My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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took an interest.

      – About what?

      Natalia suggested to talk about Roman. Then she took an interest.

      – Would you like to get acquainted with it?

      This offer discouraged Nina. She always considered that her sister is incapable of procurement. It was absolutely other warehouse of character. Nina asked.

      – What for?

      – I leave soon. – Natalia answered. – I do not want that it remained one. I want that somebody took care of it. Agree, this sister what who that would be better was.

      – Perhaps you are right.

      This conversation continued quite long time. Sisters told about everything what it was possible to speak to two women about. They remembered the past, spoke about the future. Spoke about Roman. Natalia told it all that Nina needed to know about it. About its character, habits, about what he likes to eat. Well about everything. By the end of a conversation of Nin asked the sister.

      – You are sure that you do right thing, trusting care of Roman to me?

      – I very much love it! – Nina answered. – I love so strongly that I cannot hurt it. – she made a pause, heaved a deep sigh. – He had to be happy, and… With me he will be never happy.

      Understanding the sister, Nina could not understand in any way why Natalia acts this way cruelly? Agree whether that is flour that she trusts the person to the one who she is as like as two peas similar to it. Seeing every time to Nin, Roman every time would remember Natalia. Nina in Natalia. What can be to a zhestocha what it?

      Nina took an interest.

      – Did you sometime love Roman?

      – What a question! – Natalia and as if you having shot was offended steamed. Of course, I loved it!? What a question!

      Loved? Of course, she loved it, but whether she loved it so strongly that she would like to carry out with it all the life. To care for it, to preserve? It is unlikely? She loved it, but loved insufficiently strongly to go with it up to the end. Obviously, once he made something by it, and she this could not forgive him. But what occurred between them, this will remain a secret forever.

      Nina answered.

      – No. – You insufficiently strongly love it. – she made a pause. – Whether yes you love it, a question? – then she threw. – Well, where there your Roman? I want to meet it.

      Yesterday Natalia acquainted Nina with Roman. This happened in cafe. Somewhere in the Moscow region. Nina came into cafe, and she was captured by small fear. What waits for it? Why it here? Really it went to it? Agreed to help the sister at the same time knowing that she the swine. Only the swine will agree to go to it! To live with the person and know that, looking at it, he in it will always see other person. The suffering is his destiny. For what did Natalia so with it manage? Never recognized this Nin.

      Now, sitting at a table, and talking to Roman, Nina saw in it the person who should not have been here, between two identical sisters. She learned about it a lot of things, and nothing of that kind that could cause Natalia's anger. Then Nina thought: – She can really it loves? But loves in own way? Her love, Natalia's love is peculiar. It unwillingly to hurt it, without realizing that inflicts on it suffering. Though sufferings it? To charge care of it to the sister? – on this question there is no answer.

      After communication with Roman, having learned that Natalia leaves, wished Natalia happy journey, and having referred to urgent matters left, having left women alone, Nina admitted.

      – To me it is nice.

      Natalia took an interest.

      – What you ont you can tell?

      – Nothing of that kind that could be added that he is a good person, and loves you.

      – This I know. – Natalia answered. – But I have to make so that he forgot me. – she addressed the sister. – Will you help me with it?

      Nina promised.

      – I will help.

      Tonight Natalia leaves. Who knows? It will return or not. Nina felt that she sees Natalia in the last time in life. Something pricked in her heart, it wanted to break loose! And to shout a bad mat. – HELP! – but Natalia could not stop it, could not help it with this trip. She just looked from the airport building at the plane which was taking off into the sky. An instant, and it in air, having gained height was behind clouds. Good-bye Natalia. The fastest to you return.



      She left the Sheremetyevo-2 airport building, got into the electric train, and went towards Moscow, to the Belarusian station. In the car of the electric train was nobody. Nina went one. It was boring for it, and unexpectedly the man of years of forty sat down by it. He took an interest.

      – Saw off?

      Nina did not understand that the man addresses her. She is quiet looked out of the window, and thought of something. However, this did not prevent the man to repeat the question.

      – Woman. – he addressed it. – Did you see off someone?

      Having understood that the man addresses it, Nina turned to him the head, and asked.

      – What?

      The man repeated the question again.

      – Did you see off someone?

      – Yes. – threw Nin, and having heaved a deep sigh, added. – Relative. – to it it was sad. Sadly and hard. Sadly because it remained one. In this mad world where everything is ephemeral. Where in a flash, it is possible to remain one in all this world. Where there is nothing except emptiness. Emptiness, here what was felt now by Nina. She felt that she lost someone. Someone very expensive and person close to it. She felt that it is never more with it to meet. That this meeting was the last in their lives. Then she added. – Sister.

      – I understand. – the stranger told. – I saw off the person close to me too. – he made a long and long pause, then added. – I would like too that my wife was together with me. But this it is impossible.

      – Why?

      – Mr the wife is sick. – he admitted. – It departed to states, on treatment.

      Nina felt sorry for this person. It had a grief, and he did not hide it. She saw grief and grief in his face. Pain and suffering. It seemed that he was ready to cry out very much. – WHY IT!? – but it restrained. The man did not afford excess emotions, did not afford weakness. But to it it was sore. Nina saw suffering in his eyes. Who will understand the man, only the woman. Hardly anyone will tell in a different way? Men will only tell: – Departed, the hell with her. – then they will list all its shortcomings and why he has to begin to hate it. Then the man, наслужившись friends, will spit everything, and will go to fornication. And next morning, will wake up in a bed together some woman whom friends invited for the night. The head hurts, breaks up into two parts. What was last night he does not remember, and only with awakening of this woman, he understands what occurred yesterday.

      The woman is ready to listen to the man. It is created to listen to different stories from the husband and from other people too. In vain say that women the best psychologists. I do not say that men bad psychologists. But they studies as them, women, born psychoanalysts, and much of them can even not study as the psychoanalyst or the psychologist. Their brain in itself is developed so that the woman's thought already created their answer to the man when the man's question was only created, but did not sound yet. Here such this business, female psychology.

      – I understand.

      – You know, – the stranger told. – as it is terrible to see how the person close to you dies, and you nothing can make. – these words were pronounced with such melancholy and grief that at some point Nin it seemed that he will begin to cry now. Bol, bitterness of the bleeding wound saw Nin in his

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