Разведка и контрразведка США (с конца XVIII века и до наших дней). Михаил Юрьевич Дундуков

Разведка и контрразведка США (с конца XVIII века и до наших дней) - Михаил Юрьевич Дундуков

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130, 2 Stat. 781.


      6 апреле 1917 США официально вступили в войну против Германии на основании совместной резолюции Палаты Представителей и Сената, U.S. Code of Laws, Title 50, Joint Resolution of Senate and House of Representatives, P.1189, Washington, Governmental Printing Office 1989.


      См.: Immigration Act of July 4, 1864, 13 Stat. 385; Immigration Act of Feb. 5 1917, 39 Stat. 874; Immigration Act of June 29 1918, 40 Stat. 634.


      Annual Report of the United States Attorney General for 1917 year, p 58, Washington, Governmental Printing Office 1918.


      Act of June 15 1917, 40 Stat. 217.


      § 4, 40 Stat. 219.


      Act To define regulate, and punish trading with the enemy, and for other purposes, Oct. 6 1917, 40 Stat. 411.


      В 1918 -1919 годах к закону было принято несколько поправок: Mar.28, 1918, 40 Stat. 460; Sept.24 1918, 40 Stat. 1020; July 11 1919, 41 Stat. 35.


      Act of Oct.6 1917, Sec. 16, 40 Stat. 425.


      Explosive Act,Oct. 6 1917, 40 Stat. 385.


      Explosives Transportation Act of May 30, 1908, 35 Stat. 554, с поправками от 4 марта 1909 г., 35 Stat. 1134.


      См.: An Act To codify, revise, and amend the penal laws of the United States, Mar. 4, 1909, ch. 321, §§1, 2, 35 Stat. 1088.


      См.: March Peyton C. The Nation At War. New York, Doubleday, Doran and Company, 1932. P. 226; Nelson Otto L. National Security and the General Staff. Washington, Infantry Journal Press, 1946. P. 265


      Report and Hearings of the Subcommittee on the Judiciary U.S. Senate, 66th Congress, 1st Session,1919, Vol. II, P.2254.


      United States Congress, Bolshevik Propaganda, P.14.


      Report and Hearings of the Subcommittee on the Judiciary, Vol. II, P. 2690-2720, 2729-2744,2751-2785.


      Report and Hearings of the Subcommittee on the Judiciary U.S. Senate,66th Congress, 1st Session,1919, Vol. II, P.2778-2779.


      Report and Hearings of the Subcommittee on the Judiciary U.S. Senate,66th Congress, 1st Session,1919, Vol. II, P.2779.


      Report and Hearings of the Subcommittee on the Judiciary, Vol. II, P.2708.


      Report and Hearings of the Subcommittee on the Judiciary, Vol. II, P.2729-.


      New York Times: "Senate Orders Reds Here Investigated" February 5, 1919.


      Report and Hearings of the Subcommittee on the Judiciary U.S. Senate,66th Congress, 1st Session,1919, Vol. II, P.2777;Vol.III P.137.


      Report and Hearings of the Subcommittee on the Judiciary U.S. Senate,66th Congress, 1st Session,1919, Vol. 1, P. iii, iv, v, 5-10.


      65th Congress (Brewers, Vol. 1, P.3).


      Report and Hearings of the Subcommittee on the Judiciary U.S. Senate,66th Congress, 1st Session,1919, Vol. II, P.1388.


      Ibid. P. 1399-1401, 1607-1673, 1806-1813.


      The New York Times, Dec. 8, 1918, P.4; Jan. 26, 1919, P.8.


      Report and Hearings of the Subcommittee on the Judiciary U.S. Senate,66th Congress, 1st Session,1919, Vol. II, P.1596, 1959.


      Ibid. P. 1657, 2787.


      Ibid. P. 1652, 1654.


      Ibid. P. 2788.


      Ibid. P. 1842.


      Annual Report of the United States Attorney General for 1919. P.15.


      Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer on Charges made against Department of Justice by Louis F. Post and Others. Hearings before the Committee on Rules of House, 66th Congress, 2nd Session,1920,, Vol.I, P.158,159.


      Report on Radicalism P.32.


      Current Biography, Who’s News and Why, 1940, The New York Wilson, P.400-402.


      Report on Radicalism P.39.


      Annual Report of the United States Attorney General for 1923. P.78,335.


      Annual Report of the United States Attorney General for 1920 173 P.


      Annual Report of the United States Attorney General for 1919 13,15 P.; Annual Report of the United States Attorney General for 1920 178 P.


      Annual Report of the United States Attorney General for 1920 P.178,179.


      Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer on Charges made against Department of Justice by Louis F. Post and Others. Hearings before the Committee on Rules of House, 66th Congress, 2nd Session,1920. Vol.I, P.23,166.


      Ibidem, Vol.II, P.213.

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