My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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know to what she told it. Perhaps, she felt something, perhaps she knew something that, Roman did not know? In any case, it has to be near it now. The novel sat down on a sofa, and asked.

      – You it about what? Who will come for you?

      That looked at it, and Roman saw something imperceptible as though Larisa wanted to confess in something in his face, but something disturbed her. Something did not finish it to tell uniform a word about what she wanted to tell Roman now. As if glue tightly stuck together her fine lips, and language as if grew dumb. Without moving neither in one, nor in other party. But here Larisa opened a mouth and told. No, it is a provyla only one word, its provyla as if the old she-wolf just about going to the final journey howled. It is a provyla only the unique word.

      – ALICE.

      Alice! What the word is meant to Larisa? Roman did not know. He could not imagine who such this Alice? It was for Roman nothing, only a name which he occasionally heard from someone's lips. Actually, he heard only echoes. Past echoes. He thought. – What there is a human essence? Where that side novel at which the reality intertwines with fiction? Where that side of human mind which borders on that, other world? World of madness of pure mind. – now, looking on as it seemed to it mad Larisa, he understood that she needs the help. Emmanuil's disease affected her mental health. It could not accept reality such what it is, and any another. Reality in which Nadezhda was alive, this rather the an echo of the past which left the mark in this without intellectual life of human existence. But Larisa was not such. She knew that all that now happens to it, nothing else as imagination of her inflamed mind. Nobody knew from them who this woman was? The woman who just left their apartment, called Nadezhda? Who is she this woman, Nadezhda? Mother Romana Nadezhda or just hope? Roman did not know it. Now, looking at Larisa, he saw madness in her eyes. Misunderstanding what happens to it? Who knows? What to be created in a human brain at his this or that disease. Doctors know only its signs, and its initial emergence does not. What if did doctors know its initial, then perhaps and it would be easier to treat? But even if to get to the bottom of its essence, then hardly it will respond to treatment. Process can be slowed down, but to cure never. As it was told in the previous book, Alice is the character created by human mentality, his loneliness. It so. But happens that Alice is our madness. How it is possible to understand it? Just our brain ceases to perceive at some point surrounding the environment, and gives us the reality, the world of imaginations. Doctors call this disease SCHIZOPHRENIA.

      What happened to Larisa? It seems she was a normal woman a second ago, and here? What happened to it? Do you remember a scene in casino when she asked Alice in casino Hope? It then meant to kill not Nadezhda, and hope. Hope for bright future of Roman and his wife Vera. Also she did not want that her Roman suffered, she asked Alice to save his mother from suffering, and that this made. Having told at the same time. – It is necessary to pay, and the price will be corresponding. – here it, payment price. The affair now with her, with her two children, and it? It became mad? There is that payment about which Alice spoke. Alice is a subconsciousness of human mind. Our the second I which we occasionally hear in the head. She pointed by a hand to a window, and told as if something fearing.

      – It there, outside the window.

      Roman looked in that party where Larisa showed, and saw only a frame, and an exit to a balcony. Anybody.

      – Larisa? Yes what is with you? – Roman was surprised. He did not understand what occurs? – he did not understand. Having taken Larisa for shoulders, he stirred up her, and having cried out – regain consciousness! – closed up with it slap in the face. Larisa regained consciousness. She looked on Romana, and her eyes were stupid. She did not understand what occurs? What with it was now? Uvidev Romana, she asked.

      – And where Alice?

      Roman answered.

      – There was no Alice, there was only Nadezhda, my mother.

      Larisa flinched.

      – Your mother? – she was surprised. – She died? – she did not understand the developed situation. She did not see any Nadezhda, she saw Alice, Alice of nobody any more. Perhaps she just talked to Nadezhda, but she did not remember it. She remembered that Alice arose in a window. She entered through a balcony door the room, and near it asked sowing. – You are ready to pay for Nadezhda's death? – Larisa answered. – Gotova. – then Alice touched Larisa's forehead, and that felt severe pain on all body. It seemed that its organism of total energy dies away. Replacing her body something otherworldly, and heartless. Larisa asked. – What are you doing? – what Alice answered. – There is nothing, just you pay bills. – when everything was over, Larisa sat on a sofa is absolutely quiet. It was all the same that occurs around. She was indifferent to everything. And only one Alice haunted it. It remained in her head. It was in it, in her thoughts. Then Larisa told Roman. – You are mistaken, here Nadezhda was not. – then she added. – Now it at the cemetery.

      Though it from outside also seemed is cynically told, but it was the fact. The hope lay in a grave at the cemetery. She died, and with it there's nothing to be done.

      But then who came to Larisa and Roman? Who that woman with whom he spoke? If this was Nadezhda, then who? Can really to them Alice came, and each of them saw her in a certain image? But whereas to explain that after Nadezhda left their apartment, in it according to Larisa Alice appeared, and made something with Larisa? Roman could not understand it. The novel steamed.

      – I know it!

      Larisa got up from a sofa, and having approached a window, asked.

      – The novel, you love me?

      It turned to Roman. Her face was cold also without vitally. This is Roman noticed only that. He did not understand what happens to Larisa. It changed. Changed at once. Something happened to it so far Roman saw off the mother. But what? He did not know it.

      – Of course I love. – Roman answered surely. – What for a silly question?

      Larisa approached Roman, embraced him and kissed, having asked at the same time.

      – And Vera?

      Roman did not understand.

      – What Vera?

      – Do you love Vera Vy too?

      The novel seconds without thinking, and without doubting, declared.

      – Belief? Who such Vera? I with it am unfamiliar, and you?

      Larisa with relief sighed. It was pleasant to it to listen that Roman forgot it. Forgot, and did not remember any more. She wanted to be at it one with anybody not to share it, and it at her turned out. She kissed him again, and then offered, kind of accidentally: – Divorce.

      Roman something wanted to answer, but could not. He suddenly remembered words which he already somewhere heard: – Now she zakhomutat you, and then will force to divorce. – these words were prophetical. Vot and Larisa, wanted to destroy his family finally. She wanted to be only with it, she wanted that it belonged to it. And it was possible only when he gets divorced from wife and to marry her.

      Now Roman knew that their joint life with Vera came to an end. There was no that more sparkles, happiness which at them glimmered for many years. But the novel knew that Vera will not agree to divorce it. When she wanted to divorce Roman, she just wanted to leave him. The feeling of the devoted woman was played in her body. Now she wanted that he suffered. – Divorce. – she considered. – This privilege which it is unworthy. Let he will be better married to me, and has children from it. – she considered. – And children, whether it? Question? He so did not make the analysis of DNA? Roman told.

      – She never in life will agree to divorce me.

      Larisa pressed it to herself, tenderly through trousers felt it фамос, and having undone its rank, pulled out it from trousers. Then it slightly pushed him to a sofa, and it having flopped in it, took off from himself trousers, and having taken in hand the to an izha excited фамос, began to finger slightly it, preparing for the main thing. Larisa approached a sofa on which Roman sat, having picked up a hem a village dress on knees, and having taken from his hands in the, already ready to its action фамос,

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