My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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it to understand, for it to you thanks. Well, I will pay back you for your efforts. – then everything disappeared. Evaporated as though nothing was trace.

      What or who it was? On this question there is no definite answer. All have the theory of what was seen. I consider that this a prophetic dream. It is realistic.

      Here Nina felt that some force returns back her in her body. She could not oppose to it, and she soon appeared at herself in a body. During this instant she woke up in cold sweat. And having thought that it was? Reality or not? Decided that all this dreamed it. Here she saw herself being by the window. It stood absolutely nude. The person approached it. She immediately recognized in it Roman. Yes, this there was it, Roman. It as well as it was, without clothes. Having approached it, he embraced her and having kissed asked: – How our child? – the woman turned to it, and Nina saw that that is pregnant! She is pregnant! But how it could occur? She did not understand. She, of course, understood how it occurs, but she did not understand why she sees it? It met Roman two times. The first time when Natalia acquainted them, the second time today when it arrived to her. She did not make about it any plans yet, and here it? Nina's dream was realistic, or it was not the dream? Then that? Maintaining future? She did not understand it. She saw how both of them looked at her stomach, and having carefully touched the stomach the woman told. – Everything is all right. – then it, having looked at Roman added. – This girl. – then she offered. – Let's call her Vick. – Roman looked at Nina. – Vika? – she told thoughtfully. – Why Vika? – Nina answered. – I do not know? – then she added. – I like this name. And to you? – Roman thought. It, of course, liked a name of Vick! Or as it was possible to call still it Victoria! That is "WINNER"! And Vika, there was the same quite good name. Roman told. But my opinion to name her Violetta. – Nina grinned. – You that? Went crazy? – Roman with astonishment asked. – Why you so solved? Darling what it is bad to name the girl Violetta? In my opinion, name as name. – Nina objected. – Violetta? This name is rather to be associated with clothes. There is such material, violt is called. From it sew a coat. So? All the life it will be teased violety. For the child this is worse than the worst. – Roman grinned. – Violetta also violt. – he told. – What nonsense. It absolutely two different words which are not associated with each other. – then he added. – Well, if the female logic associates one word with another, let there will be Wicky. – He made a pause, then added. – The truth this a name is far worse, than a name Violetta. – Nina took an interest. – Why? – what Roman answered absolutely seriously. – Wicky, as if you call up to yourself a doggie. – he made a pause, then added. – judge. Wicky-Wicky-Wicky. What it is similar to? – Nina understood that Roman wanted to tell. She never thought that this diminutive from Victoria, Vick means. Now she knew it. But without wishing to recede, she made a compromise. – I agree with you Roman. Wicky the name which it is impossible to call so the girl is valid. "Let will be so. – she told. – We will call our girl by Victoria". That is winner. – then she added. – And we will name her Vicki. – she made a pause, then asked. – Do you agree? – Roman answered. – He agrees.

      Night light of the clear moon lit their bodies. They were by the window. Their bodies seemed dark yellow in moonlight beams. Silence and rest. The pacification and happiness was around this couple. Nina thought. – What they are happy! Anything else is not necessary to these two. They expect the birth a baby. What can be better. Birth of new life. Perfectly. And let it simply seems to me. I know that it will happen to me. This maintaining my possible living in poverty or a dream? All the same. – she looked at the stomach, and having put the hands on the stomach, felt the future pregnancy. She felt in her new life arises. Life of the new person. It is fine when you feel as in a body new life as what will soon seem on light grows in a body arises, and will light up the emergence by loud shout. Yes, it is fine. When after long painful toxicosis new life is born. Pleasures simplification of flesh, dreadful childbirth, and emergence of new life. As it is fine!

