Modern Day Tarot Play: Know yourself, shape your life. Emma Toynbee

Modern Day Tarot Play: Know yourself, shape your life - Emma Toynbee

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keep them locked into ignorance and suffering. ‘Know Thyself’, a phrase positioned high above the main entrance to the ancient Greek Temple of Apollo, was the most highly regarded instruction of the infamous Delphic Oracles. Still pertinent, it invites you to explore your own mind as you would a temple.

      The High Priestess has a dualistic, non-judgemental, all-encompassing mentality, rising above the world of opposites and polarities – up and down, true and false, good and bad – and is primarily inspired and instructed by ancient and obscured spiritual wisdom traditions (6C, Moon), and often party to the masonic-style secrets (3P) prohibited by conventional religions. Similar to the Fool, the dissolution of the High Priestess’s ‘I think’ and ‘I know’ ego operations echoes the Socratic paradox ‘The only thing I know is that I know nothing.’

      Portrayed in a womanly form, symbolizing the passive female principle, the High Priestess understands that using the masculine ego-fired intellect alone without any input from the liquid-intuitive heart (3S) ultimately limits what you can achieve in life (8S).

      By paying attention to anomalous information as it enters the mind, no matter how irrational, illogical and nonsensical, Priestesses know exactly what, when, how and why, as their intuitive mind leaps over any slower cognitive processes.

      The key to the success of the High Priestess is in their over-riding of the ego, which perceives their inexplicable intuitions, instincts and gut feelings as a threat to its position in the psychical hierarchy.

      Characterized by their far-reaching vision or foresight (3W, Star, World), the High Priestess has a penetrative and omniscient mind. Whether divining the future or understanding the hidden truth of a current scenario, they utilize a wide range of specialist skills and tools to gain greater understanding of the subtle forces at work in any given situation. These skills include claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience; the divination arts: tarot, astrology, psychic work, mediumship; out-of-body experiences, lucid dreaming; and dream, symbol and image interpretation (Empress, KS, QS).

      However, under the influence of impure (Devil), imaginary (Moon, 7C), immature, exaggerating (Pages), scattered or ungrounded (Fool) influences, this archetype can indicate being deceived by false, inaccurate or self-fulfilling prophecies.

      Personal Life

      In a relationship reading, the High Priestess represents a deep, sincerity of feeling (KC, QC) devoid of any co-dependent or self-validating ego attachment (2C). When this card appears, showing your true complete self and sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings with a trusted partner (2C) are paramount. This archetype is often deeply attuned to a partner’s needs (2C) and their unions can feel sacred or tantric, spiritually connected or divinely inspired (1C).

      The High Priestess can also indicate hidden or secret relationships (7S), where one or both parties are kept in the dark mentally, emotionally or even physically if there is a proverbial ‘hidden woman’ on the scene.

      As is their dualistic nature, the High Priestess can represent either the hiding or revealing of ‘closeted’ romantic feelings, intentions or sexuality. Being ruled by the Moon, they can symbolize cyclical romantic feelings that ‘come and go’, ebb and flow, as the Moon moves the tides (Lovers, Moon).

      If you are single and seeking a partner, this archetype can sometimes indicate the meeting of a new love interest (1C, KnC) via spiritual friends and connections (3C).

      Professional Life

      The High Priestess represents those whose work life is devoted to compassionately bettering the lives of others, helping them realize and actualize their fullest possible potential (World). They often work from home or behind the scenes, working nights (Moon) or undercover, perhaps as super-sleuths, detectives (Justice), in espionage, with hidden surveillance systems (Star), in the intelligence services (KS, QS), in hidden, secretive or sensitive work, or investment speculations (Strength), as futurologists predicting economic or market trends (World), as researchers (KC, QC) or archivists (6C, Moon), in counter-cultural, fringe or taboo-themed industries, as spiritual teachers and mentors (Hierophant), counsellors, life coaches, psychotherapists, spiritual advisers (KC, QC) or well-being or spiritual events facilitators (3C, Hierophant).

      This archetype, which delights in highlighting cultural corners and edges, can even work for counter-cultural, grassroots, fringe organizations, or any sector beyond the tight, spotlit sphere of centralized comprehension and experience (Sun).

      Wherever it happens to be, whereas the Magician is the active, masculine power behind the throne, the High Priestess works predominantly in hidden or passive power positions. They are the office or employer’s confidante, the person who knows, but never shares, what is going on behind the scenes (7S). Due to their secret partnerships or alliances (2W, 2C) they are often in and out of covert or secretive talks and meetings (3W, 3C).

      This ‘left of field’ archetype stays on top (7W) by obtaining their information or ideas via rare, unusual, eccentric, out of the box, unconventional or inaccessible sources or methods. They possess rare skills, talents or knowledge that can either be feared (9S) or celebrated (Sun) and sought after by others (3P). Yet their subtle work efforts can be easily eclipsed or overlooked when they are competing with more mainstream or commanding personalities (Emperor, Empress, KW, QW). However, the sometimes torpid world of work can be shaken out of its stupor (4S, 4C) by the Priestess’s exotic, fascinating, unusual, unconventional and non-conformist approach.

      Flanked by high-visibility influences (Sun, World), the truth, wisdom and insight of this archetype, portrayed in obscure, unconventional, private, fantastical, otherworldly (World, 7C), underworld or taboo themes, is likely to celebrated and well received (Sun, 3P).

      Property – Finances – Resources

      Being spiritually inclined, the High Priestess can signify unmaterialistic living with few financial obligations, commitments or dependants and an impartial attitude to money and resources (Fool).

      They may or may not be materially rich, depending on the surrounding cards, but instead have immaterial or spiritual wealth and riches in abundance (1C, 10C). Akin to the wandering ascetics, nuns or monks, the Priestess often attains unlimited access (Fool) to their spiritual gifts in those times when material resources are voluntarily renounced (Hermit) or involuntarily limited (5P).

      Unless influenced by more social (3C, 3W, 3P) or high-visibility (Sun, World) cards, the High Priestess indicates buying land or property in a quiet or largely unfrequented place.

      When flanked by other benevolent cards, they tend to put earned material abundance towards altruistic acts of charity (World, 6P), doing what they perceive as the right thing (Justice) regardless of personal cost.

      When flanked by a malefic (Devil) or miserly (4P) card, they can represent the concealing or sudden discovery of secretly hidden wealth and resources.

      Health and Well-being

      As the earthly vehicle of the soul, the High Priestess worships and respects their body and mind as they would a religious house or sacred temple (Sun). However, a person under the influence of this archetype can also lose sight of the true earthly purpose of life, their sacred outlook rendering them blind to the necessary counter-balancing effects of an ordinary life (Moon, 4C).

      When influenced by benevolent cards, the High Priestess can serve themselves and others by using their insight and divinatory skills for the purposes of self- or soul-realization: unburdening or ‘en-lightening’ the mind and spirit of mundane concerns (Sun).

      Influenced by cards pressing a shadow agenda (Devil), however, the High Priestess can be prone to hidden or secret obsessions and addictions. Their passive attitude to exercise, which ebbs and flows like the tides, can be the cause of any health or well-being issues.

      Sometimes this card can indicate a hidden or undiagnosed health issue, but more often it indicates a deep, intuitive understanding of any health or well-being imbalances.

      Regardless of whether they are active (Wands, Swords) or inactive (Pentacles, Cups), this night-owl archetype may suffer from a vitamin D deficiency or other imbalances connected to a lack of exposure to sunlight.

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