My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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who this?

      Since other end of the telephone set she heard a male voice.

      – This Natalya Mikhaelovna Lopukhova?

      – Quite right. – that answered, and asked. – With whom do I have honor?

      – Disturbs you from police station. You will be able to approach us now.

      Natalia looked at the cuckoo clock hanging on a wall. On them was at about noon.

      – This it is urgent?

      – Urgently. – the voice from the receiver answered. – We agreed with your administration. – he reported. – Today you have a compensatory leave. – then he added. – You in a bottom are waited by black Volga. Number of m of 1 thousand. Mm. You have fifteen minutes.

      That hurried to tell.

      – But I now not houses.

      – No. – steamed a voice from the telephone set. – You houses. – then he added. – We know.

      On it the conversation ended.

      Natalia Mikhaelovna put a telephone truppka on the device, approached a window, and having slightly opened a curtain, looked through tulle at the street. What did she see? In the yard really there was black Volga. Numbers the truth were not visible, but she felt some fear. This car frightened her. From it blew as fear. For all the life she of nobody and nothing was afraid, and now? It quickly departed from a window. Here it seemed to it that someone goes on a ladder, hard knocking the varnished boots: – Who is it? – she asked herself a question and only one answer occurred to it. – FSB. – who another this could be? Only security service. The matter is that Natalia worked at the helicopter plant. If you know Moscow area and the city of Lyubertsy, then you know about what plant there is a speech. It is located near railroad tracks, and passable by it every time, I think. – Why such important object strategic appointment is located so close to railroad tracks? Following means the trains passing from the neighboring countries distant nearby. In my opinion to opinion, these strategic objects have to settle down far from human eyes, and here? Since the CPSU, it settled down in this area. Therefore when I write these lines, I hardly break the state secret. All know about this plant. So long ago, in the territory the enterprise repair was made, and the helicopter model is put on a review of everyone. Also built a new complex for architects on which it is proud wrote, "HELICOPTERS of RUSSIA". What to tell about privacy of an object? When with nearby the located bridge all its area is visible. But we distracted from Natalia. Let's continue its history.

      The call to a door was distributed. Natalia having approached to the entrance door pressed the button on the video on-door speakerphone, and having seen the man standing in a corridor, with relief sighed. This there was not who other as Dimitrii already familiar to us. She opened a door, and having let in it the apartment, told.

      – I am called in militia, in our office.

      – What for?

      – I do not know.

      Dimitrii passed to the room. Having looked round, he approached a window, and having removed a curtain, he saw through tulle black Volga, with numbers familiar to it. This was the car of FSB. Dimitrii asked.

      – How many did they give you time for collecting?

      – Fifteen minutes.

      – And passed five.

      Natalia did not understand whether Dimitrii knows about a call, or it came simply? It is unlikely it would come so. For all that time as she knew it, it never appeared without on that special need. Natalia wanted to ask about something it, but she already knew the answer. This person sometimes came to them on the plant, and discussed affairs only with his director.

      Natalia asked, knowing that that will answer.

      – I am not called in militia, is not present?

      Dimitrii negatively shook the head.

      – Then? – for a second Natasha thought. – Why I to them?

      Dimitrii answered.

      – I am not authorized to answer this question. – then he added. – Gather, wait for you.

      There passed ten minutes. The entrance of the house left Natalia, in hands she had a handbag. She approached Volga, having opened a door, sat down in it, and having seen the sitting next Dimitrii was not surprised that he here. Having closed a car door, Dimitrii told the driver sitting ahead.

      – Went.

      The motor roared, and black Volga having left from the site, and having come out to the brisk route disappeared in a steam of cars.


      Nobody knows that there is behind walls of it an institution. Nobody there even visited, however it to the best. Otherwise what this would be investigation?

      So, we will continue. Natalia sat in one of offices of FSB. Near it Dimitrii sat. I will not describe it. It is just an office. Table, two or more chairs, and bookcase. Here what we got used to see offices of officials. Let such them also remain.

      The person came into an office. By sight he was about forty five years old. It had dark shrill eyes. Hair were combed back. He closed behind itself(himself) a door, and having passed at a table, sat down on the workplace. It took from a table the folder on which it was written "CASE No. 13". Having opened it, having checked several sheets asked.

      – Natalya Mikhaelovna. Explained to you why you were called to us?

      – No, did not explain.

      That looked at Dimitrii then at Natalia.

      – Do you work at the helicopter plant?

      Quite right.

      – Your specialty?

      – I am an expert in the area aircraft industry.

      – What do you know of development "DRAGONFLY"?

      – All.

      – What all?

      Natalia answered.

      – I am his developer.

      – It is clear. – it having made a pause, asked. – If you receive from us a task, you agree to us to work?

      Natalia having looked at Dimitrii, answered.

      – And I have a Choice? – then she added. – Will be enough yes near around What from me it is necessary to you?

      – Well. – the man answered. – Do you want to know that we want from you? That now you learn it. – he took from other folder where the CASE No. 44 Natalia Mikhaelovna Lopukhova a leaf on which her history was written was written, and told. – Natalia Mikhaelovna Lopukhova. "Was born …" – after he told her what she and without it well knew, namely its age, it continued. – You graduated from the higher school I will part boards. After that you were defined on the helicopter plant. After ours to the data, foreign intelligence services became interested in our new development code-named "DRAGONFLY". This helicopter new generation. You one of his developers. Therefore we decided to use you. In the world of espionage nobody knows you. So you are chosen not casually. Your purpose to find the seller and the buyer.

      Natalia answered.

      – It is clear. – then she asked. – I have to leave Russia?

      – Yes. – the person sitting at a table unambiguously answered. – Have to.

      – Where?

      – The trace goes to France.

      – Paris means.

      – Paris means.

      Here so Natalia received a task from the center. It was difficult, but it should be executed. Protection of the homeland is an integral part of our honor. We live in the country where we were fated to be born and even if we will leave this country for one reason or another, the Homeland always remains the homeland, no matter in what area of the globe you live. The homeland is uniform for all.


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