I am your fifth element. Sergey Strelyaev

I am your fifth element - Sergey Strelyaev

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am your fifth element

      Sergey Strelyaev

      © Sergey Strelyaev, 2019

      ISBN 978-5-0050-1584-6

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      – Yulka, look! You remember this guy? – Irina tried to whisper, but nevertheless left quite loudly: many employees looked back in its party.

      – Wait, – Yulya raised a hand, calling for silence.

      – Yes look! – Irina was not appeased, from impatience pulling the girlfriend a sleeve.

      – Yes that it?! – Kireeva, at last, turned, having taken out a pencil from a mouth.

      – Well. … You remember? – shook the head towards the guy, hardly constrained hands from the habitual gestures often speaking for Irina it is more, than words.

      – Yes leave already “matrix”! – for a moment having turned away, Ira found the girlfriend behind work.

      This time Yulya absolutely did not hear her, but felt an acute pain in a neck from violent turn in the party necessary to Irina. In new situation it was not possible to see the monitor in any way, it was necessary to pay attention to the newcomer.

      – Yes. It it, – was thoughtfully stretched by Yulya, considering the guy.

      – So we will go. Wanted to get acquainted.

      – Inconveniently. Especially with it the Dwarf, – somehow the girl indecisively refused.

      – Yes throw you. Let’s go we will smoke. It is not forbidden, – Irina with a force pulled it for a sleeve.

      – What for a foolish habit? – having discontentedly drawn aside a hand, returned it on the keyboard. – Too often we smoke, – took seat back in a chair, – and so last time each five minutes ran. And not to us to them now. You see, Karl Petrovich brings him up to date. Will acquaint all soon.

      The chief, swinging hands, expressing true enthusiasm, with enthusiasm told about the office entrusted to it.

      – This a look, – Irina left the idea about immediate acquaintance, but to stop and did not think.

      Yulya, as well as a week ago, fixedly studied the young man. And artless chatter of the naive girlfriend only forced down from thoughts. And still it was worth noting: Ira is right about a look of the stranger. And here only two options appeared: or it absolutely brainless being, or is so cool that through cold glass of eyes no slightest emotion filters. Knowing the chief firsthand, it was allowed both: who only did not work with them!

      – Minute of attention! – Karl Petrovich clapped the hands and, without waiting so far all will turn in his party, started business. – I want to present our new employee. I ask to love and favor. Sergey Stvorov. Here …, – significantly added instead of a middle name which could not remember.

      Exclamation of the Dwarf raised smiles at subordinates and even at Stvorov.

      Irina immediately reacted, having as usual begun is speeded up to chatter, to prove something. Yulya continued to watch patiently the beginner, without missing the slightest detail, solving his essence. Often people it clicked as sunflower seeds and the first impression based on observation, yet never brought it. The smile at Stvorov left quite predictable what they also expected, even not a smile, and rather weak movement of lips done only out of respect for the chief, which is not contradicting tired eyes and sluggishness of movements. Though sluggishness was not given laziness manifestation, and rather the same print of care appearing any more not in eyes, and on a body.

      Having shuddered from a sudden call, Yulya mechanically pressed the button of the answer and also mechanically spoke:

      – “Donbass on a palm”. Operator Yulia. Than I can help?

      The persistent voice which is broken on shout demanded some data, forced to turn to the monitor, to be engaged in the duties.

      – One moment – at last returned to the forgotten work.

      – I from you already the fifth time hear it! – the discontent of the client continued to increase. – You what there, became deaf, perhaps?! Why calls you dump?!

      Yulya could swear that asks to wait for the first time. Judging by its inner clock, the conversation hardly began, but the counter of the spent time indicated the opposite. She even lost sight when the girlfriend went back to work and went deep into the same boring routine.

      Having been through with the dissatisfied client softened at the end of the conversation coquettish and as could seem, a promising voice, Yulya turned to Stvorov. On the former place of the guy it did not appear. Also Karl Petrovich was gone from a look. Having twirled on the parties black curls, Yulya began to look for sumatoshno loss as if something important already depended on it. And what turned out to find surprise it absolutely nearby to the right of herself.

      – Here, it is one of our best employees. Get acquainted. Yulya Kireeva, – the managing director with obvious pleasure introduced her. They, undoubtedly, heard taming of the excited client, standing at the girl behind the back. – It also prostazhirut you.

      From the cabin Irina cheerfully smiled, trying to express with the girlfriend only with it to two the known gestures.

      – Volkova! Be engaged, at last, in work, – the Dwarf shouted at it, having forced to be behind a thin pier. – We still will talk to you. … Where you were unsteady in working hours yesterday? Though I guess. A visit of hairdressing salon to you on advantage. The hairstyle is remarkable. I forgive.

      Instead of the answer sounds of furious clicking of fingers about the keyboard, apparently, the increased eagerness designed to represent to work were distributed. Having inclined the head, Volkova left the reddish top on a public inspection, than raised an invariable smile of Karl Petrovich. And in general, thanks to insufficiently high piers dividing jobs, all office resembled the glade covered with the multi-colored mushrooms consisting of hair of employees.

      – Yulya, – gave a hand to the trainee.

      Hiding nervousness, took away dense ringlets from a face, bared two accurate strelochka of eyebrows emphasizing depth of eyes. How many times it tried to be disaccustomed to touch a face with hands – to stop showing the arising disorders. Sometimes it began to turn out. Now everything occurred quite naturally: having ceased to control itself, Yulya did not notice own movements.

      – Sergey, – the guy quietly answered, without changing in the person at all.

      – Go, at last, we will smoke, – the chief disappeared in the office, Irina appeared. – The young man, you will not keep us the company? – zaigryvayushche the girl offered and met a look of reproach of Kireeva.

      – I Ira am called, – continued the approach, without paying attention to Yulya. – Irina Volkova. Here! – parodied all the favourite chief, for eyes called by the Dwarf.

      Stvorov zazhilit a reciprocal smile. The tension was not relieved: perhaps, from Irina there was a bad parodist. Yulia was confused more and more by impudence of the girlfriend. She unlike Irina hid eyes, did not know where to put them on what to stop.

      Volkova, burning, continued an impact, without understanding at all that before her the person not of that warehouse with which it is habitual to deal. It is unlikely he could be enchanted, using standard, and therefore primitive receptions of heartbreakers. Possession of beauty, symmetry of figures and, of course, youth was not decisive factor in their advantage in any way. Though it is worth noticing: often listed quite was enough for conquest of guys and the subsequent pomykaniye with them – art of seduction of the girl perfectly knew.

      – Well, – taking out a pack of cigarettes from a pocket, Sergey agreed.

      Yulia, and with that precipitancy which and did not expect from herself got up the first. It was necessary to correct a short skirt directly at the level of Stvorov’s face moreover and in close proximity. Now angrily Irina sparkled eyes. Kireeva quailed, contrary to herself was ashamed from a subject of constant pride. How many times noted the pleasant eyes

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