A Good Girl’s Guide To Bad Boys. Katie Hart

A Good Girl’s Guide To Bad Boys - Katie  Hart

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As soon as I heard the tune, I missed my dance crew. I tapped my foot to the beat of the song and Hunter glanced over at me.

      ‘You look like you need the toilet,’ he said, earning him yet another scowl.

      ‘I’m tapping my foot to the rhythm,’ I corrected, but didn’t look over at him.

      ‘Can I ask you a question?’ I heard him shift on the sofa and when I looked over at him, he was sitting with his forearms resting on his knees and his dark eyes were trained on me.

      ‘Even if I say no, you’re going to ask me anyway, aren’t you?’ I asked, moving so that I was looking at him.

      He grinned. ‘You got that right. I was just wondering why you’re so hostile.’

      I closed my eyes and breathed through my nose. I wasn’t normally this hostile or unfriendly or whatever vibes I was giving off, he just knew exactly what buttons to press and was getting under my skin. ‘You didn’t exactly make a good first impression, did you?’

      He shrugged, not denying it, but not accepting it either. ‘Guess not, but you’re still a bit unsociable.’

      ‘I’m not unsociable, I just don’t want to talk to you,’ I replied and he chuckled, sitting back against the sofa. He touched his chest in mock hurt.

      ‘So many rejections in so little time, you’re breaking my heart here,’ he teased.

      It took everything in me not to smile and keep my mouth in a neutral line. ‘That’s a shame,’ I murmured, turning back to my phone. It didn’t work because he kept talking.

      ‘It is. Look, sorry for the introduction, but you were honestly a surprise,’ he said, turning the charm on again.

      ‘It’s fine,’ I answered in a bright tone and he smirked, leaning on his elbow.

      ‘So, does Daddy know you’re living with a boy?’ he asked and I narrowed my eyes.

      ‘Back to this again, are we?’ He nodded, lacing his fingers together and putting his hands behind his head. ‘Where do you even get that impression anyway?’ I asked.

      ‘You’re wearing white granny clothes, you hold yourself like you’re scared of everything that moves and you’re far too polite,’ he replied with a shrug. Before I could answer, the doorbell went. Hunter got up and strolled to the door to collect the pizza.

      Living at home like the good little girl that my mum expected suddenly sounded like an amazing idea.

      The pizza was good, the chat with Hunter, not so much.

      ‘So, are you a virgin?’ he asked and I nearly choked on the piece of pizza that I’d been eating.

      ‘Excuse me?’ I coughed out and he smirked, resting his ankle on the opposite knee.

      ‘Please don’t tell me that you’re a sexphobe.’

      I glanced over at him and put my piece of pizza on a plate. ‘Don’t you have any normal questions? Like, what’s your favourite colour?’ I asked and he chuckled softly.

      ‘Let me guess, princess pink?’ he retorted and I clenched my jaw.

      ‘Do you have a problem with me or something?’ I seethed and he shook his head.

      ‘Not at all, I just think that if we’re going to live together, then we should get to know each other.’ He shrugged as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

      ‘No, I’m not a sexphobe. I’m not a virgin and my favourite colour is lime green,’ I listed.

      A grin broke out on his handsome face as he took another bite of his pizza. ‘Good to know.’

      Instead of groaning in frustration, I finished off my pizza slice and made my way to the kitchen to clean up.

      ‘Do you have a boyfriend?’ he asked when I came back in.

      I raised a quizzical eyebrow. ‘You’re nosy, you know that?’ I sat down, with his eyes still trained on me.

      He merely shrugged. ‘And you never answer my questions without some kind of smartass remark first,’ he pointed out. I sighed and stood up, brushing imaginary dirt from my jeans, drawing his attention to my legs. Although completely accidental, it made him forget about his question.

      ‘Goodnight,’ I mumbled, turning on my heels and making my way to my bedroom.

      I had no idea how long he stayed up for because after I got changed, I brushed my teeth and pretty much fell straight to sleep.


      ‘Andrea!’ I felt someone shake my shoulders and I woke up with a start, staring straight at Hunter’s smirking face. He was in low-hanging jeans and no shirt. Trying not to gawp at his toned chest was difficult, but the urge was soon completely gone when I realised that he was in my room. In the morning. While I was in a tank top and boxers.

      ‘What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing in here?!’ I exclaimed, sitting up. I grabbed my duvet to cover myself in haste. He stood back and crossed his arms over his chest, bringing my attention to the small tattoo on his upper chest.

      ‘There’s a girl in my living room that claims to know you.’ His answer left me confused until I realised that it must’ve been Kenzi.

      ‘Thanks, bye,’ I grumbled, stretching. I wasn’t about to get up until he’d gone. ‘Um, can you get out, please?’ I asked as politely as I could and he chuckled to himself.

      ‘Happily, if you’re done checking me out,’ he said.

      I glared up at him. ‘Your head is stuck firmly up your arse,’ I ground out and he chuckled, walking to the door.

      ‘A body part of mine that you will also be gawping at,’ he remarked over his shoulder as he left. I was going to say that I wasn’t, but I didn’t fancy eating my words as I glanced at his backside while he was leaving.

      ‘Andy!’ Kenzi shouted and I grimaced at the high-pitched tone of her voice. I answered with a ‘coming’ and quickly got dressed, tying my hair back behind my head.

      I didn’t bother with any makeup as I strolled into the front room. Kenzi was sitting on the sofa and looking at Hunter with adoring eyes. He clearly loved it as he hadn’t bothered to put a top on, nor had he looked up at my entrance.

      ‘Do you even own any clothes?’ I asked as I sat down and Kenzi hit my thigh, causing me to wince and send her a glare.

      ‘Your friend didn’t seem to want to see them,’ he retorted with a shrug. I was left gaping at him while Kenzi chuckled.

      ‘Wear less if you like, see if I care,’ she drawled with a sly smile. Note to self: Don’t let the two of them converse, ever again.

      ‘I might do just that,’ he winked, sauntering into the kitchen. I glared at her. She snapped out of her Hunter-induced haze and raised her eyebrows at me.

      ‘What?’ she asked incredulously.

      ‘You know what! I told you last night, he’s an arse!’ I whisper-yelled and she shrugged.

      ‘But he’s good looking and charming,’ she tried to justify and I cut her off by holding my hand up.

      ‘I know that, but don’t fall for the charm,’ I hissed, just as he entered the room again, looking at us both as if we were crazy.

      ‘So, what’s your name?’ he asked Kenzi and she smiled immediately. I rolled my eyes, getting up to leave the new ‘lovebirds’ to it.

      I made myself some toast and checked my phone, only to receive a message from my mum, already giving me a lecture on alcohol.

      ‘Andy!’ Kenzi hollered.

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