My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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told, I will treat. – he got the telefony device from a trouser pocket, and having dialed number, asked: – It is Sheremetyevo Airport? – then he booked the ticket to New York. Switched-off the cell phone and then told the sitting next woman. – Flight tomorrow, at noon. – then he added. – Unfortunately places on other flights reserved and already bought.

      – I understand. Unfortunately, we have no time. – then she added. – I am sure that this time for you will be the heaviest hours in your life. But I would like that for you these hours passed quickly.

      The interested man asked.

      – Do you offer something?

      – I? – Nina thought. She, perhaps, did not know what can be advised in this situation. We never know what sodvigat us on this or that action, to wait for result which sometimes, torture. Time is played. Stands still. Who knows? Who knows why so occurs? We wait for something, we want to know the result somewhat quicker. We feel that our heart escapes from a breast. It wants to jump out and to be exempted from the fetters connecting it with a body. During this process, time stops. It torments us as without knowing that. Looking at time, we consider that already came it is time to learn what should be learned or made so long ago. But we see, as there did not pass minute, ever since, as we looked at the watch last time. Expectation, the heaviest hours in human life. This uncertainty. Will be or not? It is possible to go mad, isn't that so? – you know. – Nina told. – I could offer you a lot of things, but I will not begin to do it. – then she added. – Too it is hard for me to sit with you and to listen to your story.

      – I understand.

      – But. – Nina continued. – I cannot advise you something how to spend this time. – she made a pause. – To solve it only to you.

      The man told nothing. He understood that perhaps the woman is right. Who will want to listen, absolutely to the stranger and furthermore stories with him time. That with it to spend though some time, the person has to recognize at least him, and that will bring to the dark lane, and shout will not help. Everything will be as in a nightmare. Dreadful waking dream.

      – Yes. – he agreed. – This my headache. But whatever you may say, it is necessary to sleep the same. – he made a pause, then smiled. – Well, I will think up something. – he told. – I will go home and alone I will take seat for the computer, and I will compose.

      Nina took an interest.

      – You write?

      What the man answered.

      – I am a master art a word.

      – And, about what you write?

      – About everything.

      – Namely?

      – I write about policy in the country and the world.

      Nina did not understand.

      – You journalist?

      – No. – that answered. – I am not a journalist. – then he explained. – I just write books on optical to it.

      – And you are not afraid?

      – What?

      Nina carefully told.

      – Nevertheless policy?

      – No, I am not afraid to write on this subject. I do not write what should not be written. – He explained. – I scoop information from mass media. For example, the politician something talked, I wrote down and here to you a subject for the book. And then let will tell what I invented or that broke a military secret and they break I will tell you. – then he added. – Here, telecasts, discuss policy of Russia and together with it and to politician of other countries. Unless it is correct? The politician was put by it I will tell you. Somebody all the same will remain dissatisfied, agents will provide a compromising evidence, and on the air will tell a uterus the truth. There is one famous politician, was not afraid of all to lay over at full scale, to send where far away. The foreign translator could not translate his foul language, and Russians on the air said that they absolutely accurately could translate the Russian abuse. Here so, policy! And still cultural people!? – "I write these lines because it was actually, on the air. With one politician of Russia". – Than not food for history?

      – This history is known, probably, by the whole world. – Nina confirmed. – It then for the whole world was broadcast as he on the air imposed all with a mat, and was not honored to apologize for it.

      The man confirmed.

      – That's it.

      The electric train passed the Timiryazevskom station. Following the Savelovsky station, and there and the Belarusian station. Station of memory of heroes of the Second World War. Station of memory of our history, station of our victory.

      The man having looked in a window, told.

      – Soon final. – in his intonation the regret was felt. It seemed that he did not want to go out of this train. He wanted to go further and to talk to her, to this stranger whom he nevermore to see in the life but even if he will see, hardly he will approach it. He still is meanwhile married, and his wife needs in its supports. Savelovsky station. The electric train turns on the Belarusian direction, five more minutes, at most ten, and everything, the travel from Sheremetyevo Airport will come to an end. Parting. Heavy word, parting. Nobody wants to rustovatsya with someone, but to have. Sometimes this parting happens short, sometimes long. There is a bitter parting, and there is a sweet parting. Nobody knows how we will leave this or that person? Nobody knows it will be sad to us or not. To the stranger it was sad. He did not want to rustovatsya with it, with this woman. He wanted to be these minutes with it, to invite her somewhere, to sit in cafe or restaurant. But he could not make it, and the stranger did not want it the same. Obviously she understood that if it goes with it now, then it will be sore with it to both. Terrible this word, parting. On heart it is always heavy. The man looked at the woman. – You know. – he told. – You something remind me my Veronika.

      Nina was surprised, and out of curiosity took an interest.

      – Than?

      – It same understanding, as well as you.

      Nina smiled.

      – All women understanding.

      – No. – the stranger objected. – I met women nasty. Ready only to send the person where far away, without having allowed it to tell a uniform word.

      – Yes. – Nina grinned. – We can.

      Belarusians station. Final. The electric train stopped, doors opened. The woman and the man went out of the electric train.

      The man took an interest.

      – To see off you?

      The woman wanted to refuse, but could not. She at this moment understood that she wanted to spend this time with it until it departs to America. It for it appeared interesting by the person, and the fact that he wrote about policy, interested her. Her sister, Natalia, to some extent too worked for political structure, and it, as well as this man departed and America. The truth it will depart tomorrow, and it already there will land. She wanted to know though something about its profession, and in it she considered, this stranger can help. She will ask him on this profession, and that it is possible, but she was not sure of it, will tell it about this profession.

      – You see off. – she told, then added. – I live nearby, in Philly.

      The man managed a smile.

      – Philly?

      – Yes. – claimed Nin. – In Philly. – then she with irony asked. – And you thought that, in the center?

      The man positively pomotat the head, then having shrugged shoulders, told.

      – Well, Philly – means Philly.

      The woman grinned, then with irony told.

      – Hero!?

      The stranger, having looked at Nina felt in complete fools.

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