me the security deposit, plus the first and last months’ rent to hold the place.”

      “Yes, of course,” he said, realizing that he was so consumed with thoughts of Elena that he’d forgotten everything but her. “When will the apartment be ready?”

      “The tenant in twenty-eight may be leaving for Florida earlier than he planned.” Sam McGrath headed toward the front door of the lobby. “I’ll let you know when the space is vacant.”


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