My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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was interrupted by Nina. The teapot boiled, and she called Natalia at a table. Natalia got up from a chair and having passed on kitchen of the village at a table. On a table there was a little what tasty. Only tea, and concentrate. And what the woman working in orphanage could have. Living for one salary which was enough only for payment of the apartment. Yes, the honest person cannot live in this country.

      Nina sat down at a table, and asked the sister.

      – And in general, how are you?

      On this question Natalia was not what to answer. Affairs of family life at it it was not got on. At work there were one problems which demanded the decision in the nearest future. She had to leave again. Well here you will tell? Natalia heaved a deep sigh, and told.

      – What affairs can be? – with grief she answered. – So, one unresolved problems at my work. – she complained. – There is no time to be engaged in private life.

      Nina heaved a deep sigh. She as is impossible who, as well as possible, understood Natalia. It helped orphan children. She saw all that pain and suffering of these children their parents caused to them. Terribly. It is terrible to remain alone, and with a brand for the rest of life, the ORPHAN! I do not say how there live children in orphanages. As there live orphans. Their tutors simply scoff at them. They humiliate them, do not give the rest of food, and simply despise them. To them simply rather to leave home, to the family and that there happens to children them does not concern. From there is a conclusion. Similar institutions are a prison for orphans where do over them that it is necessary for soul. I know about what I write, I from there. From hell children's contempt by adults, and mockery by our supervisors.

      Nina asked.

      – Would you like to remain with me?

      Natalia answered.

      – If it is possible.

      Nina kept silent a little, she felt that Natalia came to it because it should have been uttered, to tell something before leaving the country. – then told.

      – Why don't you quit the job. – Nina Natalia advised. – Or take a vacation.

      That answered.

      – I cannot quit the job, and take a vacation not to turn out.

      – Why?

      – I. – Natalia began to speak. She spoke quietly and in its voice it was possible to sort grief and grief. – I cannot quit the job because I know too much. – she made a short pause, then added. – I cannot take a vacation also. I have no right.

      These words delivered to Nin in confusion. She understood that her sister does not finish speaking something to it. Something hides from it, but that? Did not know this Nin. She carefully asked.

      – Where do you work?

      That quietly answered.

      – On the government.

      Nina did not understand. She thought that Natalia joked, and she asked again.

      – On whom?

      – I told. – Natalia repeated. – On the government.

      To Natalia, Ning nonplused this recognition. She did not understand how in general it is possible to work for the government. The government is the White House in Moscow? How it is possible to work for him? Nina knew that Natalia does not work neither in the State Duma, nor in the Kremlin, as for the White House, about it the speech in general went. There was one, intelligence agency. Intelligence agency more than anything. Nina tried to analyse and other thoughts, but this thought was uniform. What Nina thought of, everything came down to one. FSB.

      – Do you serve at federals? – Nina was surprised. – Why you did not tell me?

      That having looked at the sister, told.

      – How do you think? – then she added. – At acceptance from us hire a subscription, about nondisclosure of state-secrets and the place of work.

      Nina took an interest.

      – Why you told me about the place of your work now? It is a secret?

      – Secret. – Natalia agreed. – All our works this big secret. – she made a pause, then continued. – I told you about the place of work because I have no more reliable person in whom I could trust.

      – In what to trust? – did not understand Nin. – You it about what?

      Natalia answered.

      – I do not know what will occur further. Nobody knows the destiny in our work. Can happen so that I will not return any more. In this case it is quite possible that FSB to be necessary the help. They know that I have you. Therefore if that to happen to me, they come to you the sister. – She heaved a deep sigh: – Such people cannot refuse. – she told. – It at cinema, everything is simple, and in life so. If it is necessary for them, you will be used in blind and if you die, business will be lowered on brakes as it happened earlier. Many people died for the sake of the fact that they simply set up them. Who wanted to understand it, that was also destroyed. There is no person, and none will be the wiser, isn't it?

      – You are right. – the sister agreed with it. – For all history to world investigation it was always considered as norm. To offer one person to win the first prize. – to a tut she made a pause and as if having grinned ironically told. Directly Turkish some gambit!

      What Nadezhda answered.

      – This cinema.

      – And that is right. – then she asked. – Do you awake Harche?

      – Renting. – Natalia answered. – To be supported never late.

      Nina poured soup kharcho on plates, and having again sat down at a table continued a conversation. She took an interest.

      – What if do they to me come, what should I do?

      – To cooperate. – Natalia answered, then she added. – The choice will not be.

      Nina did not agree with this argument.

      – An exit always is.

      Natalia having ironically smiled, told.

      – Two and a half meters underground.

      Nina choked. she attentively looked at Natalia, that quietly ate soup kharcho from concentrates. She told.

      – They will not go to it.

      Natalia steamed.

      – For achievement of the purpose they will be ready to do anything.

      They communicated for a long time. Each of women reasoned work of intelligence agencies in own way. Natalia claimed that they are just despots. Despots trying to obtain the, without stopping before anything, and Nina claimed. That they such bad as could seem. Only thanks to investigation Russia and the whole world sleeps peacefully.

      – This so. – Natalia agreed. – But they use methods which are forbidden the countries of the world at all. This law on humanity acts only on paper, it does not act on practice.

      Nina eventually agreed with Natalia.

      – If he acted, then hardly investigations doznatsya something from spies?

      Natalya claimed.

      – Exactly. – she made a pause kind of training Nina for the most important, and then told. – now we will talk about what you should make if I do not become, and FSB will come to you.

      – I listen.

      – Means so. – there began Natalia. – If this happens, then you have to find Vera. That Vera, that married for the husband, Roman. You have to meet it and ask it that he acquainted you with Dimitrii. – then she emphasized. – This is his friend. You have to give it a package which to be in Sberbank. He knows what to do.

      Nina agreed to help Natalya if that happens to her. She assured it of what by all means will find this Dimitrii, and will give him a package.

      – Well. –

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