A Good Girl’s Guide To Bad Boys. Katie Hart

A Good Girl’s Guide To Bad Boys - Katie  Hart

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and I spun around to face him. I hated his assumptions and more than anything, I hated that he was right.

      ‘No, I am not.’ I was lying and we both knew it. Hunter stepped forward and stood so close that I could feel the tickle of air from his lips on mine. His hands held my hips still and he glanced at me, making me near enough lose myself in his dark green eyes. He had me exactly where he wanted me.

      ‘Then prove it,’ he repeated and pressed his lips to mine. I hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to do. Making a quick decision to prove him wrong, I moved my lips with his and my hand made its way up to the nape of his neck.

      After a small battle of dominance, he won out and pushed me back so that I was against the wall outside our flat. I finally found my senses and pulled back, still trapped in his embrace. He smirked down at my lips. I grinned, twisted and pushed him back against the wall, pressing my mouth to his. He was more than happy to oblige and let his hands wander down to my arse.

      Grinning against his lips, I pulled back and ran my hands down his chest to his belt loops, pulling him against my lower half. Keeping my lips close enough to feel his breath, I looked up into his eyes, which were glazed over with lust.

      ‘I just did,’ I whispered and he grinned, looking down at our bodies which were pressed tight against each other. I moved forward and pressed my lips against the soft skin of his neck, feeling his raging pulse under his skin.

      ‘God, you’re good at this,’ he groaned when I moved my pelvis against his crotch area.

      I smiled. ‘I know, and soon you’ll be begging to sleep with me.’ I stepped back and looked at his shocked expression. ‘But you don’t do girls like me, do you?’ I asked nonchalantly and his brows furrowed. Before he could get a word in, I sauntered away, adding an extra sway to my hips as I opened the door and let myself inside.

      Once in my room, I allowed my jelly legs to give out. I couldn’t believe that I had just done that. I didn’t do that type of thing. Ever. My virginity had gone to the guy I loved and I didn’t go around acting like that, certainly not with people I barely knew. But there was something about Hunter that wound me up.

      I spent about an hour going over the books I’d need for uni before going into the front room. Hunter was in there and he was completely calm, considering what had just happened between us.

      ‘Uni starts tomorrow, do you need a ride?’ he asked and I glanced over in his direction.

      I shook my head. ‘Nope, Kenzi is taking me.’

      He nodded and looked back at the television screen. ‘I will never beg you for anything, you know,’ he informed me. I snapped my head over to look at him but his eyes didn’t leave the TV screen. I chose to ignore him.

      ‘My brother isn’t good for Kenzi, by the way,’ he added and I sighed.


      He scoffed, shaking his head. ‘She’s not worth my jealousy,’ he muttered and I scowled.

      ‘Watch your mouth.’

      He shrugged and finished what he was going to say. ‘He’s trouble, worse than me.’

      I matched his smirk with my own coy smile. ‘I’m glad that I don’t know him well, then.’

      ‘You will get to know him, he goes to the same university.’

      We were having an actual conversation, one without insults. Well, few insults. I wouldn’t admit it to his face, but talking to him kept my mind off my first day and how nervous I was about starting university.

      When I went back to my room, I found an email on my phone. It was from my dad, letting me know the official date of his wedding and the time I should be there. Excitement erupted in my stomach and I grinned at the screen. When my parents got their divorce, Dad was already half in love with someone else and as much as I hated him at the time for what he did to my mother, he was happy.


      ‘Rise and shine!’ Hunter called the next morning, hammering on my door. I groaned, rolling over and pressing my face into the pillow. Next thing I knew, the bed beside me went down with someone’s weight. An arm snaked around my waist and pulled me away from the pillows. I swore and turned around to hit my attacker but my wrist was caught in a firm hand.

      ‘I don’t think so,’ Hunter chided, letting his eyes wander freely over me in my boxers and t-shirt. I would’ve hit him if I could use my hand.

      Instead, I yanked my arm back from his grasp and got up, taking my clothes and underwear to the bathroom. When I returned, Hunter was gone and my phone was ringing.

      ‘Hey!’ Kenzi yelled through the phone when I answered it.

      ‘Hey, are you all ready?’ I asked as I put my English text books into my bag.

      ‘Yeah, pretty much. I was calling to make sure that I am actually picking you up at ten.’

      ‘Yep.’ I heard some papers rustling in the background until I heard her voice again.

      ‘Oh, there’s this party tonight, I was wondering if you wanted to come,’ she trailed off and I sighed. Parties weren’t exactly my thing, but as it was freshers’ week, there wasn’t really much of a choice. I wanted to get to know some people.

      ‘Sure, why not.’

      She squealed and once again, I held the receiver away from my ear. ‘Great! See you in an hour.’

      I hung up shortly after her outburst and made my way into the front room.

      ‘Looking good.’ I looked over at the sofa to see Hunter lying across it, assessing my body in tight white jeans and dark blue top. I’d borrowed the outfit from Kenzi and was glad to be able to wear something tighter, rather than the loose clothing my mother used to force upon me.

      ‘Uh, thanks,’ I mumbled, letting my own eyes wander over his muscled torso in his black shirt and dark-wash jeans.

      I walked into the kitchen to make my breakfast when I felt a presence behind me. Warm hands settled on my hips and Hunter’s mouth was on my neck. Had he not learned anything from yesterday?

      I leaned back slightly, annoyed when a soft moan escaped my throat. Hunter chuckled and ran his hand down the top of my thigh before pulling away.

      ‘On the contrary, you’ll be the one doing the begging,’ he whispered, giving my jaw line one more kiss.

      ‘That sounds like a challenge,’ I responded, wanting to kick myself when my voice came out husky.

      ‘That’s because it is,’ he confirmed, before backing away and heading out of the kitchen.

      I ended up being late. Hunter’s little groping session had made me spend a lot more time in the kitchen than first intended so I had to do my makeup in the car with Kenzi.

      ‘You should’ve done that before you left the house,’ Kenzi helpfully commented on the way to the entrance of the university.

      ‘Thanks, I’ll do that next time,’ I grumbled sarcastically, pushing the glass door open.

      The reception was exactly as I had expected. The pictures on the website had given me a good idea of the interior, but it was a lot better in person. Clean, professional and neat. It immediately put a smile on my face as I headed to the main desk to look for a map. The nerves started to slowly melt away when I found several posters showcasing projects and extracurricular clubs.

      Our timetables had been emailed to us and mine was safely in my bag. I only had to find the English Department for a lecture and one seminar, so would be home in time to get ready for the party.


      The lecture hall for English wasn’t very far from the reception. The door was open

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