Переводим тексты по экономике = Translating Economy. Вероника Разумовская

Переводим тексты по экономике = Translating Economy - Вероника Разумовская

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финансирования инвестиционных проектов, совершенствованию системы страхования с целью снижения рисков и т.д. Что касается обороноспособности, то здесь тоже невозможно обойти стороной инновационную деятельность, которая активно отражена в общем процессе создания новых видов вооружения. Несмотря на большое количество международных программ по разоружению, последние мировые события, а также опрос, проводимый Institute for Economics and Peace, показывает, что в последние годы Global Peace Index («мировой индекс миролюбивости») снижается, что косвенно может свидетельствовать об острой необходимости поддержания обороноспособности страны на достаточно высоком уровне…

      From: отрывок из статьи: Жданова О. А. Роль инноваций в современной экономике [Текст] / О. А. Жданова // Экономика, управление, финансы: материалы междунар. науч. конф. (г. Пермь, июнь 2011 г.). – Пермь: Меркурий, 2011. – С. 38-40.

      5. Find English equivalents to the following words and expressions from the text:

      6. Make an English annotation of the text (100-120 words).

      7. Translate your English annotation into Russian.

      8. Give a written translation of the text (or some part of it – in accordance with the teacher’s task) into Russian.

      9. Work in the group of three. “Back- translate” orally your Russian translation of the text into English.

      10. Find English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

      Adj. + innovation: constant, continuous, successful, cultural, educational, industrial, scientific, technical, technological, design, policy, product innovation; great, major, important, significant, welcome, interesting, latest, new, recent innovation.

      Verb + innovation: encourage, facilitate, foster, stimulate, stifle innovation; come up with, introduce innovations.

      innovation + Verb: occur

      Technical innovation may occur directly in the factory.

      innovation + Noun: process

      Prep. + innovation: ~ in innovation in engineering

      ~ by

      Mathematical astronomy was the great innovation by the Greeks of the 5th century BC.

      ~ in innovations in machinery and instruments

      Phrases + innovation: scope for innovation technological innovations designed to save energy.

      11. Give a written translation of the following extracts from English into Russian:

      1. There seems to be a lot of correlation between economic growth and human development. This can be explained by a simple example in an economy. We shall consider economic growth as a prerequisite for economic development. Assume we have a household in an economy that ekes their livelihood from a horticultural firm. Economic growth will bring business opportunities to the country and the effects spills over to all sectors of the economy. The firm will increase its profits which will in turn be used to pay for their generation education, improve the access to health care for that family and will increase the general living standard of the family. If this effect is replicated in each household overall economic development will be achieved.

      2. Economic development leads to improvements in many sectors of a nation. There are a variety of indicators that economist use to measure the level of economic development in a country. The indicators are: declining poverty rates, increasing literacy rates, declining infant morbidity and increasing life expectancy. Economic development has to be supported by the whole nation from economists, politicians, and also civilians. Thus it can be concluded that, economic development leads to the creation of more opportunities in the sectors of education, health sector, research, human development and environmental conservation. It equally implies an increase in the per capita income of every citizen.

      3. Development economics is a branch of economics that focuses on how to improve the economies of developing countries. Its major concern is the development of third world economies. Development in such countries is met by improving the basic amenities to promote the welfare of its citizen and to maintain a certain set standard of living for all its citizens. The sectors that should be improved according to the development economists are Health sector, education, employment, and inflation, domestic and international economic policies. This branch of economics is specially tailored to the developing country to help them transform into a prosperous nation through progressive economics.

      From: http://www.whatiseconomics.org/

      Module II


      Unit 1

      Warming Up Activity

      1. Translate the dates from Russian into English:

      25 ноября 2015 г., 28 июля 2000 г., 18 января 1987 г., 13 августа 2014 г., 3 сентября 1965 г., 10 февраля 1995 г., 30 декабря 1879 г., 21 марта 2012 г., 25 апреля 2013 г., 22 октября 2011 г., 16 мая 2007 г., 11 июля 1948 г.

      2. Say the time in English:

      18.30; 13.45; 18.15; 04.03; 00.20; 17.10; 07.25; 16.35; 15.00; 19.32; 09.40; 14.55; 06.46; 12.00; 23.37; 11.25; 20.30; 22.10; 01.40; 19.45; 00.50;


      3. Say figures in words:

      223; 45 779; 986; 64 987 076; 758; 4 567; 97,34; 517; 87 490; 2 450.003; 873; 873 340 900; 693. 608; 520 064; 9 154,01; 36 716; 183 204; 1 404 183.


      4. Read the text.

      Goldman: Why Europe will outperform

      The ECB’s likely cuts come as the US Federal Reserve is widely expected to implement its first hike to its benchmark rate in nine years at its December meeting. That's likely to strengthen the dollar as it will increase expected returns in the US.

      With US interest rates set to rise and Europe's likely headed lower, certain assets on the continent look like a good bet, Goldman Sachs said.


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