My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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Having looked at the novel with hatred and contempt on Larisa, accused her of the incident, and asked. – How could you?

      Larisa was in panic. She did not assume in any way that Nadezhda will faint. None of both women knew that their conversation to end quite so. Tell that you thought, having appeared instead of Roman? Probably the same as it. However, nobody knows, kind of it behaved in this situation? Here and Roman began to panic. He immediately shouted on Larisa.

      – Ambulance, quickly!

      Larisa immediately said.

      – I already called an ambulance. – she did not know what to do to it? During all the time carried out with Roman, it never asked itself a question who his mother? She considered that she, as well as all women, will understand a situation, and will bless. However, I can be mistaken. Wives will never give the husband to other woman. They will fight for it. To fight to death. But it only a reasoning, we will return to Roman and Larisa. Larisa was in panic. She could not believe that all this nightmare, all horror which happened in this apartment was as it is impossible inopportunely. Now, Roman began to hate it, and she felt it. In the justification she could tell one only. – I just talked to her when there was an attack.

      The novel immediately steamed.

      – Yes what here attack! You sent her to the grave! – these words pronounced by Roman were said with entreaty, with entreaty about the help, fast recovery of Nadezhda. Roman could not believe that it is possible? He with it lived all life. Did not move a step from it. In everything obeyed her even if in his personal opinion she was wrong. Parents are always right even if their children so do not consider. Then, having addressed Larisa, he asked. – yes what here Devil take it occurred? Somebody can answer me this question or not? – then he called Larisa by name and the answer demanded. – I wait. – at the same time his look was mad. It seemed that it just about and to snatch on Larisa and will break off it on a part. – What are you silent? – he reproached it. – There is nothing to tell, huh?

      Larisa as could justified itself before Roman. She told everything as it was, without having muddled uniform a word. And when it finished the story, Roman approached it, took it the hands for its small coat hanger, and having properly shaken it so that just hey yeah would shake out from it all soul, told with obvious reproach in its address.

      – Yes who you in general asked to say with my mother on this subject? Did you still demand alimony? What, was asked? – he gave it slap in the face, and told. – clean up. – then having released it, and having pointed by a hand to a door shouted –!

      Larisa had to leave. It left Roman of one. Yes he did not want to see anybody now, and Larisa especially. He considered that she is guilty of this tragedy. Who knows? Whether he was right or not, only one is clear. Do not tell Larisa to Nadezhda that this she got acquainted with it, and it is with her, can do everything it was. But is not present, Nadezhda of Larisa's word took very much to heart, and here result.

      Coming downstairs, Larisa heard as the entrance was approached by the car with a siren. Larisa thought. – Obviously to this ambulance. – she went down slowly. It seemed that this way was heavy, but here the first floor, an exit. Larisa went outside from an entrance, and the fresh breeze went to her head. The stress disappeared as if it and was not. On heart was pokoyno. Larisa looked at the gloomy house which seemed to her, and having heaved a deep sigh, looked round. Just now she saw стоящею at an entrance fast. – Yes, this they. I hope to recover Nadezhda. Then it went away from this house. She did not want to see anybody now. She was expelled from this house, and is undeserved. She wanted to explain, but his mother did not want to listen to her. She took very much to heart a message about treason of the son, and the son, as well as befits the decent son, got up in protection of mother, and here result.

      Who is guilty of this tragedy? To solve to you. I consider that Roman is guilty of this tragedy. If it do not change Vera, then and his mother did not get paralysis, and so?

      And now we will pass to the following chapter of this history. So, we will begin …


      Larisa's proposal

      So, we will begin with on what stopped in a chapter 3 of this history, namely.

      Hope having said goodbye to Roman and Larisa, left. It went to a door, and having left the apartment closed behind itself a door. Having left one sitting on a sofa and little the understanding two people. Larisa and Roman.

      At this moment Roman jumped from a sofa, and ran to a door. He opened a door and having jumped out in a corridor shouted one word. – MOTHER. – but it was not any more. It disappeared also mysteriously, as well as appeared.

      We on to give up Hope, Roman and Larisa in the past a few, and we will return today. What now occurs after Nadezhda left the apartment where there were Larisa and Roman. What now do they do, we will look?

      As Roman did not try to understand, to understand something, to understand he could do nothing at all. And how to understand, his mother was at the cemetery, and here it? What if to it all this was given, and he went crazy? But what was seen by him was seen also by Larisa? What, did two go crazy? But not along with it? What was it? Who it was? Ghost? But for the ghost this woman was extremely hardy. Who is she? What really happens? He could not understand it.

      It entered back the apartment, having closed behind itself(himself) a door. Passed to the room where on a sofa Larisa sat. She was excited with an event. For all her life, she never saw ghosts. She considered that Nadezhda was dead! It lay deeply in the earth, and will never disturb their rest. But dead men are hardy. Even after the death they come back, come back to finish not complete affairs or to revenge someone. But nobody saw the dead man is so realistic as Larisa and Roman. They not only saw it, but also communicated with it. Communicated, listened from it to one reproaches in their address. Nobody would like to appear on Larisa's place now. Her face was similar to the dead man. Same white and lifeless. She sat on a sofa, stupidly looking in the one and only point. Even it is possible to tell that she in her did not look, and kind of looked through her as though trying to understand that to be there, behind this side where two worlds, both meet. World, where all as here. The world where everything perfectly and pokoyno, is also not present any evil. Only grace and silence. But install so pokoyno in that kingdom? Something nevertheless disturbed Larisa. In her eyes the fear was read. She saw something that she needed to see only one. In her head someone's voice sounded. It was not terrible, but nevertheless it was unpleasant to it. What did he tell her? I do not know. I can only assume that this voice spoke with it about Nadezhda, hope whatever it was. The person always has hope for something. If the person ceases to hope for something, something good in the life, he will simply die. Without hope there is no sense in life. We hope for the best. That our children grew up and became happier than us. We hope that at them life will be better, than at us. We in general hope though these hopes are ephemeral, we hope that, sometime we will gorge on from a paunch, and nobody for it will reproach us.

      Roman carefully looked at Larisa, and having carried out by the palm about her face, and not having seen on it uniform reaction, Roman understood that perhaps Larisa not in itself and how in general she sustained it? Whether joke? The dead man from a grave got up? Roman and that felt ill at ease, and Larisa and even less so. He a silent voice asked.

      – Larisa, you as?

      In this question it was read uncertainty. Larisa was in an astral and when she leaves it? Roman did not know slightest. He wanted to call for ambulance, but having decided that this it is useless, the ambulance will be able to help nothing to it, and the psychiatric hospital will not understand in what business here, and will begin to treat her for schizophrenia. It was not a bright prospect too. Then he should be treated. He saw it, Nadezhda, the mother too.

      That stupidly looked at it, touched the hand the person of the Novel, and having smiled told.

      – It will come for me. – these words could not tell Roman anything acceptable. He was in confusion, trying to understand sense of her words. – It will come.

      Roman did not understand what Larisa meant? What is the time he knew it, but in such state he saw it for the first time. Roman

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