My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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lifes. Said at the same time that in them there is a sense, unlike abstract art.

      Roman told.

      – Abstractionism not for all. – then he added. – It should be understood.

      Nina immediately from ricocheted.

      – Do you consider me the silly woman?

      – By no means. – Roman hurried to steam. – I do not consider you the silly woman. I just told that the abstractionism should be understood.

      – That ж. – Nina agreed. – The abstractionism should be understood. It not for all. – then she took an interest. – What artists of abstractionism interest you? – then she assumed. – probably Salvador Dalí?

      – Salvador Dalí one of artists of the time. – there began Roman. – He painted pictures which are difficult for understanding. Contemporaries called him the madman of the time.

      – But it was to some extent mad. – Nina agreed, and then added. – It was ruined by alcohol and drugs. If not they, then we saw a lot more remarkable pictures. – she made a pause, then admitted. – It is a pity that I did not see any its of works. They are not exposed at us in the country.

      – This so. – Roman agreed. Then told. – its cloths display a certain human madness! I consider that he wrote the cloths as he saw madnesses! He can wrote cloths proceeding from own madness. Only madness generates genius, and brings the person to a madhouse.

      – This so. – Nina agreed with the interlocutor. – The mad person is talented the person. – she told. – Only madness is sign of talent and genius.

      – Genius and madnesses?

      – Genius and madnesses, here sign of glory!

      – Glory and genius this any and the same.

      – What do you mean?

      – The glory to us comes unexpectedly. – Roman told. – We made something, and unexpectedly our invention glorified us. And genius and madness agree, you do not tell that the person became famous if he is mad, and got, for example in mental hospital? – he made a pause, then asked. – I am right, isn't it?

      Nina agreed with Roman. He was right. Madness and genius go together, but in any way not madness. However, who knows? What there is a madness, genius and madness? Nobody can precisely tell, answer this question? From madness to genius and madness one step. And it is the fact of the truth of the medical theory about madness. Based on medical terms and medical knowledge, we absolutely consciously turn geniuses into madmen and then mentally ill people. Doctors hide them in a madhouse, and they will see off there for the rest of the life. Do you ask why so occurs? I will answer. Nobody wants to recognize correctness of other people, it is easier for all to hide them in a madhouse, than to recognize that they are right.

      – Perhaps you are right. – Nina agreed. – All of us want glory! But we cannot become famous. – she made a pause. – It is a pity that our dreams are not feasible.

      Roman took an interest.

      – You is ambitious?

      – No. – Nina answered, then admitted. – Though did not refuse glory.

      Roman took an interest.

      – Salvador Dalí immortalized the name during lifetime, and than you could become famous?

      Nina shrugged shoulders.

      – I do not know? – she answered. I did not think of it.

      – Here you see. – Roman told. – You do not know what to become famous, and want glory!?

      – Each person wants that he was heard. – Nina told. – I many times tried to reach this or that person, but nobody I was heard. All sit in the offices and do nothing. Only the places stay and get paid. – she made a sad and heavy pause. – They would live for our salary. – she was angry. – I would look on them then what they would tell when in the house there is nothing, and getting hungry!

      – To work.

      – To work? – she burst out laughing. – yes how many earn, all the same it is not enough!? – then she added. – Choose, either food, or payment of utilities. The third is not given.

      Roman asked.

      – You beg?

      – And you as think!?

      Roman understood that the woman does not lie. She was not poor, but too it was impossible to call her rich. However, nobody knows where this side between wealth and poverty. Claim that there is still a spiritual wealth, but without financial aid it turns into something heavy and awful. Awful driving to despair and the integral death. Death spiritual go physical. However, it does not matter. Death, it is always death whatever it was. She will avoid nobody.

      Roman took an interest.

      – What do you do?

      – Anything. – Nina answered. – I have no full-time employment. I still study and therefore I cannot constantly settle.

      – I understand. – Roman told thoughtfully. Then he asked. – Do you need?

      Nina steamed.

      – Do you want to buy me?

      – In any time. – Roman hurried to steam. – You misunderstood me!

      – And how in your opinion, I have to understand you?

      – I just wanted to offer you work.

      – What work? – Nina steamed. – I do not need any work.

      – Are sure?

      – Absolutely.

      Having calmed down, Nina asked.

      – And what this for work?

      – Do you precisely want to know it?

      – It is interesting to me what work you are ready to offer me eventually to buy me with giblets. – then she asked. – It is interesting to know how many I in your opinion stand? I think that I learn it now.

      Roman grinned.

      – In vain you are so. – Roman told. – I in all sincerity.

      – There would be you with pure in heart where far away! I know you, at first you will promise the world, and then in bushes! To you what, the slave is necessary? Look for somebody other silly woman.

      – Enough! – Roman did not sustain. It was out of itself(himself) from Nina. He already regretted that he offered it the help. – if you do not want to accept the help, then do not accept, to offend that what for? I to you the little boy Oh, damn! Enough! you do not want as you want, I will not begin to force you.

      Nina, having recovered, apologized for the behavior. It was a shame to it with the behavior, and she told that she flared up on in vain. Then she explained. – In my life there were so many well-wishers that …

      – I understand. – Roman answered. – Also you excuse me if I on bondage offended you.

      – And you me.

      They each other tenderly smiled. Nina told.

      – And you know what my favourite artist?

      – No, but I think you to me it now tell.

      Nina told.

      – My favourite artist Leonardo Da Vinci.

      Nina answered.

      – Leonardo Da Vinci is pleasant to all. There is no person to whom his creativity was not corrected.

      – You wanted to tell art.

      – Quite right. – then she added. – Salvador Dalí, too famous artist.

      Roman confirmed.

      – Quite right. – then he took an interest. – What it is pleasant to you in Leonardo Da Vinci's

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