I am your fifth element. Sergey Strelyaev

I am your fifth element - Sergey Strelyaev

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line number is filled in…

      Both were deafened by a roar of a marching pipe. Having shuddered from surprise, Alignments pressed Yulia’s head to a breast, covered it from above with hands. The instant fear prevented to feel long-awaited proximity. Somehow all employees managed to make the way imperceptibly to them for a back – precisely in prisiadka. Having fastened on itself cheerful caps and having armed with various pishchalka and horns, children in turn, chorus cried out congratulations to Stvorov. It was accepted by such informal and ambitious method in their nice ranks.

      To the accompaniment of an avalanche of not answered calls various knickknacks were presented, glasses were filled, enormous cake was cut. Again and again, it is also separate, and in a special order phones forgotten by the owners howled. The enchanting spectacle of sounds of technical progress and forest birds muffled congratulations. Some providently pootklyuchat devices, for less perspicacious the problem was solved by the loud music which suddenly rushed from a ceiling. But even its time blocked hysterical squeal of a circular saw in next, still the unfinished building.

      – I congratulate you, the young man, I congratulate, – there was a chief accountant from nowhere.

      Once graceful woman, resembled an iceberg both the sizes, and heaviness of a body now. Improbable thickness of a lens gave the honest and honored toiler. Probably, she was the most “ancient” person in all many thousands company. As if without wishing to recognize an old age, the woman never missed corporate parties or any other holidays.

      Near it, hardly breathing, there was a very young girl only beginning to be transformed to the woman what not up to the end created figure eloquently testified to. And still she already was above age at which the girl wants that she was called the girl, but did not reach yet time when the woman dreams that she was called the girl. Generally, its age was plasticine from which anyone was molded so far. Without reckoning with youth, she did not wish to lag behind others: wore not less short skirt, than at other employees, the defiant make-up was also evident. The interwoven into hair, white bows in a combination to all the rest did it by a toy for role-playing games.

      – Get acquainted. Rita. My granddaughter, – pushed out Pavlovna (so all called her) the girl forward. – Here, I prepare for myself change on Karl Petrovich’s patronage, – Pavlovna for some reason explained, chewing the wrinkled lips a little.

      For the sake of decency of Alignments looked. It did not happen to see so pathetic being yet. He did not understand at all how Rita could be the relative of this enormous creation. Rita’s scantiness against the background of the speaking iceberg was especially distinguished. Anyway, the senior employees showed care of younger generation in the form of continuous patronage. And, most likely, appearance and the girl’s clothes – fruits of the first lessons of teachers mature beyond the years.

      – You know, she is a beautiful girl. And still, – having come nearer, zakartavit to the guy directly in an ear, – I will tell in confidence, pretty mine, I very much tried, organizing this holiday. It was necessary to work much to prove unprecedented expenses.

      – It is sure, you have receptions for implementation of similar decisions for a long time.

      Absolutely misunderstanding the interlocutor, Pavlovna grew stout in a grateful smile.

      – Would like you to ask to take somehow Rita where you will consider it necessary…

      – Pavlovna, – the employee who is still trying to work inconsiderately interrupted, – give data. I will transfer advance payment.

      – My dear! – expressing extreme surprise of an artificial background, Pavlovna rounded already huge eyes. – Yesterday already listed! Personally I received, so, and listed to the rest! To me money for the card comes to the last turn!

      – No, not to us personally, I too in the ATM removed, – having taken arrogance of the chief for a personal insult, Lena lowered tone, took offense, – that, – it is awkward, being ashamed, inclined the head towards a window.

      As if confirming her correctness, on building the tsirkulyarka started singing.

      – And what total amount? – the small atmosphere became impregnated with strict efficiency.

      It was quickly run by eyes according to the brought papers. On Pavlovna’s forehead thick folds of skin were formed. The woman always unmistakably carried data on the number of workers and their salaries in the head and now without effort counted, relying each of them.

      – Tomorrow you will make, – Pavlovna advised, without wishing to distract more. – Why in general to translate this trifle? On cigarettes to them, perhaps is not enough? – playfully apologized to Stvorov for the interrupted conversation.

      – Labor union …, – Lena did not recede.

      – M – and – l – about – h – to – and! There passed Soviet period and the labor union will do what we will tell it. They received everything, – having sharply turned to Lena a back, let know that the conversation is ended.

      – Unless it is not helped by all “our” employees? – the good-natured smile did not descend from Stvorov’s face.

      Interlocutors looked back. Around the great number of girls, by and large, with dissatisfied persons scurried about. And the similar state was not fleeting, and was their constant mask thanks to long carrying which was in time to turn into true shape. Nobody caused employees offenses, there were also no reasons capable to cause irritability or rage. As fault to everything served the secret, and therefore indisputable law: behind a desktop represent mind. First of all – the strengthened work of a brain, and it is unimportant – whether the solitaire “kerchief” agreed on the monitor or the estimate of the new plant is failed; in the rest of the time – the puzzlement supported with discontent, the missed opportunity to make more, having been beyond official duties.

      – So it so, – the woman heaved a deep sigh, – yes here only they can make nothing. Constraining. Directly to Saviour is not present. How many times a talk was carried on about it. But now still that? Got gradually used. And earlier, so in general, continuous tears…

      – It is sure, at you soon everything will turn out, – Sergey once again looked at the girl. – With such teachers you, Rita, just have no choice.

      – God grant, God grant, – he heard following, departing from very strange couple.

      On his happiness from the bathroom girlfriends returned.

      At least got used to them and therefore I was glad to come with them to the landing, despite recent return, preferring in the third time in a row, for a short period to poison an organism with a new dose of nicotine, than to poison to itself a brain with Pavlovna’s chatter. And in general, he was tired of noise and ran away from it as soon as possible.

      – And you somehow in a different way look today? – the guy noticed during the next smoke break.

      – It precisely, – was disapprovingly inserted by Irina, staring at the long dress of the girlfriend hiding harmonious legs.

      Black boots to knees, and then a short skirt and tempting nylon of tights – everything disappeared. For the inexplicable reasons the pride subject, weapon of victories, was expelled suddenly from arsenal of the hostess, however, in ears still the favourite earrings in the form of huge rings which are almost touching shoulders flaunted. Here she could not refuse to itself and, промучившись a solid hour about a mirror, left ornament alone.

      – I for a minute, – suddenly reported Irina, leaving the falling in love couple alone.

      Warmed up by alcohol, Wriggling even more often “accidentally”, came very close, concerned the guy.

      – You Karl Petrovich asked to come.


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