My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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is it?

      Dimitrii answered.

      – This Robert's business. – he made a pause. – He did not die. – he told Vera this news. And then added. – He sat down.

      The belief did not understand, and asked again.

      – Where did sit down?

      – In prison.

      – In prison? – Vera was surprised. – It for what sins it pleased there?

      Dimitrii told that someone guided at him tax administration. Two years he hid the true income. When became interested in it tax, business gained criminal character. Its case was submitted to prosecutor's office where it became clear that he was a swindler. He co-financed the BEND project which was not constructed. Money left abroad, to Victor has nobody. Victor was his chief financier. He also offered Robert this swindle. They enclosed in the project only five percent from its actual cost, and took away the rest to themselves. Therefore when Larisa famous to Vera submitted the project to Dubov, she made it in vain. The project was killed in a germ. Everything was made according to Robert and Victor's brilliant plan. Oaks, was their performer, and the architect of this Bend project.

      But here ill luck? Robert sat down, and to Victor with Pyotr Alekseyevich Dubov, all was necessary to lick independently into shape. They independently finished this swindle, and earned a lot of money. And all anything, but Robert did not receive the pie from this project. It handed over all the accomplices, this also received only five years. Victor and Pyotr as could were protected. They said that the project to be in a stage end, and just about has to take place began construction. However, nobody believed them. Neither investigator, nor judge. The sentence did not keep itself waiting. They were condemned under article No. 159 of part No. 4 the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation point No. 3. Where to be told.

      The fraud interfaced to deliberate non-execution of contractual obligations in the sphere of business activity – is punished by a penalty at the rate to one million five hundred thousand rubles or at a rate of the salary or other income of the convict during three years, or, forced labor for a period of up to five years, or imprisonment for the same term with restriction of freedom for a period of up to five years or without current. "LAW OF 29.11 2012 No. 207-FZ".

      They were given for five years, and sentenced to a penalty of five million rubles of everyone. Here so all also was. Dimitrii finished the story.

      Having served it Vera did not understand only one who blessed Robert on such walk to places so remote? It was also a secret and for Dimitrii. If to assume that it was accompanied by his wife Vika? That there was an only question why she made it? And if to assume that Nina got rid of it. Seeing suffering of the daughter, she could not look as she turns into the alcoholic. Nina wanted for the daughter absolutely other. It was clear. Dimitrii told.

      – We never learn the truth about this dark history.

      The belief agreed.

      – You are absolutely right. – he told. – Perhaps someone handed over it from relatives, perhaps he sat down itself to save the life, I do not know. – he made a pause, then added. – Behind it so much? As to speak it is unsafe.

      The belief out of curiosity took an interest.

      – What? It is a lot of everything?

      Dimitrii looked back, he as if was frightened of something. Something guarded him. But was around nobody. He turned to Vera and quietly whispered.

      – Yes it was the right hand. – here it gave the sign that it is about tops of the power what power it was. Then he added. – Father.

      All knew this father. Head of mafia structure. He did not forgive anything. Who followed its ways he liquidated without trace and the investigations, and told polices that they closed quicker case if it in general sometime existed. All were afraid the father, and respected him. It kept all in awe, and it always had an order. Obviously, the BEND project, was its child, and he with anybody did not wish to share. Here also put all for long term. And whether it is blown they it is a question?

      Whatever you may say, in the world two unsolvable problems are a terrorism and mafia. But if it is possible to fight against terrorism somehow, then with mafia it is useless. In Russia almost all sat, but or other crime. Answer a question, the Prison re-educated them or not. And you will answer yourself this question: – From where do bandits undertake, and create mafia structures? – of course eats crime which cannot be justified. This violence and murders. But the others can be justified. Someone can not agree with me, but who will want to meet society on the street of the turncoat and to be hit a knife in a back. This question will always be disputable. Someone wishes to punish someone and to destroy his life, without thinking of consequences. Someone just really deserves fair punishment. Life imprisonment in prison. It is important not to be mistaken and to think it is sensible, but not to be a fan of green color. It in justice is inadmissible.

      The belief carefully asked.

      – In what prison now Robert?

      – In Lefortovo.

      – I would like to meet it.

      – What for?

      – I should learn that he knows about this Larisa?

      Dimitrii assured Vera.

      – He knows nothing. – then he added. – And to go to it it is unsafe.

      – Why?

      – Robert was transferred to prison of FSB, and they have orders absolutely others.

      – And at them it what side?

      – I do not know it, it is obvious it was only engaged in business? I assume that he was a spy.

      The belief asked again.

      – Spy?

      What Dimitrii not unambiguously answered.

      – Everything is possible in this country and in the world too.

      Larisa did not understand how it is possible. This word, spy? The person working for other country? As in general investigation could make a booboo so that it could not distinguish the spy in due time. Still, when it was introduced in the Russian reconnaissance center. Yes, of course, this case not single, but what Vera heard from Dimitrii cast her into horror. He told.

      – He was a traitor. – he heaved a deep sigh, and added. – Itself betrayed the. – having made a long pause he growled. – Swine. – and having knocked a fist on a table, added one word. – I hate.

      These words of Dimitrii threw Vera in shock. It could not present that it is possible? To betray the country in which you live. Let it to this person Nenavistna! Let him do not love it and despise, but to betray that what for? For the sake of the principles? For the sake of money? Because the person was шантажирован? And can still some it had circumstances? The belief did not understand how in general it was possible? To betray, it is necessary just not to respect himself. To consider itself the turncoat society. What? Robert was such is? Who knows? Who knows? Nothing was known of it, except certain circumstances. It went to the various presentations with the wife to which he was invited by foreign partners, and he invited them.

      But here Roman heaved in sight. About it nothing was told, except one. He cooperated with the investigation, helped to expose Victor and Pyotr Alekseyevich. But belonging to intelligence agencies, on Roman was not.

      The belief asked.

      – What does all this mean?

      Dimitrii answered.

      – This means that Roman perhaps is related to intelligence agencies. – he assumed. – Perhaps he not casually got acquainted with Larisa. The concrete task was possible at it, and it carries out it now.

      The belief dumbfounded by this news goggled, and having been indignant with a provyl.

      – Da Va went crazy? That Roman?. Da for anything е I will believe these ravings! – she made a pause. – That my Roman!. Da intelligence agent? It is impossible by definition.


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