My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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the suburb in any way. Well, this its mistake, and it was necessary to correct it urgently. He grinned, then told.

      – I am a gentleman, and, as promised I will take you home.

      Nina venomously inserted.

      – To whom home? To you?

      The man having strictly looked at Nina, told.

      – You it is serious?

      Having looked at Ning on the stranger, on his strict face which as if reproached her with something, she said that this thought not more familiarly that she not such as all. It is better than others. That is why he to it sat down in the electric train. Not because there was no place to sit down but because he counted it not such as everything, and it obviously same, as well as all women in this country and in the world are available too. This error should be corrected urgently. She told.

      – No. – it was absolutely serious. Seriously, more than ever. She wanted to vanish into thin air for inappropriate irony. – I. – she admitted. – It is inappropriate joked.

      The man slightly smiled. He was glad that the woman did not begin to continue this silly farce. He told.

      – I am glad that you were the reasonable woman.

      The woman having heard these words it was offended.

      – You it about what?

      The man answered.

      – I think you know what I mean.

      The woman immediately answered.

      – Yes, of course. – then she added. – You are right.

      – Well. – unexpectedly the man asked. – Let's eat by the subway or by electric train?

      – By electric train.

      Here on a public address system the dispatcher announced.

      – "ELLEKTRICHKA to go TO ZVENIGOROD IN FIVE MINUTES". – then she told the same message in English. – "ON THE TRAIN ZVENIGOROD TOO IN FIVE MINUTES".

      They passed through the bridge to other platform, and having got into the Zvenigorod electric train went towards area.

      The woman asked.

      – What is your name?

      That was presented.

      – Will.

      – I am Nina.

      – Very pleasantly.

      – And me.

      The woman took an interest.

      – Will, this non-russian name?

      – I told that I married the foreigner. – he reminded. – And so. – he explained. – I of England. Once my family moved to America. Then somehow time I arrived on work to Russia. Here I married on Veronika. She was born in Russia though her parents from Estonia. – also he added. – And Will, it from William.

      Nina told.

      – It is clear.

      Moscow was outside the window visible. The flights of the railroad which are closed in one cloth. There and back. To the area, towards Usovo, to Barvikha, from time immemorial at the CPSU, there lived masters of this world. To the ordinary person there the way is ordered. Nobody will disturb rest of their majesties. Never.

      Author: – In this chapter it is written that heroes go by the electric train express. But when there were these events of these electric trains was not. As well as there were no announcements in English. All this appeared much later to the described events. In general, I am surprised why at stations advertize Russian in English? Native Russian. And foreigners come only to the Belarusian station. Let then speak in one language, English. And Russian will fall into oblivion. Though Russian are Slavs. And there is no Mefodiy and Kirill's Slavic language long ago. Only there was this language in orthodox church. And we talk in Russian. In such pies. To you to solve who is right or guilty of this misunderstanding with language. I consider that two official languages have to work in the world. That on which you speak since the birth, and international, English. But who on it speaks? Only we learn to take a walk in the abroad, and to communicate between ourselves, we have always a precedent. Except welcome also give, plainly we know nothing. Only politicians perfectly know this language. For them there are institutes, and for mortal only courses. Only to transfer money to burn. Will take to take, and to learn, hardly? How to speak after that on foreign language? Laughter and only. That's all my thoughts concerning written. Pleasant reading the following chapters.


      Belarusian station

      Station, Belarusian station. Station of our history and patriotism. from here saw off young recruits on the front. From a bed and in a scorching heat of bloody slaughter of the military car murderers.

      I remember the movie, the Belarusian station. Reminiscence of old fighters of the Second World War. Difficult there was time. Cruel time of our general fight with the enemy. Mozhaisk, Vyazma, Smolensk, Minsk, Brest. Not to consider these cities, in everyone there was a war. There is no such corner on the planet where it did not enter, did not show the ugly shape. Billions of innocent people gave the lives for the sake of wellbeing, prosperity, and happiness of the living in poverty generations. It is a pity what sometimes we forget to whom we are obliged by happiness and freedom. Victory! Forty fifth year. As this day was long-awaited. As long we waited for it. How many efforts and unreasonable battles we had to undergo. Fights. Kursk arch. Smolensk copper, Brest fortress, border between Poland, Ukraine and Belarus. The assumed first blow of the enemy, the German plan BARBAROSSA. They to the death remained in the battlefield, without allowing the enemy to break on the territory of the USSR. Four days it was necessary for military commanders-in-chief to go deep rather far on the territory of RSFSR. And only there came frosts which were not known hitherto by aggressors as they gradually realized that war is lost. And only the Reich top, without entering on the earth of the USSR, sitting in the Wolf den did not want to listen about it. They sent on the death of the soldiers, exterminated not only other nations, but also the. All consider that the Second World War began on the twenty second of June one thousand forty first years. It so. War began much earlier. Even not on the first of September one thousand thirty ninth years when Germans occupied Poland. No. War began when Nazis came to the power. This there were on elections one thousand thirty second years. When Nazis won thirty three percent of votes having left behind all remained parties. And in January, one thousand nine hundred thirty second Adolf Hitler was elected German Chancellor and the head of his government. All considered Hitler the savior of the nation, and he nearly led the world to elimination. Nobody knows that was with the world win war Hitler? In my opinion we would be his slaves, obediently выполнявшею its mad will. Fortunately, it did not occur. And in many respects thanks to the Soviet wars. To wars the given life for the sake of rescue of mankind. Young soldiers, without having managed to graduate from school, taken a military weapon in hand went to war. Tears bitterness parting, hardly they will sometime return to a home. Most of them found the rest on fields of battles. Terribly. It is terrible when somebody does not come back home, dies. But it is even more terrible if swearing bury the children. They hate murderers, and take volunteers the field. On fields of battles to revenge for the death of the native person, to uproot this infection from the earth, and to bury her forever deeply underground. Belarusian station. How many did he such stories see for all that time as it was constructed? How many stories can he tell us? Not to consider. We will always remember those years. Years of a cruel fight to death, for the sake of life and good.

      All this it, Belarusian station. How many he saw for the life of tears and a grief. How many joy he saw. Belarusian station. Station of history of the USSR and Russia. Let's forget never about a feat of our people, all planet in fight against fascism. We have no right it to forget. We will always remember it. So far we live in this world. And we will have children, we will tell, and we will punish that never forgot about this bloody fight.


      Do not twirl to what is inspired in you by darkness


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