Modern Day Tarot Play: Know yourself, shape your life. Emma Toynbee

Modern Day Tarot Play: Know yourself, shape your life - Emma Toynbee

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(2C, 10C): that great heavenly gifts (1C, 2C, 10C) result from rising above the challenges of earthly life (Hermit, Tower, Death). It indicates a magically transformative, alchemical union (2C, 10C) that is enlightening (Sun), a highly spiritual romance in which both parties are independently loving and detached from the ego.

      This card marks the divinely magical and synchronized timing by which two individuals come together, encounter each other for the first time (1C), and become romantically committed and entwined (2C). However, this archetype, being primarily concerned with the sacred rather than mundane events of life, can be an inconsistent partner, providing great love-powered highs (Sun, 1C) and great insecurity-powered lows (Moon, Devil, Tower, 5P, 5C, 3S, 9S).

      A relationship with the Magician archetype can be enchanting, mesmerizing, fascinating, seductive (Lovers, Devil) and highly sexed (Emperor, 1W). They are often a partner whose words have great power and influence over you (KS, QS). Under the influence of a negatively toned Magician (Devil), you can encounter a highly manipulative or narcissistic individual, bent on controlling others. The Magician can also be the ultimate sexual predator (Devil) who casts their ‘wand’ out (1W) and about in search of quick, self-serving gratification. If this card appears, it may be time for a reality check to ensure others aren’t taking advantage of you.

      Professional Life

      The modern-day Magician’s work life often deals with matters pertaining to life, death or major transformation. They appear at precisely the right time, as if your life and theirs are magically synchronized, and come in the form of brilliant doctors, surgeons, life coaches, psychotherapists and psychiatrists, or even the executors of a last will and testament that leaves you a life-changing legacy (10P). They are the pivotal movers, shakers and agents who help secure your dream professional role.

      By holding all the aces, the Magician represents all new work and career avenues, advances and advantages. When they are present in a work reading, you are likely to be in a highly advantageous position (7W) or in line for a promotion (Emperor, Empress). Using their particular skills and abilities, the Magician also excels in tests, examinations or interviews (Chariot). They often have a powerful voice, which they utilize in the manifestation of their desires. They can be a master spin doctor (Devil) who harnesses the power of the spoken word to their own recondite ends, and they can utilize a vast amount of hidden or camouflaged information (High Priestess), particularly regarding the timing of birth, death or transformation cycles within the work environment. They are a formidable competitor (5W) who holds the professional life or death of others in their hands.

      The Magician’s complete self-mastery is what ensures their great success in the external world at large, and due to their masterful reputation, they are also someone people look to for magical solutions (8W). When working for the greater good, they can be key to the miraculous unification (3C, Temperance) of diametrically different groups of people or warring factions of a business sector or company (5W).

      Property – Finances – Resources

      ‘It’s unlimited what the universe can bring when you understand the great secret that thoughts become things.’


      Your positive expectations will be happily met, if not exceeded, when the Magician card appears in a finances reading, as, via the power of their mind, they masterfully manifest anything you might require in life. In a home this could be a water feature, pond, river, lake, beach, swimming pool (1C, KC, QC); a traditional, period or ‘des res’ type property or location (1P, KP, QP); action and excitement in the heart of the city or a sporting, activity-based location (1W, KW, QW); and/or an intelligent or cutting-edge property design and mentally stimulating location (1S, KS, QS).

      The Magician also represents the settling of any material debts (Temperance) or the liquidating of any jointly held capital or assets in your favour (Justice). They have a magical resourcefulness, a finger in every pie (World). Their acquisitions and investments have infinite possibility and potential (World).

      This is the archetype who manifests great wealth and abundance (10P, KP, QP), giving you everything you could ever need in life (Emperor, Empress).

      Health and Well-being

      The Magician represents the attaining of great heavenly gifts (1C, High Priestess) as a result of great physical challenges, pain and suffering (Hermit). How long you must endure such challenges and difficulties depends; working on philosopher René Descartes’ principle ‘I think therefore I am’ (Moon), when the Magician’s magically creative mind considers itself healthy and happy, it will be – instantaneously.

      The Magician has an uncanny ability to heal themselves both physically and emotionally using their infinite energetic reserves (KW, QW, KnW) and strong-willed initiative (Emperor). Their authentic knowledge (High Priestess) of how to maintain their health significantly lessens the chance of their contracting an illness or suffering a period of ill-health.

      They are the archetype of ultimate self-liberation from unhealthy habits such as overeating or drinking. They have controlled or balanced energies and hormones (Temperance), with a strong and highly functioning immune system (Strength).

      They also have the power to create new life (1W, 1P, 1C) and so represent male (Emperor) and female (Empress) fecundity, fertility and pregnancy, either naturally or via successful fertility treatments (8P).

      2 The High Priestess II


      ‘Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.’

      C. G. JUNG

      Personification – Psychology

      In a similar way to the paradoxical and contradictory Moon, which is both inconstant and habitual, the High Priestess is an archetype concerned with both closure and disclosure, covering and discovering the ultimate or highest truth. They can provide piercing and incisive revelations (1S), while also being a trusted and faithful keeper of secret or hidden information. Good counsel or the true facts of a matter, legal (Justice) or otherwise, can come forth from hidden or not so obvious Priestess-type sources when this card appears. These sources are society’s small or discreet ‘aperture windows’, both revealing and concealing the raw facts of hidden or subtle matters.

      The High Priestess often has an exceptional sensitivity to hidden or subtle motivations (Devil, 7S), followed by a reflex tendency for counter-corrective words and actions (KnS), fired by a divinely inspired social transparency agenda (KS, QS).

      The archetype is sincere and gracious, high-minded and intuitive in their reasoning, with great compassion for those stuck in a painful cerebral cycle and suffering from their base impulses and instincts. They see and understand what is incomprehensible in material world terms.

      The High Priestess can be an inconspicuous force of good, operating behind the scenes (7S) and exerting great power and influence without being domineering. They can exert a subtle or hidden power over a person or situation, akin to how the Moon moves the tides, to bring about great and positive growth, change and transformation. As such, this card reveals by what hidden or obscured forces you are moved to action.

      Privately and authentically, without seeking external ego recognition, praise or reward, the High Priestess also helps others reconcile and reintegrate any debased, degenerate, wild, animalistic ego tendencies (Devil) so they can live fuller and happier lives (Sun, 10C).

      Spirituality and Philosophy

      As a pure, exalted, gracious, maturely seeking and awakened consciousness, the High Priestess cuts through any superficial layers of experience and conditioning (1S) to reveal the true self, and thus is a key archetypal figure in the process of major spiritual transformation (Magician).

      This archetype starts the psychical evaluation process that is so necessary for spiritual growth or progress via a general illuminating, cleaning and clearing of the dark recesses and corners of the mind (Sun, Moon). Through the Priestess’s compassionate intervention, an individual can become better

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