      But here again Nina saw something. Something arose from nowhere. Something ominous, inspiring horror and fear. What is it? Brought it wind. From nowhere. Nobody waited for it. Female sovereign and queen. Yes, it was such. Imperious, povevayushchy bitch. It was by the window, dimming a moonlight which shone it in a back, and Nina saw its outline in black, gloomy light. Suddenly, unexpectedly she exclaimed. – NO! YOU DO NOT RECEIVE IT! My CHILD. – its voice sounded so terribly and awfully that at Nina intercepted breath. Her body shrank, and soul went to heels. The voice of this loud woman was awful also monotonous as if from an underworld. – PROSTITUTE! – she addressed Nina phantom. – What? SOMEWHERE ACQUIRED VYBLIDK, and NOW ON my SON. – She pointed to a stomach to the female phantom. – COVETED? WHAT? DID NOT FIND OTHER FOOL? – here she threatened it with a hand. – LOOK the KNOT, you WILL REGRET. – this woman was so furious and uncontrollable in the rage that could put everyone and everything upside down now. It was nothing is terrible. She always went towards the aim. What it costed to it it always tried to obtain the. She tried to obtain in any way, disdained nothing. Called her Nadezhda. Hope – Roman's mother. Mother of the son. Ready for it to offer everything, even the life. Where now Nina and Roman? And here they. The novel costs near the mother. Small child, years of five. Do you ask why small child five years? I will answer so. For each mother her child will always be a child. The small defenseless child, needing the help small defenseless the child of years of five, and even it is less. Needing her caress and continuous care. So-called exhibitionism. "DISPLAY of ONE PERSON AS HE LOVES ANOTHER". However, it leads to disappointment. Sometimes parents so try to show that they love somebody that it leads to paranoia. However, me to judge these persons parents trying to cause anxiety children that results eventually in deplorable result. Children mount upon a neck to the parents, and those are forced to carry out all their desires, trying to prove that they love them even more than when they really were babies. The woman stood opposite to her and cried bitterly. She was not in the family way any more. Being kneeling, opposite to the little beautiful girl she sobbed. Sobbed and as if begged for forgiveness at the child. Looking at the little girl, Nina did not see her face. It as if was covered with something gray. As if the gray veil was on her face. Nina could not see this baby, her face, it was hidden from eyes of Nina and other people. She saw how the woman tries to remove this gray veil of a veil from her face, but as she did not try, than more she tried, the veil on the face of the little girl was that a crab. At some point Nina saw how the girl disappeared. It as if evaporated, turned into something, and disappeared in clouds of gray smoke. Did not understand Nin from where he undertook? This smoke? Gray smoke in which this girl disappeared. She understood that this smoke in which the girl disappeared was intended for the specific person. For this girl, for her daughter. Who as the daughter did she see in this maintaining? Who as did her daughter disappear in gray smoke? This woman crying in the room was she! It is most, and nobody other.

      Here and third maintaining. In beams of the bright moon, from under heaven, going along the lunar road, the girl the woman of years … It went to that window in which the woman's figure was reflected. Her eyes were drowned in tears. It could not stop bitter tears of loss. Grieving on the girl, she, having bent the person, having closed it hands, did not look anywhere, except half of the apartment. Everything was indifferent for it. She died, died when her child disappeared. Ever since she dined herself griefs and suffering. Who could not save the children from an inevitable trouble, that is not worthy to be called their parent if this person gave birth to him. Nina saw that the woman going to a window where there was she cannot reach it. Going on this road, she further and further left her, and kind of she did not try to reach this window, some force further and further alienated the woman going to this window and the woman плачущею in this window. They will never be together. Their destinies will not be crossed any more, on extremely measure till that time until the woman crying in a window sees to the public the moon. Reflection sun.

      Here one more maintaining. The woman in a window who cried all tears at last turned the view of the moon. It was sore to it to look at the moon. Yellow light hurt her eyes. She closed them, and, in a touch second having opened them, saw before herself something similar to her daughter Vicki. From its beauty there is no trace left also. Her face was disfigured by scars, her body was emaciated. It seemed beautiful Vicki watched not her at Nina at all. The fallen woman looked at it. Sold herself for a piece of bread. This woman

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